A/N: First off, this is a Bella/Carlisle Friendship. Jacob is very and I mean VERY OOC. Also I am re-editing this story right now because I am starting to become picky with my writing. In a way that is a good thing, because I am trying to make my stuff better. Anyways…

Disclaimer: I was talking to SM and she said that 14 year old girls with a light pink violin could not own Twilight. Thanks SM, I sure feel loved.

Bella POV:

I was just to La Push a little while ago, I had gone to see Jacob and tell him of mine and Edward's engagement. I wasn't expecting him to take it that well because I knew he loved me in a way that I did not love him. I never expected that type of a reaction though, that was just down right scary. I was so stupid to go there like that, I should have just phoned him, that would have been much less painful for me.

I pull into the Cullen's driveway, the only one home was Carlisle. The others were on a weekend long hunting trip but Carlisle had to work tomorrow. I looked down to my cut up and bruised arms. The amount of blood shed there was small, but I wasn't sure about anything else. Was anything broken? I guess I will have to find out, won't I?

Carlisle had run out of the house and he was beside me in an instant as I slowly got out of my truck. I was now finding it hard to keep the tears at bay.

"Bella? Bella, what happened?" Carlisle asked, his velvet voice soft and full of concern.

I shake my head and let the tears rapidly flow from my eyes, and make their path down my burning red cheeks. Carlisle picked me up and ran inside, and up the stairs to Edward's room. I wish Edward were here right now…

"Bella." Carlisle said softly "Please, you need to tell me what happened."

"I-I went to La Push today…" I said meekly.

"Okay, and?" he pressed, while giving me the doctor's once over. I probably looked a mess right now.

"I was talking to Jake… about the engagement to Edward."

"Okay." he said softly "What else happened?"

"He…lost it." I whisper.

"Bella, it would really help if you were a little less vague." Carlisle said, a slight hint of annoyance now is his voice. Oh no, I didn't want to make Carlisle mad at me…

"Okay, well I went to La Push to tell Jacob about my engagement to Edward, and he didn't exactly take it to well, and… this happened to me."

Carlisle still seemed to know that I wasn't giving the full truth but what I had told him for now seemed to be good enough. Imagine if I had said that Jacob had phased and attacked me! Wait, this is Carlisle we are talking about. Calm…collected…and cool Carlisle.

"I don't think it is wise for you to go to La Push on your own, Bella." said Carlisle.

"I don't think so either." I sniffed.

"Alright, change your clothes, put on a nightgown. I'm going to go and get my stuff."

I nodded my head and Carlisle left the room, closing the door behind him. I got up and slowly made my way to the closet. A few of my things were here so I pulled out one of my favorite nightgowns. Probably my favorite because I picked it out and not Alice. I pulled off my tattered jeans and top and pulled the nightgown over my head. My whole body pretty much screaming in protest because of the pain.

I slowly walked back to the bed, laid down and made myself comfortable, or as comfortable as you can be after a wolf attacked you.

Carlisle knocked on the door, and I take a deep breath. I hate doctors, even if they are your future father in law.

"Come in." I call quietly, knowing that he can hear me.

He walked into the room, and I was wishing that I had Edward with me. Edward… MY Edward.

"Everything is going to be okay, Bella." assured Carlisle.

"I know it will be." I say softly "I just want Edward."

"Don't worry, he'll be back on Sunday. You just have the rest of this evening and tomorrow to go."

"That's so long." I said. "It feels like an eternity."

Carlisle smiled sadly. "I'll just be setting to work now."

I nodded my consent, he gently prodded at some of the cuts and bruises and I had to use all my will power to stop myself from crying. He cleaned the small cuts out with something, whatever it was it stung, and a lot. The other, more larger ones, were stitched up. I hissed in pain. Stupid Jacob.

"All this pain and you still stay with Edward?" Carlisle asked, as he finished up. "Why didn't you just choose Jacob to save yourself all this trouble?"

"I'm madly in love with Edward. I wouldn't even leave him even id someone threatened to point a gun to my head if I didn't."

"You're definitely a god send to this family, Bella."

"Thanks." I said, and blushed. "You guys are the best vampire family a human like me could ever ask for."

Carlisle chuckled, and then his expression look angered, had I done something? "Bella, some of these cuts don't look like they were from someone just hitting and punching."

He indicated to the claw marks, and I knew that I didn't have a way out of this.

"Wolves do have claws." I whispered.

"You mean he phased?!" Carlisle asked angrily. I had never seen him like that before. Anger flashed in his butterscotch eyes.

"Yes, he phased." I said, and my hear rate quickened.

"Bella, I didn't mean to scare you." Carlisle apologized.

"No, it's fine." I said.

"If you're sure…"

Carlisle and I talked for a little while longer, and then I found myself getting tired. I fell asleep after he had promised that he would stay in the room, sitting on the couch.

~ Dream ~

I cut the engine on my truck and found Jacob in the garage where he was working on who knows what. I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

"Hey Bella."

"Hey Jake, what's up?"

"Nothing really. Surprised to see that you're here actually."

"Oh?" I asked.

"Yea, shouldn't you be with Edward or something?" he sneered.

"Woa, Jake, seriously dude. Chill."

"Right. Sorry, Bella." Jacob apologized.

"No it's fine." I said "I have some news though."

"You and the bloodsucker are breaking up?" he asked hopefully.

"Um, no. We're engaged."

"WHAT?! WHY?!"

"We're in love, that's why."

"Don't you love me though, Bella?"

"Yes, just not in the same way I love Edward. I'm sorry, Jake."

Then before I knew what had happened he had just…phased. No warning whatsoever. The anger just to control of him and I found myself being attacked by an angry wolf. A VERY angry wolf.

~ End Dream~

Carlisle POV:

I could tell that Bella was having a nightmare just from her sped up heart beat, erratic breathing, and thrashing around. I wasn't going to wake her up though, she'd eventually wake herself up. I don't understand how Jacob could have done such a thing. It's not her fault that she fell in love with Edward. No one can control who they fall in love with.

Then Bella started to scream hysterically, and that's when I figured I had no choice but to try and wake her up.

"Bella!" I called.

I gently shake her awake, and she screamed at the contact of my hands on her shoulder.

"Bella, it's just Carlisle." I soothed.

She opened her eyes and started to sob, it was so heart wrenching. I hugged her as tight as I possibly could without hurting her.

"Carlisle." she sobbed. "It felt so real, just like the whole thing happened again."

"It'll be okay, Bella." I said softly "He's not going to hurt you anymore."

"Promise?" she asked.


A/N: Yes, I am much more pleased with this new edited chapter than I am with the old chapter. My writing is getting better since way back when I first started writing, which really wasn't that long ago. Lol. Chapter two will be edited soon.