
I do not own pokemon or any characters in it and such on. I do however own most of the characters in this fiction!

Chapter 1

I was so excited for our field trip to the pokemon mansion today! Oh I almost forgot to introduce myself. My name is matt i'm in my final year of trainer school and since we are going to need our own pokemon my school has talked mister Backlot into letting us each catch one pokemon from his garden. Man I keep drifting any way i'm matt, I'm nine years old and it's my first day of the school year.

Anyway we are going to the mansion tomorrow and I can't wait! Me and my two friends Jake and john are going to battle when we get our pokemon. I wonder what ill get but it's my bed time so I need to go to sleep.


I woke up an hour earlier than I normally do because of the excitement. The first thing I heard was my mom calling for me downstairs for breakfast. I was a little to excited and ran downstairs with no shirt and one shoe on. It was a quick fix but I was a little embarrassed. Eventually after breakfast my mom handed me a poke ball, but it looked a little weird. It was black and had a cool looking pattern on it. I remember in my second year of school my teacher mentioned something called a luxury ball that makes it easier for a pokemon caught in one to become friends with there trainer. I asked my mom if it was for me and she said "yes dear I want your first pokemon to really like you so I bought this for you, use it wisely". I thanked her and ran out the door. About five minutes of walking later I met up with Jake and john like I always do. We started talking.

I wonder what i'm gonna get: Jake said.

Probably something stupid like a krickitune!: john said sort off rudely

Nah you might get a pikachu: I said hoping to make him feel a little better

I hope so: Jake said

We arrived at school after another ten minutes of discussion and were quickly met by Anthony scardogh, the school bully. Fortunately his goons weren't around today so he left us alone after calling us a couple of names like fat ass and prick face. It still angered me though.

We arrived at our first class and patiently waited half an hour for the busses to arrive to take us to heathhome city. But in that half hour something went wrong. Anthony walked in the class and sat next to me and pulled out some paper and a rubber band. I thought he would just shoot me with a mini beedril or two but not my luck. He made five rhydon specials (a wasp that uses an entire sheet of paper for 1) and fired one at my head. He hit me in the eye and I had to go to the nurse and I ran there so I wouldn't miss the trip. Thankfully there was not enough damage to make me stay for more than a couple minutes and I managed to get to the classroom just in time for us to head for the busses.

This is my first story so please R and R and give me suggestions for what you'd like to see in the story.