I do not own InuYasha.

It was a Friday morning at Shikon High as Kaname Kururugi came running out of her classroom after when the bell rang laughing her head off.

"Finally! We are free for the weekend!" Kaname said with joy.

She then bumped into her two friends Kagome and Sango.

"Oof! Kaname! Watch where your going!" Kagome said annoyed as she kept her balance.

"Yeah! You almost knocked us over!" Sango complained.

"Aw quit crying you two, besides how can I possibly be calm when tonight is the night that I take young lovers for a boat ride around the lake?" Kaname announced.

"Oh yeah....your little plan that your flyers announced on the board." Sango smiled as she remembers.

"But dont forget about us! Remember we're bringing Miroku and InuYasha to the lake that you promised to take us for free!" Kagome reminded Kaname.

"Yeah! Yeah! I know but also try to remember that Im keeping you guys best for last since I dont want any angry customers saying: "Hey why do THEY get to go on a ride for free? We want to go on for free too!"

"We know. We know. We explained it to the boys and they understand." Sango said as she nodded her head.

"Okay. Until then how about you two keep them occupied by making out with them eh?" Kaname said slyly.

Kagome and Sango both blushed crimson red at Kaname's comment, then they started to get angry at their friend.

"Kaaaanaaaaammmmmeeeee!!!!!!!" They both said angerily then they started to pulverize her as Kaname laughed.

(Meanwhile across the hallway)

Sesshomaru, the most popular student and the richest in all of Shikon High along with his popular friends, Koga, Naraku, and Kagura were watching the Kagome, and Sango playfully beating on a laughing Kaname.

"Check it out! Kagome and Sango are beating up their crazy friend!" Koga laughed at the scene.

Sesshomaru glared at Koga for calling Kaname "crazy" since he believed that she wasnt as crazy as the other students believed her to be. She's silly and acts like an innocent child sure, but to him she wasnt crazy. To him she is an angel without a mean bone in her body and he fell in love with her for that. He made sure that he sits next to her in every class he goes to and even have pleasent conversations with her whenever he gets a chance to.

"Hah! Even though she's crazy, Im in for taking Kikyo for that boat ride." Naraku said with his usual gentle tone.

"Im taking Ayame! We havent been on a date for three weeks." Koga said.

"Thats because you insulted her by staring at Kagome." Sesshomaru said with a blank expression.

"I was only saying hello to her! Damn!" Koga said incredibly insulted.

Kagura then leaned on Sesshomaru and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"And Sesshomaru will be taking me to the boat ride arent you Sessy?" Kagura purred.

Sesshomaru looked away in disgust with a 'Hmph." Then he broke out of Kagura's embrace.

"Im going to find out when the boat ride is." Sesshomaru said as he walked up to the STILL rumbling girls.

As Kagome and Sango comically keep bashing poor Kaname (who is still laughing from messing with their minds) Sesshomaru walked up to them and cleared his throat. Sango and Kagome stopped on what they were doing and looked at Sesshomaru with a bit of a stern look

"What do you want Sesshomaru?" Sango said a bit of a testy tone.

Sesshomaru glared at her then said his piece.

"I only want to speak to Kururugi." Sesshomaru said coldly.

"Well she's gonna be busy setting up her boat dating service and she doesnt have time to speak with you!" Kagome said harshly.

But Kaname stood up with a smile on her face as usual.

"Ladies ladies come on now, I dont mind if Sesshomaru wants to talk to me." Kaname said cooly.

"But he's friends with Naraku!" They both shouted.

"It doesnt matter if he is friends with Naraku, Sesshomaru is Sesshomaru." Kaname said happily then took a step near Sesshomaru, "What can I do for you Sesshomaru?"

Sesshomaru's glare softened as his heart begins to beat faster as she came near him.

"I want to know about your boat ride dating service. Do you know when it will begin?" Sesshomaru asked Kaname.

Kaname nodded.

"Yep! It starts at 9:00 p.m." Kaname said, "The boat rides cost 5 bucks for each ride, are you gonna bring a date with you? I cant take you on a boat ride without a date!"

Sesshomaru's heart ached at Kaname's childlike ignorance of his affections for her, he wants to let Kaname know how much he loves her, and how much he wants to hold her and kiss her and.....and.....hell he even wants to marry her for crying out loud! He has to tell her....but in order for him to do so he has to bring a date since Kaname is going to work steering the boat.

"Yes....Im going to bring Kagura as my date. I shall see you tonight Kaname." Sesshomaru said as he went back to his friends.

Kagome and Sango looked at Sesshomaru with a confused look on their faces then they started to ask Kaname questions.

"Kaname? How come Sesshomaru is so nice to you?" Sango asked.

"Yeah, how come he's not so cold towards you?" Kagome asked too.

Kaname continued to smile as she answered.

"That my dear friends is called respect, we have become friends because we have learned to respect each other......and besides....." Kaname said as her eyes began to waver emotionally anime style.

Kagome and Sango then begins to understand why she's becoming so emotional: They think she's in love with Sesshomaru! But they need to hear her confession.

"I think he loves......" Kaname trailed off.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees?" The two girls asked both relieved and excited that their friend is finally in love.

Kaname then quickly pulled out a bag of muffins out.

"My muffins!" Kaname said cheerfully.

Then that's when the two girls got petrified anime style and fell over in shock. Kaname then checked the time with her watch.

"Oh my marshmellows! Will you look at the time? I got to prepare for the boat ride! See you girls tonight!" Kaname said as she ran home.

But the girls didnt say anything as they continued to lay on the floor in pure shock.

I'll deal with chapter 2 in a minute!