A/N: This fic was written for the « Monthly Juice Flows of the Creative Mind!» challenge. It was rather a spur of a moment writing than anything else. But I'm satisfied…

Beta: mujer-preservativa.

Theme/Themes: Theme number 7. rain

Disclaimer: Bleach belongs most certainly not to me.


Momo liked the rain. She liked the pleasant smell that lingered in the air afterwards. She liked the odd sensation of raindrops hitting against her forehead when she would stop on her way somewhere and look up to the sky. She loved the feeling of calm and peace that she felt after the storm had passed.

But not so long ago she had found another reason to like the rain.


No one could see tears rolling down her cheeks and her big watery eyes being filled with tears. She found some sort of indulgence in the simple act of crying in the rain. It was odd, hard to explain, bizarre at some point, even. But still, after, she would feel renewed and calm. As if rain had washed all of her sorrow away and healed all her wounds.

It was a lie. She knew that. The sorrow and hurt would stay, and the wounds would bleed forever but it still felt better, even if for a short period of time. But she could pretend, couldn't she?

It was raining now. It was raining for some time now. Lightning flashed again and again in the grey sky and thunder roared somewhere far away.

Momo was sitting in the inner yard of the fifth. Her robes were soaking wet and her hair clenched to her forehead and neck, eyes closed and head raised to the sky.

She was beginning to shake with cold; raindrops were hitting her face and exposed skin, like whips, cold and heavy leaving a burning sensation after. Again and again… Momo closed her eyes even tighter, her hands clenching her robe. She could stand up and walk into the warmth and comfort of her room, but she couldn't find it in herself to move. Frozen and numb she didn't dare to move. It was her self-indulgence and her punishment, her heaven and hell altogether.

"…Hinamori-san," someone whispered behind her back.

Eyes snapping open, Momo swiftly turned around to see who it was. From the fast motion pain suddenly flashed through her head and her vision blanked for a few seconds. When she could see again she saw Kira standing behind her a worried expression on his face.

"It's raining. Why are you out here?" he asked quietly and frowned. It started to rain more heavily now; his robes and hair were becoming wetter by the second.

"…I…" She tried to utter something but all words have left her. And really, what could she say? The truth? It was something that belonged to her alone. There was no need to drag Kira into this. He had enough problems of his own. To lie? Momo hated to lie, especially to someone as dear as him. She didn't want to trouble or worry someone. So she chose silence instead.

She looked away and closed her eyes. She was ashamed of herself, of her weakness, of this situation. Momo could feel tears starting to gather in her eyes, another second and they would start running down her cheeks, mixing with raindrops and fall to the ground. A strong blow of cold wind and she started to shake with cold. The numbness was disappearing, cold and the burning sensation of her skin setting in.

Suddenly she felt something warm on her shoulders and back. She opened her eyes and saw Kira embracing her. She placed her head on his chest and closed her eyes again. Tears were running down her face now.

There was no need for words.

He understood.

So did she.
