AN: Sorry for the long wait. I love to procastinate and I'm simply a lazy arse.

Disclaimer: Still don't own Harry Potter nor any of the characters.

Bitten Once, Betrayed Twice

Chapter Two

Harry smirked widely while nodding, enjoying the fact that he could shock his old school mates with such a revelation.

"Oh yeah, Draco's a muggle teacher. You should see how infatuated the people are with him. I swear; if I weren't there to growl at a few, my mate would be swept off his feet and kidnapped by at least half the staff," he said.

"But…doesn't that…irk you?" asked Susan.

"It would, if he actually noticed they were trying to get his attention. I tell you, that guy could be hit by a Bludger and still not realize they were after his arse!" laughed the werewolf.

"But how did he get to that job?" pressed Ron.

"He was able to gain that profession through me, Mr. Weasley," said gently Remus, one hand rubbing gently at his stomach. "As he is quite the remarkable young man, he was able to adapt his own knowledge of Potions to be a Chemistry teacher and he also gives an advance French class. The University has a childhood acquaintance of mine, that was in need of a multi-lingual professor and since Draco is both from an English and French family line, with Latin easily incorporated because of his being a wizard and raised as most Pureblood children are, he was perfect for the job. After one year of teaching, his employer asked if he would be willing to extend to Chemistry also."

"Wait, how can he teach Chemistry when he's blind? I mean, don't the student have to handle dangerous chemicals?" asked Seamus, remembering stories about his muggle friends who went to high school during summer break from Hogwarts.

"Well, there is actually a security guard that helps supervise the class and since I'm with him all the time, I get to be an added eye to spot trouble," shrugged Harry.

"And we all know how much trouble loves you," teased the elder werewolf.

Harry rolled his eyes before motioning to Remus with one hand.

"Remus is an at home mum, for the most part. He's also the one to watch over Leo during the week, so the kids have fun, though Teddy will be starting kindergarten soon enough."

Remus glared at Harry for the 'mum' comment, but he didn't retaliate as he tilted his head to the side, eyes going towards the door.

"What is it, dear?" he called softly.

A little head poked in, dark blond curls bobbing slightly as dark amber eyes looked at everyone in the room curiously before they settled on the elder werewolf. Slowly moving inside, the three year old girl hugged Harry's legs, the werewolf patting her head amusedly before she continued to the pregnant male.

"I dun wanna play hide an' seek," she announced gently.

"Ah, so the boys are running around, I see," chuckled Remus.

The girl nodded and cuddled up into her daddy's lap once he placed her there, rubbing at her soon-to-be sibling.

"Guys, this is Lilith, Remus' second kid. He gave birth to her not too long after the end of the war. Ya should have seen how worried his mate was when he decided to simply cover his condition with a Glamour, so he could continue to work for the Order," snickered the Savior.

"If I remember correctly, you also panicked when you learned I had come into the Grant mansion in my condition, to retrieve you."

Harry rolled his eyes, taking a hold of one of Lilith's curls to smooth out, but the hair just curled back up naturally, the little girl not seeming to notice or not caring about the action from her uncle. She was too busy relaxing against her bearer.

"So, how many kids you two have, exactly?" asked Terry, soon adding; "Not that I mean with each other, but with your own mates."

"I got one so far and Remus is about to be having his third and fourth."

"Twins?" asked excitedly Ron, happy to hear about it.

"Yes, they will be twins. I believe it will become that much more exciting at home, don't you think, Lily?"

"Yes! And more when uncle Dray has baby too," she smiled shyly.

The Aurors looked at Harry with raised brows.

"Hum…yeah, two months along now. We're not really broadcasting it yet because they say it's always touch-and-go until at least the third month," replied sheepishly Harry, scratching the back of his neck.

"How many are you hoping for?" asked Lavender, moving closer to the edge of her seat in her eagerness to know, Susan almost doing the same thing.

"Five? Six? As many as we can get while not risking Draco's health, that's for sure. I wouldn't know what to do if he were to get sick while pregnant," answered truthfully the werewolf, a warm smile on his lips as he thought of his mate.

"Aw, cute! How about you, Mr. Lupin? How many more after these two?" pressed on Susan.

"These two should be the last, I believe. As much as I do love my children, I am not as young as I used to be. It was actually more of an accident when I first found out about Teddy than an expected pregnancy. We decided to have Lily after the war, but time decided to give her to us just a bit earlier than expected and the twins, well, they were expected, but not as a duo," he explained gently, lovingly looking down at his daughter.

She looked up and smiled at him, burying her face into his side a few seconds later with a few giggles.

"Yep, so we're all more or less settled."

"What happens during the full moon? I mean, does Malfoy always accompany you? Wouldn't that affect his class schedule?"

"Actually, he sleeps most of it away, curled up against my side, so he's not too bad off in the morning, but he won't hear anything about not going with me. Says even under the wolf bane potion I'm still a danger since I'm so idiotic," rolled his eyes Harry, making Lilith giggle again. "And seeing as today was a weekend day, he decided to stay up most of it."

"Wouldn't that endanger his pregnancy?" asked Susan, now worried for the blond man.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Do you seriously think he would let himself get sick just to stick around with a, quote; throw rug in the shape of a wolf, unquote? He knows to be careful."

The Aurors had wide eyes, a few holding back laughter.

"He calls you a throw rug in the shape of a wolf?" asked Ron, snorting in amusement.

"That's one of the little pet names he has for me. Why do you think he calls me Scar? It's the diminutive for Scar Head, which he uses when he's in a cranky mood or in a formal setting and I'm his guide. Go figure," huffed the black haired werewolf.

That sure made a few of the Aurors laugh, glad that at least their childhood friend and his rival still acted like when they were younger.

"So, what's up with you chaps? I heard there was this werewolf intervention team of Aurors. Are you the only unit?" asked Harry, getting more serious as Remus settled back in a relaxing position and Lilith seemed to content to just nap atop her bearer.

"Yeah, we're to take in renegade werewolves that run around without being registered and without a sure supply of the potion or confinement. It's really hard, especially with all of the packs that don't want to cooperate at all," rolled his eyes Ron.

"And the worse of it all is that we can't really find them until the full moon is there and that's when they are the most dangerous, ya know?" sighed Seamus.

Harry nodded, letting out a deep sigh.

"I know what you mean. Had you guys not caught me out there when I was Scar, you probably would have never known I was a werewolf. Actually, only those who have been since practically childhood will act like the wolves inside them, unless they are sick or something along those lines, but who is actually considered themselves under those conditions?"

"Yeah, so as with you, we try to get them when they're out during the full moon and all, but it's dangerous too for us, not to mention they tend to know the terrain better than us," sighed overdramatically Terry.

"What do you do once you've caught them?" asked Remus, arms tightening around his daughter slightly.

"Oh, we take them to the Ministry of Magic and wait until dawn before we ask them for all information about them, such as name, address, time of infection and also what their security measures are. If they don't have any, we tell them they can either buy from us some of the potion or we have cells that are secure that they can spend the night in where they will be watched over for any complications and also given food," replied with a smile Lavender, understanding the protectiveness from the werewolf.

"Sounds nice enough. If I didn't have Draco, I'd probably take you up on your offer," complimented Harry.

"If only other werewolves thought so too. Most run from us or try to get rid of us, which isn't too pleasant. I'd be fun to have a spoke person to encourage others, though I doubt it would work for the packs," rolled his eyes Seamus.

"It would be nice just have a controlled werewolf during the full moon nights so it would make it easier to track the others," added Susan.

They all fell quiet suddenly and looked over at Harry and Remus, the eldest of the two making as if he wasn't paying attention as he looked down at his child and Harry raising a brow in surprise.

"Do you seriously think that Draco would let me out of his sight during the full moon to go tussle with other wolves to help a Ministry we are still not certain of?"

"You…don't trust the Ministry? But Harry! You practically helped build it!" exclaimed Ron.

"When? After the war, I left. I had no say what-so-ever in this new Ministry."

The five Aurors looked at Harry with wide eyes, not believing what they were hearing. The least the Savior could have said was that he trusted Arthur Weasley as the Minister of Magic, but it didn't seem to be that way. And if they thought about it hard enough, they could understand him. Harry had the shittiest luck with the past two ministers, what with Fudge being in denial and Scrimgeour being less than friendly, except for his denial to tell Voldermort where Harry was before being killed.

A sudden crash and what sounded like childish exclamations followed. Lily was up and looking towards the door. Remus and Harry let out deep sighs before someone else spoke up from the corridor.

"Tedrick Sirius Lupin-Snape! Lionel Lucius James Malfoy-Potter! What is the meaning of this?!"

The five Aurors stiffened as they heard the voice, too used to hearing it in the past. Not a second later, Teddy came running in to hide under the couch, one Severus Tobias Snape just a minute later followed calmly by Draco who held Lionel in his arms, both looking quite calm, if not slightly amused for Draco.

AN: there you are, if there are any errors, just give me a shout.