Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto because that would be too much pressure

A Dogged Love

One beautiful sunshiny day our favorite heroine Sakura was taking a stroll through our beloved Kohona. This was not just any stroll however this was the perfect midday stroll. The midday stroll was the stroll that every ninja not on a mission participated in.

On this midday stroll all of the Kohona 12 (a\n- the Rookie 9 and team Gai together) were going to walk together. After Sakura reached the park, for this was the chosen meeting place, she found that she was not the first nor the last to get there. After 11 of the 12 were there Kiba, the last one, ran up.

"Akamaru will join us later we can go ahead and start our stroll" said Kiba.

After 30 minutes of their stroll they heard a big comotion behind them. When they turned to look behind them they saw Akamaru running towards them.

Thinking nothing of it they just turned back around and continued strolling. This was a mistake because Akamaru didn't stop instead he kept running.

As he ran past them he grabbed and dragged Sakura with him. The 2 of them disappeared in a cloud of dust to not be seen for 2 months.

What everyone didn't know was that during those weeks Akamaru was busing impregnating Sakura.

After they found her they found she was a mom and was officially taken off active duty as a ninja so she could correctly raise her doggy children. Akamaru almost never left her side from then on and simply kept impregnating her and they died in their sleep 5 years later of a freak bombing on their home.

The End

Hey everyone! I know that I said that i wouldn't be submitting anything until just before december 7th but I had some free time and looked up a crack pairing called AkamaruSakura and found nothing so I decided to write something on this crack pairing.

OKAY all the girls that read this need to go to .com/watch?v=l2Xtkrv2S8Q&feature=related because this is a good song for girls.

Last thing I'm sorry for crapyness of this story because it's 11:00 PM and I'm tired.