Hey! Wow its been super long! I just checked my email and noticed some people favorited me and it made me so happy I knew I had to write! Also I must apologize because I just through this story and relized how many grammatical errors there were and how I even had a hard time figuring out who was talking so I sorry! I will edit way better now. Any whos please enjoy!

Recap: Edward and Bells just ate some deer and nothing really was happening...yeah here we go!

"So what now?" I asked. He glanced at his watch and smiled.

"It's seven." he announced happily.

"Uh...so?" I asked. He walked over to me and picked me bridal style.

"We've got a date! I told you I would pick you up at seven and a gentlemen never goes back on his word." he started running toward his house still carrying me.

"I thought...well i thought you just asked me out so you could drive me to school with out people getting suspicious" I couldn't look him in the eye so i stared at the trees zipping by. He felt a little sad but he shook it off and decided to be happy.

"Nope. I asked you out because I wanted to, an excuse to drive you to school was just a bonus." He said quietly. I smiled and said.

"So what do you want to do?" I felt him shrug.

"How about we just chill at my house and watch a movie." he suggested.

"Sounds good" We got to the door and he kicked the door open, apparently it wasn't locked. We stood just standing there. We'll he was standing and i was still being carried by him.

"So...are you ever going to let me down?" I asked.

"Huh..." he just noticed I was still in his arms. "Oh, yeah." He walked in and set me down by the couch. When I stood I suddenly felt terrible. I stumbled slightly and sat on the couch with my arms wrapped around me. I felt mad, angry, happy, and something else.

Edward was at a giant cabnent that I had never seen before. He was frustrated.

He grabbed a movie and put it in the dvd player.

"Alice said this was a funny movie. I have never seen it though so if it sucks we can blame her." He sat right next to be and put his arm around my shoulder. He was playing with the remote trying to figure out how to play the movie, but I didn't care about the stupid movie I was to busy watching his perfect face.

The pain increased. I felt his arm pressed against me, and watched his face get all scrunchy from being angry at the remote. I couldn't help my myself. I turned his face toward me and pressed my lips against his. I heard the remote fall to the ground and felt his other arm against me. I wanted him. the next thing I knew he was on top of me and I was laying down on the couch. I managed to get one of my hands to his chest and begain to unbutton his shirt. He let his lips leave mine for a split second.

"Bella...are" I felt my fist clench. There was nothing more I hated him. I wanted him off of me. I gasped. I managed to crawl out of his arms some how and flip over the couch. I sat down a pulled my legs into my chest. "BELLA?" How could I be so stupid so stupid. These weren't my emotions...or. "Bella," He hopped over the couch "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." I buried my face into my knees. Stupid, stupid bella.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "Bells." I looked up and saw his perfect face, I felt his concern for me. His shirt was still open. I want to touch him, I wanted him to touch me. I slapped his hand way and crawled away from him backwards. I felt myself sobbing. I wanted to kill, but hold him. AHH!

I grabbed my head. My body was burning. He stood up and backed away. I felt his concern, helplessness, and his pain. I closed my eyes and tried to center myself but couldn't. The pain was to much. Then I felt a little calmer.

"What the hell did you do to her?" I looked up just in time to see Alice smack Edward on the arm. Jasper was right by her, but he was staring at me. Then he grabbed his head in pain. He was next to me in a flash. He kneeled in front of my and started to rub my arms. I felt the calm sneaking into my body making the pain lessen.

"Well? Answer me!" Alice screamed at Edward.

"I don't know we were kissing and then.."

"YOU KISSED MY BEST FRIEND!" Alice tackled him to the floor. I clenched my fists again. I was mad, no I was pissed! My skin began to burn with hatred.

"Bella!" Jasper yelled at me "Focus on me." He was gripping my shoulders. I stared into his carmel eyes and felt myself come back. I was so stupid! I felt so sad i just wanted to run away.

"Bella, stop." His eyes were in pain. He felt what I felt. I was torturing him.

"I'm sorry!" I tried to turn to get away to stop him being in pain. He just pulled me into a hug.

"Don't be sorry. Just focus. Let go of everything. Just, breath." I let the calm take me over.

"Alice it wasn't like that!" I heard Edward scream from across the room.

"How dare you push yourself on her! Look how upset she is." Alice was on top of him punching his face.

"Alice stop!" I let go of Jasper and I felt everything again, but I was okay. I was in control. "I'm fine."

I felt a huge rush of anger pownding and grabbed my head. I noticed Jasper was doing the same thing. I smiled slightly. I liked not being the only crazy one. I grabbed his hand and I let myself feel calm. He smiled.

"You can stop being angry Alice." i told her. SHe was still sitting on Edwards stomache ready t give him another punch. She was confussed.

"What? I'm not mad now that your fine."She said calmly. I still felt the anger though. I looked at Jasper. He seemed to be thinking the same thing as me because he looked confused to. All of a sudden I heard loud crashes.

"I am sorry baby!" Emmett was screaming while he was running down the stairs. "Oh hey Bella! Glad your back" He smiled and stopped infront of Jasper and I. He saw us holding hands and his head turned slightly. He was confused. But before he could say anything a glass vase smashed into the back of his head. Rosalie jumped down all the stairs, as graceful as a deer.

"Cool jump babe!" He smiled at her but she glared. Another vase crashed into him.

"Shut up you are going down!" She screamed at him and started to charge.

"Bye Bells!" He waved and crashed through the door with Rosalie right on his tail. Jasper and I looked down at our hands at the same time and realized that we were squeezing our hands so hard, that our hands were pure white. We both felt as angry as Rosalie. We looked at each other and started to laugh histerically. After a few minutes we snapped out of it and looked over at Alice and Edward. Alice was still ready to punch Edward, and he was laying there helplessly. Jasper went over to Alice and pulled her off of him.

"Come on Alice. You don't have to beat him up today." He smiled, she frowned.

"No fair!" She crossed her arms. I put my arm out to help Edward up.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"It's okay." He took my hand and my skin burned. I let go of him hand and stepped back quickly.

"What is that?" I mumbled half to myself. Edward got up by himself and went to the chair that was the farthest from me and sat down.

"Where's Esme and Carlisle?" Alice asked.

"Upstairs" Edward said in a small voice. He was hurt. I hurt him. I heard giggling coming from upstairs. A moment later Esme came scrabbling down the stairs and Carlisle.

"Hey kids!" Carlisle said when both of them stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

"What have you to been up to?" Alice asked.

"Nothing" Carlisle said quickly. Esme started giggling. "What?" he had a huge grin on his face. He grabbed her waist and kissed her on the cheek.

"Carl!" She half screeched half giggled and she ran to the kitchen. Carlisle ran after her and grabbed her by the waist again and she squeaked and kept running.

"Gross!" Alice shook her head.

"So that's who it was" I heard Jasper mumble under his breath. I looked at Edward and he was staring at the wall in total pain. I felt acky.

"I..." I tried to spaek to him but I couldn't. What would I say? I'm sorry I had a mental breakdown when you kissed me. I looked away. "I'm gonna leave."

"Well bye Bella." Alice still was concerned. "Are you sure your okay now?" I tried to smile convincingly.

"Yeah I am great thanks to Jasper." She smiled.

"I'm glad! I'll see you tomarow" SHe said happily. I was about to walk out but Jasper grabbed my shoulder and look straight into my eyes.

"Are you sure you are okay?" I tried to smile again.

"Of course I'm great. Thank you for helping me but I'm fine now." I could tell he didn't buy it but he smiled.

"See ya tomarow." I ran out the door toward my house. I heard footsteps behind me I stopped and Edward ran up to me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Running you home." He was confused, mad and hurt.

"Okay." I said softly. He kept at least 15 feet away from me at all times. When I was at my back yard I turned around to face him.

"I'm sorry!" I spoke quickly. "I was stupid. I feel terrible for having a breakdown in front of you. You didn't need to see that. I just over loaded. It wasn't me thinking it was my emotions. I'm so sorry." He looked at me and he was still in pain.

"It's fine. It's not your fault." he said quietly. I didn't know what I did he was still in pain. I step forward but he moved away. "I'll see ya later." He ran away.

Well that was fun! I forgot how much fun writing is! lol! Thank you for reading and putting up with me! I would like to hear what you've got to say. I home I wasn't confussing. Any ways thanks for reading!