Forced Love

Summary: Harry and Hermione have been forced to marry, in the name of the light of course. Harry to Lucius Malfoy and Hermione to Severus Snape. Both tried to protest it but nothing worked. Now they face marriage at 17, new families, a war within the walls of Hogwarts and pregnancy?? Neither wanted this but it was forced after all and neither wanted to go to Azkaban. They ended one war but will they be able to end a new war? One that could possibly tear their families apart?


Warnings: Forced Marriage, MPreg, Romance??, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, War, Betrayal, Family

Chapter 1: The Announcement

Sirius Black had collected his godson, Harry James Potter, from his relatives house to take him for a meeting with the minister. Harry didn't even know what the meeting was about but he knew it didn't sound good if Sirius wouldn't tell him about it and was pretty silent, compared to his normally cheerful demeanor. Harry was even more confused when they entered the Minister's office and saw Hermione, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, and Severus Snape, along with Albus Dumbledore, there.

"Minister what is this about?" Hermione asked once the door was shut and everybody was seated. Fudge looked at the adults and Draco before saying to Hermione and Harry,

"Based on recent events that have happened since the demise of Voldemort last year, We have decided to have you two, the big heroes from the war, to marry two other heroes from the war. You cannot refuse this offer, unfortunately." Harry blinked and looked at Lucius and Severus.

"You are bribing us into this? And if we refuse?" Hermione and Harry watched fudge, who had a strange smirk in his eyes.

"Then you and your families will be sent to Azkaban for treason against the ministry" The whole room fell silent and stared in shock at the minister, who was leaning back in his chair. That's when Hermione finally exploded.

"Minister I hate to be rude but this is very uncalled for. There would be no proof and then there would be an outcry for your dismissal from office! This is bribery and illegal at best! You can't do this!"

"You'll find that I can Miss Granger. Now don't cause any trouble Harry, Hermione. Its only for the best"

"Depends on who your having MY GODSON marrying, Minister Fudge" Sirius growled, finally speaking.

"Why he will be marrying Lucius of course" Harry's eyes widened and Sirius had to be restrained from committing a double murder in that office. Harry looked at his godfather and then back at the minister.

"You harm ANYONE in MY family and I swear to fucking god Minister, I will have your head on a silver platter and served medium well in a lemon and butter sauce with soup and salad you got that?" Fudge swallowed and then nodded, seeing the icy glare in Harry's eyes.

"And that would mean I'm marrying………….." Hermione said uncertainly as her eyes darted from between Severus and Fudge to Dumbledore.

"Severus Snape" Hermione fainted and Harry kneeled next to her. He knew that Hermione actually liked their potions professor but she didn't imagine marrying the guy.

"Minister Fudge I am warning, any funny business during this whole process and I will let my godson do what he has promised" Sirius snarled before helping Harry with Hermione. Severus and Lucius followed them out of the office, with Dumbledore and Draco not far behind them. Hermione had finally came to when Lucius, Severus, Draco, and Dumbledore had caught up with them. She was shaking and Harry was holding her and muttering something unintelligible in her ear, while Sirius was pacing in front of them. Sirius had been reinstated into the Auror department and was now head of the department, so he had his own (and rather large) office that they were now in.

"Ok lets get one thing straight Malfoy" Sirius growled and Harry shot him a warning glance before going back to Hermione, "Hurt my godson in ANY way and I will chuck your sorry ass into Azkaban so fast you won't have time to say quidditch you hear?"

"Black I assure you even I didn't know about this until before you and Harry arrived in the office. I would not lay a hand on him if it meant harm you hear. I do take great pride in my family and therefore will not hurt ANYONE in my family" Lucius shot back as he glared down Sirius. Harry handed Hermione off to Draco, who was their best friend, and stood up.

"OY! SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU! Sirius back down. We know that Lucius wouldn't raise a hand to me, compared to my relatives and you know it Siri. I think the real question here is why the minister is doing this you guys." Lucius and Sirius stared at Harry before sighing.

"I will get to the bottom of this quickly. Until then……………..well it seems we have to weddings to plan don't we?" Dumbledore said with a sad sort of air to him. Harry sank into a chair as he watched his headmaster leave the room.

"I swear Fudge is up to something but I can't put my finger on it" Lucius muttered. Harry looked at his fiancé, suddenly aware of how attractive the man looked to him. Harry blushed and then looked away, giving his attention back to Hermione. This was going to be a long year.

The Burrow: Later that Evening

Harry was sitting with his friends as they tried to comfort a hyperventilating Hermione as the adults spoke loudly around them.

"This is outrageous and we shouldn't have to deal with it" Arthur said darkly. Lucius Malfoy was there and he was leaning against the wall calmly. He finally pushed himself of the wall and replied,

"Unfortunately my contacts within the ministry have come up with nothing so far and they say that Fudge doesn't have a motive even. It seems as if this came up out of nowhere, with no beginning and possibly no ending."

"Harry your fiancé is very cute" Harry stared at Luna, who was watching Lucius very intently before her eyes swiveled around to look at Charlie Weasley, who had been discovered as her chosen fiancé. Remus was consoling his best friend over the fact that Harry was marrying Lucius and Sirius wanted to kill. Hermione was going to marry their potions professor and Draco was going to marry Ron Weasley. He was fuming about that and had just returned for yelling about the injustice of the world. Obviously he was NOT pleased at all with anything.

"Luna I wish you luck with the Weasleys" Hermione muttered before she went back to breathing hard into her brown paper bag that Draco had brought with him. Severus was watching her closely and then sighed before coming over to them. Everybody in the group stiffened with fear and Hermione visibly lost the rest of her color. But Severus just handed her a calming draught before saying,

"Please take this Miss. Granger or you're going to faint" Hermione accepted the calming draught and downed it in one gulp before she slumped against the wall in defeat. She managed to get out a weak,

"Thank You" before she fell asleep. Ginny carried her best friend up the stairs, all the while muttering something about incest and perverted ministers. The poor girl was going to marry Sirius Black and had barely said nary a word that evening.

"Harry come here please" Harry stood from his seat on the couch and went over to where Sirius and Lucius were standing, Sirius glaring at Lucius and Lucius watching Harry intensely.

"Harry thanks to these new laws, it is required that you live with your fiancé for up to a month to your marriage. So you're going to have to move to Malfoy Manor tonight" Sirius said through gritted teeth and Harry nodded.

"Harry you will have our own room until your either ready to share my bed or until the marriage," Lucius added and Harry nodded again.

"I'll say goodbye to everybody then" Harry turned on his heels and went back over to his friends. Ron had finally joined them and looked at Harry with pleading and pitying eyes.

"I'm leaving now you guys. I uh have to move over to Malfoy Manor now" Harry muttered without looking at any of his friends.

"Harry stay strong. This will not be too bad in the end" Fred said as he shot a glare at his youngest brother to shut up. Luna gave him a hug and Harry turned, taking a deep breath as he turned. His eyes met Lucius, who was speaking quietly with Severus and Molly Weasley, before walking over to Sirius and launching himself onto his godfather. Sirius tightened his arms around Harry and whispered,

"Be strong Pup. I love you and I'll write to you every day" Harry smiled and nodded before releasing Sirius and turning to Draco and Lucius to go back to Malfoy Manor. Lucius stuck out the portkey and Harry touched it, trying not to touch Lucius in any way yet. He was already freaked out about the prospect of having his first time with Lucius.

Malfoy Manor

Harry managed not to stumble when his feet hit the stone floor of Malfoy Manor. He looked around the front hall, where they had landed, and gaped.

"Holey shit" he muttered and Draco and Lucius shared a smirk. The manor was even bigger than Hogwarts, maybe, and was simply stunning. The floors were of the purest Egyptian alabaster marble with light green, silk curtains in the large windows. The staircases were lined with gold and were of the purest white marble in the world, which came from the heart of Antarctica itself. A huge chandelier hung above them, made from the finest silver in the world. Harry rolled his eyes. Malfoys had to have the finest things in the world. That's who they were.

"I take it you approve Harry?" Harry jumped and looked at a smirking Draco and Lucius. He swallowed before replying,

"Yes. I…………wow. It s really wow"

"I am glad that you approve of your new home. Now I will have a house elf show you to your room Harry and she will be assigned to help you with your way around the manor until you are sure you can get through it without getting lost" Harry nodded and watched as Lucius summoned a House Elf and spoke with it quietly. He caught Draco's eyes and looked away, for he was still feeling weird about becoming his best friend's stepfather in a month's time. And that he would be stepfather-in-law to his OTHER best friend and that Hermione was going to become his goddaughter-in-law or something like that. He wasn't sure.

"Would Master please follow Tilley now please" Harry nearly jumped when he heard the house elf speak to him but he nodded and bid the Malfoys goodbye before hurrying after the little creature. Tilley spoke to him about the history of the manor and pointed out some of the paintings in the house, such as Lucius' mother and father, his dead grandparents, and such. Harry just followed her and let everything register with him.

"This is master's room. Master Malfoy is just across the hall and Master Draco is across the hall and 10 doors down Master Harry" Tilley finally said when they stopped in front of a set of double, gold embedded doors. Harry nodded his thanks and pushed the doors opened, nearly fainting when he walked in. He had never seen a room this big before and he LOVED it. The sloping ceilings, the large king-sized bed, the windows, the fireplace, everything was perfect and Harry loved them.

"Will Master Harry be needing anything?" Tilley asked and Harry shook his head no.

"Thank you though Tilley. I'll see you in the morning Tilley" Tilley bowed and left the room, shutting the doors as she did. Everything from that day finally caught up with Harry and Harry sank onto the silk sheets of the bed and finally began to cry. The ministry was ruining EVERYTHING that he had wanted after the war by forcing him to marry Lucius Malfoy. The man wasn't bad but he was his best friend's father. That was completely wrong. It was so wrong in so many ways. He felt so utterly controlled and that he wouldn't be able to live his life the way HE wanted to live it.

Harry eventually cried himself to sleep and the entire time he cried, he did not notice the woman in one of the paintings watching him sadly. The woman left when Harry fell asleep finally and went to go talk to her son.

Library of Malfoy Manor

"Son" Lucius looked up from his book and smiled softly at his mother, dear Rose Malfoy, who smiled back briefly.

"I've just been watching Harry and well the poor dear is upset. I think the events of today have finally caught up with the poor boy. He just fell asleep." Lucius sighed and put his book away before rubbing his face tiredly.

"I actually feel bad for him you know. Mother what am I to do about this?"

"Luc I can see that you care for the boy. Show him you care. Show him that he is going to be very loved. Don't make the same mistakes your father made with me and the same mistakes that you made with Narcissus alright dear?" Lucius nodded and smiled at his mother, who smiled back and said,

"Go get some sleep my son. Please. You know how cranky you get when you don't get sleep." Lucius nodded and bid his mother a farewell and headed upstairs. He reached the master's suite and looked across the hall at Harry's door and sighed sadly.

"Harry I will show you that I am a gentle man. Not the cold and cruel person you think I am." With that he entered his bedroom and closed the door with a soft click.