Title: Trapped
Author: erinm_4600
Characters/Pairing: Azkadelia and Cain (mention of the Royal family and a housekeeper)
Rating: G
Summary: It takes time for Az to heal.
Warning: post-series *They are my Draco/Hermione...
Disclaimer: The original characters belong to L. Frank Baum and their respective actors. The current characters belong to Sci-Fi, the movie folks and their respective actors. The housekeeper isn't seen, so I won't bother claiming her as my own.
Originally posted: December 15, 2007

As she sits in the library, she can feel his eyes on her. Every once in a while, she decides to go out to the garden for a brief glimpse of the outside world. At times, she wonders if he thinks he's being covert.

As time passes, she decides to relocate to the Northern Island – she's tired of pretending that she's better. He volunteers to go along, and the Royal family is thankful for his service. They know he will protect her.

At first, he plays the sitter. But it's just the two of them – as well as a faithful family servant, who takes care of the cooking and the wash – and she soon convinces him to join her for tea. As the season changes, they sit together and discuss their previous lives.

One day, she stumbles and he catches her. It's been so long since either of them have been here. The kiss is quick, only because she pulls back and rushes from the room, begging his forgiveness. He blinks, having just crossed his own line. And he makes a decision to go after her.

She's halfway down the hall, hugging the wall, when he calls for her to stop. Breathing deeply, she stops, but doesn't turn. He's at her side in a moment; hand on her elbow, turning her to face him.

His force is so great that it's all she can do to clutch his shirt, as the bones in her legs seem to have disappeared. He finally pulls away, just enough to catch his own breath, and looks down on her. She can only focus on one of his buttons as she blinks once, slowly.

It's quite possible he's just opened the door of her own iron suit.