Ichigo noticed that Aizen had a bit of a quirk. He hadn't noticed it before seeing as most of the time when he spoke with Aizen, he was focused on the man himself.

An avid lover of tea, Ichigo noticed that Aizen had a tendency to change the tea depending on various factors during the day. As far as Ichigo could tell, after he and Aizen had spent a night together, whether it including a beating or not, the tea served would be green tea. (Ichigo wondered if that meant he was the dessert.)

On days when nothing of notice happened, in other words, Grimmjow didn't start a bloody fight, Aizen would have some sort of China white tea.

Today however was white tea. Ichigo wondered what this tea meant.

"…Wait. I thought you said Earl Grey.""I lied."

The two were sitting in the meeting room, indulging in small talk. Ichigo felt a little silly sitting at the large table with only two people. The room was so spacious, their voices echoed and Ichigo had to restrain the childish urge to mess around the echoes.

"So, how much does she know?" Ichigo looked up from his tea cup. It was amazing to many of the Arrancars that he had the ability to ask Aizen outright about things like this. Many were afraid to ask Aizen about the weather. Ichigo understood their fear of the man, but wondered why speaking so casually to the man came so naturally.

"Not very much. She does have a habit of noticing when something's different. But…" Aizen raised his tea cup to his lips.

"Hiding little details is what you're good at?" Ichigo finished his sentence. Aizen smirked from behind the tea cup.

"Among other things.""You're good at punching." Ichigo held a hand to his jaw. "I'm jealous."

"It's a gift."

"No way." Ichigo scoffed, occupying his hands by making a small mountain of sugar cubes. "I bet you were the type of kid where everything came to you naturally. That's your gift."

"Then what's your gift?"

Aizen reached for his tea cup again. Ichigo leaned forward, taking the cup off the table before him. Aizen watched as the younger man stood up, went around the table and pretty much forced his way to sit between Aizen's legs.

Ichigo slumped down, Aizen's chin touched the top of his head. He held up the tea cup.

"It's to be unpredictable."

Aizen leaned forward, drinking from the cup as Ichigo gently tilted it. Pulling the cup away, Ichigo placed it back down on the table, shifting in place and getting comfortable in Aizen's lap.

"You make a good point."

"A damn good point."

Ichigo heard Aizen letting out a small chuckle as the older man wrapped his arms around Ichigo's waist. The two sat in silence, the only sounds consisting of the light breathing and Ichigo sipping at Aizen's tea. He assumed the man wouldn't mind.

He must have been staring at the tea cup for hours.

At first he was just going over the events of the past few days in his mind. A habit of sorts, that Ichigo had taken up. He forced himself to be aware of every little detail so that he could gather as much information as possible. Information about the war situation, information about himself, his stay here, anything that Ichigo could possibly get.

Now he was just daydreaming.

Snapping out of his daydream, Ichigo scowled, an ache growing in his back. This position had somehow gotten uncomfortable.

Ichigo was ready to get up, but noticed the sudden heavy weight. Tilting his head in an awkward way, Ichigo's body suddenly tensed up, his whole body fighting to prevent the urge to start laughing.

He was asleep.

He's fucking asleep!

Aizen, the feared lord of the Arrancars, was sleeping. Sleeping like a baby, holding onto Ichigo like he was his blanket or his favorite stuffed animal.

Ichigo smirked. He could tolerate the back ache for a bit longer.