Author's note: This was originally posted as the first chapter of "Colleagues ... Friends ... Lovers" but I am reposting it, along with chapter two, as "Secrecy" due to a change in direction I'm toying with. Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed. I have to give a special shout-out to Tonnie and Tracia for their encouragement and feedback. You ladies rock! I have no claims to Criminal Minds or its characters.

Seven sharp. That's when he said he'd be here, and that's when she said she'd be ready. It was seven and her doorbell was ringing.

It was the night of the BAU Christmas party at an upscale club near D.C., the night Jennifer Jareau and David Rossi made their public debut together. This day had been one of the longest of JJ's life, and she had been by turns excited, anxious, deliriously happy, and scared to death. She wasn't afraid to be with him, but she was uneasy about the team's reaction to their attending the party together. Sure, they knew she and Rossi were close, but they didn't know how close.

When he joined the team after Gideon's departure, she had been in complete and total awe of him, though as time passed, she still found herself in awe of him, but in a very different way. He was all man, and something in him spoke to something in her deeply, on a primal level that had become harder and harder to ignore over late-night drinks in no-name bars in no-name towns, and long, quiet talks on the jet to and from Quantico. The professional relationship had turned personal a few weeks back, when she had invited him to join her for Thanksgiving at her home. Once they'd finished eating and cleaned up the the kitchen and dishes, they had decorated her Christmas tree and spent the rest of evening curled up on her couch, sipping the fine Italian wine that had been Rossi's contribution to their Thanksgiving. JJ had been willing to bet it was at least as expensive as her couch.

She smiled to herself as she slipped on silvery heels and grabbed the silvery wrap she had bought to wear especially with that sexy little black dress she firmly believed any self-respecting woman should have, purchased a long time ago but saved for a special occasion such as this. A quick spray of Chanel on her wrists and her neck and she was ready to answer the door.

JJ looked through the peephole just to be sure that it was indeed Rossi waiting to be let in. Oh, God, he was wearing a tux. He looked good enough to eat. She closed her eyes briefly, ran one hand through her hair and the other down the front of the dress that clung to her body in all the right places, and prayed for strength before opening the door. She would need it if she were to get through this night.

As JJ prepared herself, Rossi did the same on the other side of the door. Cuff links and shoes had been polished, hair and beard had been trimmed, car had been washed and detailed. He had seen and been with many beautiful women, but JJ was different. She had done nothing but impress him since he'd met her, but knowing her professionally was simply not enough. He wanted to know her personally, intimately, if he were honest.

The sight that met his eyes when she opened the door nearly stopped his heart. JJ's hair fell halfway down her back in loose curls, her make-up darker, more intense, than she wore it for work, but her jewelry very simple – an antique diamond bracelet and matching earrings that had belonged to her grandmother. Oh, yes, he definitely liked what he saw. He couldn't believe that she was the least bit interested in him.

Neither said a word. They simply stood there, the electricity crackling in the air between them. Finally, to break the ice, Rossi took her in from head to toe and let out a low whistle, causing JJ to giggle and spin around playfully. She struck a seductive pose as she faced him again. "Well? Whaddaya think, Agent Rossi?"

"I think, Agent Jareau," he said slowly, his voice hoarse and low as he pulled her close and breathed in her scent, "that you will be the most stunning woman at this shindig tonight." She expected a kiss, but instead he presented her with a huge bouquet of red roses. "For you."

JJ blushed and smiled shyly as she buried her nose in the roses. "Thank you," she whispered. "They're beautiful."

He knew it would sound corny, but he said it anyway as he offered her his arm. "Not as beautiful as you. And now, if you're ready, your chariot awaits, my dear."


JJ and Rossi passed the ride with small talk and companionable silence. She could feel herself sinking into the leather seats of his luxury SUV, and she found she liked knowing that he was at the wheel, driving them to a party to meet their friends, Christmas approaching. JJ had never been this happy, never felt this cherished. The past few weeks had been like a dream.

Rossi was happy, too. He stole a glimpse of JJ whenever he could take his eyes from the road, and he smiled as she pointed out the Christmas light displays they passed. They had yet to be intimate, but that was fine with him – to his way of thinking, their time together outside of work was just a lead-up to an event he knew would definitely be worth the wait. She was a once-in-a-lifetime woman. But first, they had to come out, so to speak, to their friends. When they reached the club, he cut the engine, then took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze followed by a soft kiss. "Ready, babe?"

"Always," she replied smoothly, meeting his gaze, and wondering as he went around the car to open her door what this evening would bring.


Hand-in-hand, they entered the party to find it in full swing. Reid, Emily and Hotch had already staked out a table for the team, and Morgan and Pen had stolen a tray of hors d'oeuvres and a two bottles of wine from the buffet. As Rossi and JJ approached, everyone stopped to look. Clearly they were not expecting to see the grizzled old profiler and attractive young communications liaison so cozy. Again Rossi squeezed her hand, this time almost imperceptibly, just enough to let her know that come what may, he was by her side. He was so in tune with her, he could feel her nervousness. JJ marveled at how he could be so cool.

Emily was the first to remember herself and say hello. "We were wondering when you two would get here."

JJ smiled at her friend as Rossi took her wrap from her toned arms and slid out a chair for her. "Traffic," Rossi said by way of explanation. JJ sent him a mental thank you to him for the reply. She didn't know what she would've said; anything she would've come up with would've sounded totally lame. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. Luckily, Pen passed her a glass of Cabernet franc. It was all JJ could do not to guzzle it. Rossi asked a passing waiter for a Scotch.

Hotch came to their rescue, bringing up a movie that he had seen the previous night, and the conversation flowed from there. Just before the meal was to begin, Pen and Emily said they were going to the powder room. Would JJ like to join them?

Rossi stood up when she did, ever the perfect gentleman when it came to her. She let her hand rest on his shoulder for a brief moment as she picked up her clutch and started to follow the girls. The gesture was not missed by their sharp group.

Once they were out of earshot, Pen started in with the questions. "JJ! Why – I repeat why – did you not tell us that you and Rossi are ... are ... are ... what are you?"

JJ took a deep breath as she pushed open the door to the ladies' room. "We're friends, Garcia. Very good friends. You know that. And as much as I adore and trust you, I really don't want to jinx –"

"Wait, wait, wait," Emily broke in after she checked to see that the ladies' was empty. You didn't get to be an agent without being naturally suspicious. "Jinx? If you think you're going to jinx something by talking about it to two of your closest girlfriends, then the something is definitely something."

"Yeah," Pen called from a stall. "We're listening. We want details. Communicate with us."

"There aren't any details to communicate," JJ replied as she examined herself in the mirror. So far, she was holding up well, but just to keep busy, she fluffed her hair.

"I don't believe you," Emily said. "I can tell you're holding back. You're avoiding eye contact."

JJ sighed. There was nothing to do but be honest; they'd wear her down eventually. "Okay," she said, turning around to her friends, "you want details? Fine. But you must swear to me on everything that is precious to you that you will not breathe a word of it to anyone. I would die if it got back to Rossi that I had been gossiping with the girls. Okay?"

Pen and Emily nodded, their eyes wide, waiting for Jennifer to speak. "I am falling in love with him. And he is falling in love with me. There. That's all there is to it." And her eyes filled with tears.


With JJ, Emily and Pen gone, Morgan turned to Rossi. "You want to share?"

Rossi took a sip of his Scotch. "Not especially."

"Dave," Hotch began, "I don't know what's going on, if anything, but I don't need to tell you – "

"No, you don't," Rossi replied. "I am well aware that there are regulations regarding fraternization between colleagues."

"Then what gives?" Morgan pressed. Reid just sat there looking like he'd found a piece of a shrimp shell in his seafood pastry.

Rossi sighed. He would have to come clean sooner or later, and given the time that the team spent together, sooner would probably be better than later.

"JJ and I," he began slowly, choosing his words carefully, "have been seeing each other since Thanksgiving. Despite the rules, and, according to JJ, despite all good sense, we're falling for each other. And I'll be damned if I let the BAU stand in our way."


Emily and Pen exchanged worried glances. "Oh, come on, JJ, don't cry," Pen said as Emily put her arm around JJ. "You'll ruin your make-up."

JJ struggled to compose herself. "I loved Will, but not in the way I should have, and now that I've found someone I could love in the way that I should, I can't. Does that make sense?"

"Perfect," Emily consoled. "Because personal relationships are discouraged –"

"Not discouraged! Impossible!" JJ interrupted. "You know how difficult and demanding our jobs are. How in the hell am I supposed to maintain a professional distance when I want to just melt into him, beg him to take me away and do whatever he wishes to me for as long as he pleases?"

Emilycould see that the tears were threatening again, but she also knew that they needed to be getting back to the party. Morgan would be coming to see if Pen had fallen in and needed rescue. "Let's resume this discussion later," she suggested, giving JJ a quick hug. "Preferably at my place tomorrow with a bottle of vodka or a cheesecake."