Title: Devil
Rating: T, for mentions of sex
Genra: Angst, Romance, Friendship, Hurt and comfort, Humor
Pairings: SuzaLulu, CCKallen, GinoKallen, one-sided RoloLulu, CCxCheese-kun
Summary: "Lelouch has sold his soul to the devil, and I have sold mine to him…" SuzaLulu, small Hints of CCKallen, 50 sentences LJ theme, Spoilers for end of series
Warning: Yaoi, Yuri, mentions of sex, Jelousy of inaminate objects, burning of said inaminate objects, spoilers up to the end of R2
Authors Note: Yea....my first attempt at 50 sentence theme, Code Geass, SuzaLulu, CCKallen, everything here mostly. So please send constructive critsim. Or your therapist bill for making you depressed by my attempt at Angst

by Wolf Demon Kunoichi13

01. No

Suzaku hated the fact that he could never tell Lelouch 'no' as he plunged the sword into the Emperor's body.

02. Athlete

Suzaku could only grin as Lelouch screamed things such as "Stupid Jock" and "You crazy athlete!"

03. Journey

Lelouch knew that the best thing that would be at the end of this journey would be his Knight waiting for him.

04. Hate

When Shirley asked him if he hated Lelouch, all Suzaku wanted to do was scream how much he actually loved the exiled prince.

05. Rend

All Suzaku wanted to do was to rend that accursed cape into scraps after the end of Zero's Requiem.

06. Carnival

The night of the first carnival they shared at Ashford Academy, they made love with each other first time.

07. Would

Sometimes, Lelouch wonders if he would change it all if he was sent back to when he made the contract with C.C; but, as he lies in bed with Suzaku, he knows that the answer would still be the same, fore his answer brought him back to Suzaku again.

08. Fight

Lelouch always insisted they weren't really fighting; they were just having a domestic disagreement.

09. Character

Lelouch always wondered what it was about Suzaku's character that made Arthur hate the brunet so much.

10. Woman

Suzaku always thanked God he and Lelouch didn't have the same taste in woman; Lelouch always cursed God for Suzaku's sheer obliviousness.

11. Moment

It was moments like these, when they were gun to gun, that a small part of Suzaku's mind whispered that this would never of happened is he had never met Lelouch.

12. Upset

Lelouch knew that whenever he was upset, Suzaku would be there for him when he was young; and as he cries into the shoulder of the seventeen year old Suzaku, he realizes that Suzaku would be there for him no matter what.

13. Sweet

Suzaku was probably the sweetest, most naïve, boyfriend Lelouch could probably of asked for.

14. Sight

The sight of that accursed mask cracking and falling-slowly, painfully falling-and revealing those familiar and beloved violet eyes staring back at him, was enough to break Suzaku's heart.

15. Numb

His fingers shook as he brought the Refrain to his arm; his mind numb with the hope-the need-to at least imagine seeing Lelouch again.

16. Shell

Suzaku watched quietly as Lelouch easily slipped back into his shell, pulling up his fake pretenses with the Student council, pretending that he didn't know the brunet as personally as he really did.

17. Wizard

Suzaku watched in amusement as the young Brittanian attempted to gain his approval with a little magic act, pretending to be a wizard.

18. More

Lelouch's airy voice begging him for more was enough to drive Suzaku crazy.

19. Universe

Sometimes Suzaku just wanted to yell at Lelouch that the universe didn't center around him (no matter how much the idea of a universe without Lelouch made him want to break down and cry).

20. Ache

Lelouch clenched his chest to bide off the ache in his heart after he used his Geass on Suzaku.

21. Wind

As Suzaku stands there in the garden, the gentle wind playing with his hair reminds him painfully of when Lelouch would do the same exact thing as they lay in bed together.

22. Escape

Sometimes, all Suzaku wanted to do was to escape Britannia with Lelouch and never look back.

23. Like

It wasn't a question of weather of not Suzaku liked Lelouch; but more of a question of how much Suzaku was willing to do for the purple eyed teenager.

24. Devil

"Lelouch has sold his soul to the devil, and I have sold mine to him…"

25. Song

The only thing that really calmed him down anymore, was the songs he and Lelouch used to listen to when they were young.

26. Euphemism

Suzaku kept telling himself that Lelouch just went away, went on a vacation; his own euphemism blaringly obvious, even to himself.

27. Dealt

Everyone dealt with grief in their own ways; Suzaku's was to cling desperately to his memories, sometimes even resorting to Refrain.

28. Romance

There was no true novel romance between them, just carefully planned out acts formed by Lelouch's cunning mind.

29. Heed

Why hadn't he heeded any of the witch's warnings about the destruction this Geass would create?

30. Let

Suzaku sometimes wondered if he and Lelouch would ever be let into heaven, of if they would be sent to hell; well, if they were sent to hell, at least they'd be together again.

31. Compose

The way Lelouch composed plans on the spot always seemed to leave Suzaku breathless.

32. Switch

As he pulled on that mask to switch places with the one he had promised his life to, he had to remind himself that all this was part of his loved ones plan.

33. Rule

Lelouch couldn't help but groan when he was presented with all these rule-known and unknown-about the Geass.

34. Calm

The way Lelouch took his abuse so calmly as Suzaku kicked his head into the ground, only infuriated the brunet even more.

35. Beast

Lelouch forced himself to quell the beast known as Zero, as he accepted his punishment, his atonement, from his first, and only, friend, but also his lover.

36. Missing

It had always bothered Suzaku how easily the ex-prince seemed to go missing on purpose.

37. Pulse

At night, while Lelouch sleeps, the only thing Suzaku can do from going mad in those nights leading up to Zero's Requiem, was to listen to The Emperor's steady pulse.

38. Brush

Lelouch never told Suzaku, but in those restless nights leading up to Zero's Requiem, he could feel the fingers of the Japanese man brush against his throat, as he felt the violet eyed man's heart beat.

39. Warning

C.C wasn't even given a warning as the jealous Kallen ripped away Cheese-kun to throw into the fireplace.

40. Field

When Suzaku met Lelouch on the battle field, above Tokyo Settlement, for the second time, all he wanted to do was cry.

41. Bronze

When Lelouch was young, and even now when he was Emperor of a country, he was certain the Suzaku's blood was gold, for his pure heart, and his own was a bronze crimson, for his tainted hands.

42. Core

The core of all of Suzaku's problems-his sadness, his grief, his pain, his remorse- and all his solutions-his happiness, his comfort, his soother, his hope-led him all back to Lelouch Lamperouge (AKA Lelouch vi Britannia).

43. Mask

Suzaku despised that accursed mask, as he hated Zero; but he loved Lelouch, as he adored the face behind the mask.

44. Justice

As Zero declares himself a Hero of Justice, Suzaku is oddly reminded of when he and Lelouch were kids, when they'd stay up late watching old anime, eating cold pizza and drinking caffeinated soda.

45. Weight

Gino just laughed as Kallen attempted to push him off of her stomach, while complaining about his weight.

46. Replace

All he wanted to do when he saw Lelouch around that damn Rolo, his replacement his mind whispers tauntingly, was to stalk right up to him and take him right there, in front of that damn boy with Lelouch's eyes.

47. If

Sometimes, C.C wonders if Kallen would have been in a better, happier, relationship if there was no such thing as a Geass in this world.

48. Code

Lelouch had been feeling high and mighty about his code breaking skills, that is until Suzaku kicked a machine gun off the ceiling after running on the damn wall.

49. When

When Lelouch first saw Suzaku, back when they were just kids, he knew he fell head over heals for the Japanese boy.

50. Sigh

Suzaku knew there was something wrong with him, when he started thinking that even his best friends sigh was beautiful.

Authors Note (2): So please review, or send me your therapy bill. Thankyou for reading.