A/N: Yes it's short...technically a drabble, I suppose. But that opening line has been in my head for a few days. So the shortness stays. I don't own the characters or Death Note. Hence fanfiction.

"Are you fucking kidding me? It's fucking freezing." The statement was almost indignant.

"You sound like my mother." Matt said, pulling the zipper up on his vest.

The blonde boy simply stuck his tongue out at him in reply, a small pink gesture of defiance, "What mother?"

"Shuddup..." Matt murmured in a sing-song, pulling down his goggles.

Mello leaned against the wall beside the door, "All I'm just pointing out that it's probably negative ten out there and all you're gonna wear is that dumb-ass ratty old vest?" He slipped his hands into his pockets.

"Mother," Matt repeated as he bent to check the laces on his boots.

"You could have done this ten minutes ago." Mello almost teased, with a hint of real impatience in his voice, "I explained the plan to you this morning. And you wait until now to get dressed-"

Matt cut him off with a swift kiss, "Let's go?"

"If you get frost bite, I am not dragging your sorry ass to a hospital." Mello stated, opening the door and slipping through.

Matt smiled at Mello's back, "I know." He said quietly, tugging at his stupid vest.