Pucca The Movie

written by D.C.


Scene starts off showing treetops blowing in the wind,in the darkness of the morning. You hear them rustling, from a person running past them fastly. Shows an overview of a small puddle then shows a shadowy figure run thru it making it splash and ripple. Then it pans up to the ski then the words, "Pucca The Movie" fade in. Then it shows Garu running thru a blue field with glistening dew splattering as he runs thru it. He jumps up a bamboo tree and holds onto it with one arm as his hair blows gently in the breeze, and he begins to glow with a orange aura as the sun slowly rises beyond the horizon. He then swings off the tree and it is left there slightly shaking with some leaves falling off as Garu runs off. The scene changes to a small village, small houses with a Chinese accent, a dirt road, and lights hanging from a banner above the walk. Each house one by one turns there lights on and opens the door with a friendly face to greet the day. Then it shows the police station and the doors open to reveal Abyo ready for the day. He looks around and and with his arms stretched high he let out a yawn. It was a peaceful morning in Sooga Village. Then a little hummingbird flew to Abyo and he put out his finger and the bird took a seat on it. Then, Abyo jumped in the air, ripped off his shirt and let out a loud, "Hiya!" He walked away into a town full of bright happy people walking about living thier peaceful lives. The Noodle House, the hot spot of the village stood tall and proud at the center of it all. The doors opened revealing the 3 noodle chefs, Uncle Dumpling, Ho and Linguini. They cheerfully sniffed the air.

Uncle Dumpling: Another Day, another noodle!

The people smile and wave at them as they turn around back into their home. Then not too soon after that the doors slammed open to reveal a girl everyone in town knew. Little Pucca glowed atop the steps with a giggle and a smile.

Everyone: Good morning Pucca!

She giggled happily and waved as she skipped across the village with the birds chirping around her. She enters the bamboo forest and the glow of the sun was shining brightly around her. She then stopped and smiled affectionately. She stood before her loves home, Garu. She ran up to his doorstep. She walked to a nearby window and peered inside to see him. Garu, sat kneeling on the ground, with his head down, a sword in hand. He lifted his head and opened his eyes up at the ninja dummies that were standing before him. He then jumped up into the air and swung his sword around viciously. Pucca smiled. He landed on the ground with his head down. Then each ninja dummy slit in half and hit the ground and disentigrated. He looked up then turned around, squat on the ground and began to smiled and disapeared from the window she spied thru. Garu sat on the ground with his eyes shut tightly, motionless. There was a knock at his door that made his eyes shoot open. He rose up and walked to his door, and opened it. Pucca stood there with her hands behind her back and her lips puckered. Garu's face turned red and he slammed the door and turned around with a sigh. He looked up and Pucca was right in front of him. He yelped and jumped back. Pucca walked over to him and picked him up and began swinging him around kissing him everywhere. Then she dragged him across the room and slammed him onto a pillow in front of a little table. He rose up slowly rose up his head spinning. Pucca sat at the pillow across from him and giggled. Garu looked down and there were little heart shaped pancakes on a heart shaped plate. His face turned red and he prepared to get up and when he did the whole house shook with a growl from Pucca. Garu smiled nervously and sat back down and sighed. Pucca began eating the food, and gave Garu that "look". He immediately took a bite of a pancake, and they sat in his home "enjoying" a breakfast "together". Then it zooms out of his house and pans through the forest and shows Tobe's "layer", inside he was standing in front of his ninja minions by a chart holding a pointer stick. He was pacing angrily.

Tobe: For years we have been trying to defeat Garu. And we have yet to be successful! we need to look back at our previous attempt and see what whent wrong..

He used the stick to point to a picture of him and Garu as toddlers. Then fades into a flashback....

A small young Garu was swinging happily on a swing on a playground. Then the smaller, younger Tobe emerged practically blocking out the sun. Garu stopped swinging with a confused look on his face.

Tobe: Okay, Garu! Prepare to be....uh...hurt!

Garu jumps off his swing and bows in acceptence to his challenge. They look at the last swing on the swingset.

Tobe: Whoever Gets there first wins!

He zooms off fastly and he runs vigorously to the swing and he grabs it and pants in relief.

Tobe: Ah ha! Victory.....is....mine!..Huh?

He looks and sees Garu is already sitting in the swing. He sticks his tongue out at Tobe.

Garu: Na na na na na na!

Tobe's face turns red and he turns around mumbling angrily.

Tobe: But that was only my first defeat! Lest we forget...a few years after that?....

Shows older Garu but still younger than he is now. He is riding a bicycle in circles around a tree. Tobe was spying on him thru the bushes.

Tobe: Ah, poor unsuspecting Garu...

He leaps out of the bushes and lands in front of Garu who presses the breaks causing dirt to fly around.

Tobe: STOP!

Garu gives him an angry expression.

Tobe: You're not afraid to battle me are you?

Garu: Pshhhh.

Tobe: Then let your pain begin.

Garu cracked his knuckles and motioned for Tobe to bring it on with a smirk.

Tobe: Your pain will be so bad, your children will inherit it.

Garu: Blech!

They both jumped into the air and lunged towards each other. They had angry expressions on thier face and grew closer and closer untill Garu's bicycle suddenly flew and slammed into Tobe knocking him straight into the ground. He laid on the ground with a black eye. His vision was upside down and blurry.

Tobe: You....you...you...

His vision cleared to the little bowed Pucca.

Tobe: Girl?

Pucca runs up to him and punches him sending him straight into the air untill he disapeared into the sky. Pucca then ran to Garu and she grabbed him and began kissing him.

Garu: Ahhhh!

Pucca: Heeheehee!

Tobe: How I know what happened after I left, I'll never know...anyways...We must be sure that our next attempts to destroy him, is foolproof! The next time has to count! We need to be taken seriously instead of being the losers. But the question is...how?

(Widescreen to his eyes) It must be painful...horrible...degrading...but amusing.

Ninja: How about we steal all his clothes?

All the ninjas turn around and stare at him.

Ninja: Heh...heh? He shrugged nervously.

Tobe's face turned red and he smacked his forehead.

Tobe: That is not even worth a response...Huh?

He sees Garu and Pucca walking thru the forest thru his window.

He points to them

Tobe: Slaughter Him!

Him and his ninja minions ran out and they circled Garu and Pucca where they stand.

Tobe: Funny...we should bump into each other. Shame it will be our last...

Garu got his sword and motioned for Pucca to back away.

Tobe: This time I will not be defeated! Ninjas attack!