You asked, I deliver. But from now on, I won't be writing follow ups on my oneshots. Because it doesn't really improve them. I'm not really happy with this second part either. But I hope you like it. :)

Jenny leaned over the railing, watching the squad room below her. She sipped from her coffee, decaf, unfortunately. Not even close to the real thing. Switching to tea began to sound pretty good by now.

The familiar ding of the elevator made her look at the person who just got out of it. Jethro. Even from up there she could see the scowl on his face, one that only seemed to get darker when he approached his team, watching Tony as he tried to hit Ziva's nose with paper balls. The woman glared once in a while, knowing that any other reaction would only motivate him more.

" DiNozzo, did you get those call logs yet?"

Tony sprung up to a sitting position. "I was just about to start on the Boss, I swear."

Gibbs' hand went back and Tony braced himself for the slap, trying to avoid Ziva's smirk. Instead of the sharp pain he felt a hand softly patting his head. He looked up, dumbfounded.

"So why don't you start DiNozzo."

" Yeah Boss, sure." Gibbs walked over to his desk and behind his back Ziva and Tony exchanged confused looks. Gibbs glared at them, as he sat down, like he knew they were communicating about him.

Jenny bit the inside of her cheek to keep herself from laughing. And this was only the beginning.

Five days later, Gibbs and his team were still working on the same case. With every dead-end lead, two new ones seemed to appear. And so far, it hadn't gotten them anywhere.

Gibbs' mood had continued to go downhill during the last days. His team tried to tip toe around him, to make sure he wouldn't get angry with them.

Another disturbing factor was that Gibbs hadn't headslapped Tony in the last six days. No matter how crazy, stupid, or crazy and stupid his actions were. He continued to get a warning. But not one single headslap.

Tony didn't even remember the last time he'd been this many days without a headslap. Sometimes he was tempted to give himself one, but that was even too much for him. He knew his boss' 'condition' might not last that long so he made something of it, as often as he could. For example by glueing McGee's fingers to his keyboard, again and installing some new features on Ziva's computer. Which she still hadn't found.


Or maybe she did. He saw her coming at him with a stapler and a very scary look on her face. This wasn't good. He made a run for the elevator, Ziva quickly following him. He pushed the button for the elevator over and over again.

"Come on, come on."

He looked to his side, Ziva's glare made him swallow a big lump in his throat and he pushed the button again.

"DiNozzo. Where do you think you're going!" He looked up to the catwalk, Gibbs had come out of the Directors office, a coffee cup in his hand.

"Going to get some coffee, Boss." Finally the elevator had arrived and he quickly stepped in and closed the doors behind him. Hearing Ziva bang on the outside. Cursing at him and threatening him with things that made him cover certain special areas with care.

"Here's you're Caff-pow Abbs."

"Gibbs, how did you know I was running out? Don't tell me your superpowers are exapanding?"

Gibbs just kissed her cheek and left again, "A 'thank you Bossman' following him as he left."

He smiled, Six days, and one to go. His hands were itching, aching to slap DiNozzo again. He needed a distraction, instead of pushing the elevator button that lead to the squad room he pushed the one that lead him to Jen's office.

Like he'd done a million times, he stormed past Cynthia and through the door. He was confused for a moment when he didn't see Jen behind her desk.

"Looking for me?" He turned to find the source of the voice. Jen was sitting on the couch. Rubbing trough her eyes, looking like she just woke up.

"Do you always sleep on the job?"

She glared at him. "Don't start, you're the one who did this to me in the first place." She motioned towards the not so little bump under her shirt.

"I know, I'm paying for it aren't I?"

Jenny grumbled. "Not enough."

"Did you make some kind of deal with DiNozzo, to make him annoy me even more?"

"I told you I wouldn't, didn't I?"

He observed her carefully, "that wasn't an answer."

She sighed, she really thought she would get away with it the first time.

"I might have implied something, but I never told him directly to do it. So I did not violate our agreement."

He walked closer to her, a very determined look on his face. She returned his look, not wanting to back down. He raised his hand and she watched him. Daring him to continue.

"You wouldn't."

And he did it anyway. She felt his hand slap the back of her head. It had been years since he'd last done that. She was stunned, she never thought he would actually go through with it. He walked away from her, and she knew he was hiding a smile.

"You still have one more day to go!" He closed the door behind him as he caught her last words. He sighed as he walked back to his team. Why did he ever agree to that bet in the first place?