Chapter nine! Woohoo! I have finally figured out exactly where I am going with this and where it is going to end. As of now, I'm really not sure about a sequel, probably not (because clearly my time management skills suck) but there is a slight possibility. Before I keep babbling, I'll just give you chapter nine. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I have been on here for over five years now. I didn't own anything then, I don't own anything now. Nothing has changed :D

The midday sun shone brightly through Shane's open window, assaulting the closed eyes of the two sleeping teens.

Mitchie rolled over and stretched her arms high in the air. She looked wearily at the clock. 2:30 pm. They had better wake up, otherwise school would be dreadful the next day.

She blinked her eyes a few times to clear them up then began to shake Shane awake.

"Shane, come on querido, wake up. It's two thirty."

He moaned in response and rolled away from her. "Leamealone…." He mumbled.

"Seriously, come on, get out of bed!" Mitchie yelled, "You're going to be hating life tomorrow if you don't."

"Le's jus' skip de rest o'de week." He grunted in annoyance.

Clearly, this was a lost cause. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Mitchie left him in his room to sleep and meandered her way down to the kitchen for some food. Mrs. Grey was sitting at the island, drinking a glass of iced tea. Her face lit up as soon as she saw her middle son's girlfriend.

"Mitchie, darling! How have you been? It seems like we haven't conversed in ages!" Although Mrs. Grey was not very old, one could tell that she had lived a fulfilling life up until now and it would only continue to get better. It never ceased to amaze Mitchie how beautiful this woman was. She always seemed to stare at Mrs. Grey and ponder her life. It was strange, but relaxing at the same time.

"Hi, Mrs. Grey. It's been a few days."

"Shane has been at your house the last few days, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am. I figured with college coming up soon, we should spend some time with my parents, too."

"Excellent point, dear!" Shane's mother agreed. "We must all get together soon for a nice dinner."

"Sounds great, Mrs. Grey. Well, I better go get Shane up, otherwise he won't want to go to school tomorrow."

"Ah yes, it is your last week, correct? Senior week?"

Mitchie smiled enthusiastically. This was the week that she had been looking forward to the entire year. "Yes ma'am!"

Mrs. Grey laughed at the girl's poorly hidden excitement. "What will you be doing this week?"

"Well, tomorrow we're all going to the beach, then on Tuesday we're going to Disneyland, Wednesday we're going to the movies, then having a luau that night, Thursday we have graduation practice, and Friday is graduation."

"Sounds like quite the busy week. Better go try and get Shane again. His brothers and the girls left a couple hours ago and went to the park. If you hurry, you might be able to go join them for a bit."

"Thanks for the heads up, Mrs. Grey!" Mitchie bent to kiss the older woman on her cheek, then took off running up the stairs.

Looking in the room, Shane was exactly where she left him, sprawled out on the bed in nothing but his boxers. Mitchie took a deep breath and took off at a run. Right before she hit his bed, she launched herself in the air and landed smack dab on Shane, successfully waking him up and knocking the wind out of him.

"Holy….oh my….Mitchie!" He heaved as he sat up, struggling to catch his breath.

Mitchie laughed and rolled off of her disheveled boyfriend. Part of her said that she should feel sorry, but at the same time it was way to hilarious to apologize. Plus, to top it all off, he looked absolutely adorable with his cheeks flushed a dark pink.


"At least you can form a semi-complete sentence now." She giggled.

Shane stood up and pointed at her laughing form. "It's not funny, you're mean and abusive. No sex for you!"

"How is it that you can make just about any situation about sex?"

"I'm a red-blooded, horny, teenage boy. That's how." Shane crossed his arms in front of himself, clearly proud of his 'witty' comeback.

"No, you're just a perv, that's all it is." Mitchie crossed her arms as well. "Now, hurry up and get dressed horndog, otherwise I'm leaving you here while I go to the park to meet up with everyone."

"See, like I said, mean." Shane stuck his tongue out for emphasis.

Mitchie just sighed and shook her head, what else could she do? Clearly, the boy never learned. Slowly, hoping that maybe he'd be able to tell what she was about to do and stop, Mitchie walked right up to Shane. He was a slow learner, apparently. She licked his tongue and just like that, Shane took off running to his closet to change.

All that could be heard was Shane gagging and yelling over his shoulder, "I told you not to do that!"

"Then stop sticking your tongue out at me you moron!" She quickly replied. "Great, my boyfriend is officially a perv and an idiot. Just my luck."

In what had to be the fastest time ever, Shane was dressed and heading down the stairs followed by an astounded Mitchie.

She quickly noticed that he didn't do his hair and had left it curly. Hoping that he had done it on purpose as per her request was asking for way too much, so she was forced to assume that he had forgotten.

Was she going to tell him, though?

'Definitely not.' She laughed at how she seemed to be talking to herself more and more lately. A true sign of adulthood.

When the couple finally made it to the park right across the street from their high school, they found Nate and Jason racing across the monkey bars while Caitlyn and Ella cheered them on by jumping up and down and screaming at them. Well, Caitlyn was screaming at Nate not to lose, Ella was jumping up and down in anticipation.

"Come on, Nate! We are not going to owe these two morons a trip to San Diego Zoo! Go, go, go!" Caitlyn yelled as she pumped her fists into the air.

Apparently the two boys had set up an obstacle course of some sort because as soon as they jumped off of the monkey bars, they each ran up one of the two spiral slides. Nate hit a bit of a rough spot half way through when he lost his footing and skidded back down to the bottom.

With a brief cursing fit, Nate took off again a double speed, almost catching back up with Jason.

By this time, Mitchie and Shane decided to sit on the swings and watch the hilarity ensue. Why not? They weren't a part of the bet.

Jason reached the top of the slide and jumped out of the small enclosure at the top, propelling himself with great speed down the first set of stairs. Just as he got to the wobble bridge to cross, Caitlyn ran up under it and started to shake it like crazy, trying to make him fall so that Nate could cut in front and take the lead.

The normally oblivious and pacifist Ella noticed her boyfriend was in trouble and ran and tackled Caitlyn to the ground, giving Jason time to get his balance again before taking off down the second set of stairs towards the small slides.

Nate had just made it half way across the bridge when Jason almost literally flew down the slide and towards the finish line, also known as Mitchie and Shane. How they had become the goal, they had no idea, so they just sat there and continued to swing.

Jason sat down on the swing next to Mitchie and claimed victory with a triumphant yell.

Nate, Caitlyn, and Ella showed up shortly after and congratulated him, two begrudgingly and one with a kiss on the cheek.

"Now we get to go to the zoo! Yes!"

Shane just shook his head and pat Nate on the back, wishing him better luck next time.

The six friends sat at the park for a few more hours before admitting that they were getting burned out hanging with each other all the time, so they all went back home to their own houses (for once), and decided to meet up at the beach tomorrow with the rest of their class for their first day of senior week.

Once at home, most of them went straight to bed, knowing that tomorrow would be exhausting, and, if they were honest with themselves, they were still tired from the night before.

The next morning, Mitchie got in her car a bit tiredly and drove to the nearest Starbucks for a tea to help wake her up. After getting her half passion, half green tea, she decided to be nice this fine morning and go pick up Dunkin' Donuts for them all.

Finding parking at Huntington Beach was a different matter entirely. Especially when your class consisted of around five hundred students and almost no one carpooled. Another contributing factor was all the other beach goers staking their spots right around them. Mitchie was forced to park all the way down by lifeguard tower twenty-six and walk back to number fifteen. It was a total pain in the ass carrying her drink, bag, surf board, and their donuts all in one trip. One trip well worth it though; she was not walking all the way back to her car.

For whatever reason, she was early and made it there before most of her classmates, giving her the perfect spot to set up for her and her friend. Carefully, she laid her board down in the sand and set her bag and donuts on top of it. Rifling through her bag, she found the extra-large towel she had brought and laid it out so that she could take her things off of her precious board.

That board was her baby and a gift from her aunt and uncle on her sixteenth birthday. She had treasured it ever since. A midlength board, it was white with a single sea foam green stripe down the middle. Of course, they had added a few Quiksilver, Billabong, and O'Neill stickers onto it for her to make it extra special. She adored it.

Humming along to the song that she had last heard in her car, "Crimson and Clover" by Joan Jett and The Blackhearts, Mitchie pulled her shirt over her head and her basketball shorts down to show her new bikini that she had just bought not too long ago. Her top was black with a bunch of different colored Roxy symbols all over. For her bottoms, however, she had opted for a cute black pair of board shorts with blue flowers, seeing as they seemed a bit more practical for her when she surfed.

She had given up humming the song and was now softly singing it as she pulled her white and blue short sleeved rashguard out of her bag and over her head. It fit snugly to her body and looked really nice with her shorts. As she sat down to attack the leash to her ankle, she also pulled her hair back out of her face and stood up.

Done getting ready, she picked up her board and charged the water, ready to catch some waves before all of her classmates arrived and started crowding the water even more.

Caitlyn, on the other hand, lived a lot closer to the beach than the rest of them. Though technically not zoned to go to the same high school as the rest of them, Caitlyn grew up with Mitchie and met her when she used to live down by the beach as well, so they wanted to stay together, even when Mitchie and her family moved a little further inland. As for how she was able to go to their school, it was simple; her grandmother lived right by it and allowed Caitlyn to use her address to make it easier.

Living next to the beach really played to Caity's advantage today. She got to sleep in a little later than normal, and she didn't even have to take her car and waste the gas.

"Bye mom, see you after while!"

"Caitlyn, hon, be careful. I know you've done it a million times, but it makes me nervous when you ride your skateboard and carry your surfboard at the same time. There are a bunch of idiots out around here, you know." Caitlyn's mother was a very sweet woman, she just worried about her daughter's wellbeing a lot, like most mothers do.

Caitlyn smiled and kissed her mother on the cheek. "Don't worry, you raised me well. I'll be fine."

Her mother waved to her as Cait took off down the sidewalk on her skateboard with her eclectically painted yellow and blue shortboard tucked carefully under her arm. Mentally, she checked to make sure she didn't forget anything. Her rashguard was in her backpack, as well as her towel, sunblock, and mini cooler on her back. She had her bathing suit on, her sunglasses on, she was good.

She continued on down through her residential area, then sped out onto the main road towards the 7-11 on the corner.

Hopping off her board, she picked it off and walked into the convenience store. The clerk shot Caitlyn a look, causing her to laugh and leave everything sitting by the doors.

"I know, Steve, I know. It's all staying right there; just make sure no one steals it. That stuff is my life right there."

Steve just shook his head and sent the other clerk over to stand watch over Caitlyn's things.

She meandered back towards the energy drinks and grabbed a Monster before heading over to the candy isle and grabbing a pack of licorice.

Making her way over to pay, Steve coughed and looked pointedly at Caitlyn.

"What did your mother say about real food?"

"Well, Steve," she smirked, "I don't know if the sandwiches you sell here qualify as 'real food.'"

"Caitlyn, food now."

The girl in question sighed and walked over to the 'real food' section and grabbed a sausage and egg biscuit.

"Happy?" she asked, holding it high above her head and she walked back towards the counter to pay.

"Ecstatic. $5.40."

"Gahh, really? Bastard." Caitlyn groaned as she handed Steve her money and headed back to the front of the store to grab her things. "Thanks, see you later."

Steve and the other clerk just shook their heads as Caitlyn took off towards the beach again.

"Boss, why do you put up with her lip every single day?" The younger clerk asked Steve.

"Because she pretty much single-handedly finances this place with how much crap she buys here. She could call me a jackass for all I care, she keeps us in business."

The younger man nodded his head and went back to grab boxes in the back.

Caitlyn faced the same problem this morning that she usually did: Should she eat here and waste time, or wait until she got to the beach and eat it with some nice, crunchy sand?

This morning, she decided to quickly eat first, then jet to the beach.

Arriving in record time, Caitlyn found her and Mitchie's usual spot whenever they were on school trips and unceremoniously dumped her backpack on the ground so that she could get her rashguard out.

Yanking it on over her head, she hopped on one foot trying to get her leash attached to her ankle without dropping her board and somehow made it to the water without falling flat on her face. Paddling out, she scanned the water just passed the breakers, trying to spot Mitchie and her board.

Ella, unlike her two best friends, was not a surfer, nor did she have any desire to be one. She was perfectly fine lying out while they surfed the morning away, waiting for the boys to get there so that they may start a rather epic game of beach volleyball. She had asked Jason the other night if he had ever played before and he had said that he and his brothers had played volleyball before, yes, but never in the sand.

"How much harder could it be?" He had joked.

Ella smiled. He had no idea what he was getting himself into.

It seemed like it was going to take forever for Mitchie and Caitlyn to come in, so she decided to take out her volleyball and warm up a bit. It really wasn't fair for the boys, not only because they had never played before, but because of the two surfer girls as well. As soon as they were done, they were always so pumped up with adrenaline, even she had a hard time beating them sometimes, and she was a beach volleyball champ!

Twenty minutes later, the waves started dying down a bit so Ella knew that her friends were due in any minute. She had respectfully waited for them to get out before she ate her donut, so she set out her picnic sheet for them to all sit on as they consumed the sugary goodness known only as Dunkin' Donuts.

Sure enough, by the time Ella was done anchoring the sheet down with their bags and Cait's skateboard, her two surfer friends were making their way up the sand towards her laughing.

"Ells! Glad you finally got here, have you been waiting long?" Mitchie asked as she started peeling her rashguard off of her body.

Ella shook her head. "No, not really, just about half an hour, maybe a little longer. No big deal. Ready to eat?"

Caitlyn's face brightened up significantly at the mention of food. "Umm, duh! Bust those donuts out, Ella baby!"

After eating, the three girls decided to lay out and work on their tans for a little bit until the guys got there, after all, they had gotten there quite early. It was only now ten thirty, meaning the guys probably wouldn't be there for at least another half hour, if not more.

The environment at the Grey household was quite the opposite this morning in comparison to the girls'.

"Dude! Where are my trunks? Nathanial!" Shane yelled as he ran down the hall towards his brother's room. "Where are they?"

"Check your drawer! I thought I lost mine too and that's where mom had put them. Hurry up, we're running late!"

It had been like this for the better part of an hour now, Shane yelling, Nate yelling back, and Jason sitting back relaxed, waiting for them to go.

Finally, all three Grey brothers were ready to go, two in an absolute panic, while the other casually strolled out the door. After all, really, what was the rush?

Whereas Mitchie had to park only a handful of lifeguard towers down, the boys had to drive through the massive parking lot for almost half an hour before finding a place to park. Luckily for them, a car in the closest parking lot to their tower had just pulled out.

They grabbed all of their bags and trudged out towards where they saw the girls sitting. When they dropped their things, Mitchie looked at the three boys, looked at Caitlyn and Ella, and began to laugh. The latter two looked at the boys the same way Mitchie had, then began to laugh as well.

Shane, Nate, and Jason all shared a look and shrugged their shoulders. What in the hell were they laughing at?
"Umm, Mitchie, darling? What exactly is so funny?"

"Oh nothing, Shane," Mitchie attempted to contain her rather loud guffaws to no avail.

Shane looked a bit frustrated. "Come on, Mitchie. Seriously, what's up?"

"You just scream, 'I'm not from around here!'"

Confused, Shane glanced down at his wardrobe. "What do you mean? I'm wearing a tank top and my trunks. How does that not fit in?"

"Shoes, babe. All three of you are wearing tennis shoes on a beach. If that doesn't scream tourist, I don't know what does."

All three boys pouted as they sat down and took their shoes off. How were they supposed to know? They never went to the beach with the girls before, so they thought it was normal to wear shoes when walking in sand.

Caitlyn climbed into Nate's lap after he threw his shoes over by his bag and gave him a peck on the lips. "Don't worry about it, baby. Now you know."

Nate nodded his head and tried to think how to boost his, and his brothers', ego back to its normal size. That is when he spotted Ella's volleyball.

"Let's play a friendly game, shall we? California girls versus Jersey Boys?"

Mitchie shared a brief look with Caitlyn and Ella before smiling at the youngest Grey boy.

"Sounds good to us. Losers have to streak down the beach in front of everyone from school, deal?"

"It's on!" Shane yelled with a huge, goofy grin on his face. They were volleyball champs-they had this in the bag!

"Alright, first to twenty-five wins."

Needless to say, the boys got creamed six to twenty-five. They accepted their punishment graciously and stripped down to their birthday suits, running circles around their classmates, much to the female's enjoyment and the male's chagrin.

After playing around in the water for hours, the waves started to pick up again, so Mitchie and Caitlyn ran back up to their spot to put their rashguards back on and grab their boards.

Shane and Nate sat up on the sand while watching their girlfriends surf. They knew that it was a passion of theirs, but they didn't know that they were actually, well, good.

Ella and Jason took the opportunity to walk hand in hand down the beach away from their friends and family. The sun was just about to start setting, so the whole scene was quite romantic. All in all, the day was perfect.

Sorry about the semi-abrupt ending, but I figured you guys would rather have this than nothing at all. Please, please, please try and stick with me! I know I'm slow, but I am doing the best I can at the moment. Reviews?

xoxo Amanda