Song fic about Grissom being a radio talk person every Sunday when he's off, and then Sara calls, dedicating a song to him. He's going to tell her that it's him, but then he hears a man's voice. GARTH BROOKS IS TOTALLY AWESOME, AND ENJOY!!!


Sara Sidle had been out of his life for about half a year now, and she had reappeared for a brief time, but then had disappeared, supposedly on a ship. His heart had been broken for a while, and he had learned to live with it. Lady Heather had seen through his pretenses, seen his broken heart and tried to help him fix it. She had even stayed with him one stormy night, listening as he talked all night long. Grissom knew that his coworkers thought that he had slept with her, but that was far from the truth. They were annoyed at him for not going after Sara, for spending the night with someone he didn't even love. They didn't know just how badly he really was cut up over Sara leaving.

Grissom decided to do something in his spare time, to get his mind off of Sara. He knew that Greg DJ'd at a radio station, so he decided to try that himself. He applied and got in for an hour every day right after work, so it was really early in the morning. They called him "Mr. Midnight" even thought he DJ'd at, like five in the morning.

Rain on the roof and time on my hands

It sure seemed quiet out there in radio land

They call me at the all-night station

Make their special dedications

And I do my best to play their request

When it's a desperate situation

This was a desperate situation

Grissom had been on the job for about a month, and no one knew that it was him. He got a lot of calls, and played songs with special dedications to loved ones and what not. Grissom always tried to play all the songs that were requested, but sometimes he ran out of time and wasn't able to play everyone's song, and he always apologized for that. He especially tried to play their requests when it was a desperate situation, a really desperate situation, and he got those a few times, but not a whole lot.

I'm Mr. Midnight alone and blue

The brokenhearted call me up

When they don't know what else to do

Every song is a reminder of the love that they once knew

I'm Mr. Midnight, can I play a song for you

Most of the songs he played were reminders of people's lost loves. He had never heard a song that described Sara to him, not once in his entire time DJing. Often during commercials he would scroll through all the songs, looking for one he could play, praying that Sara was listening, but he could never find one. He often found ones that Sara would've liked, and he played them, just for her, but he could never find one that described his relationship with her.

Or, should he say, ex-relationship with her. That video that she had sent basically told him that she was happy without him, happy to not be in Las Vegas. If truth be told, he would go anywhere, as long as it was with her. His life was just in shambles, and the team knew that, they picked up on it. Especially since Warrick had been shot. He was still recuperating in the hospital, but the thought of losing two of his team member, his family if you will, nearly destroyed him.

"Caller on the line could you please hold on?"

I recognized her voice the minute I picked up the phone

Should I tell her that it's me or leave it at a memory

Haven't been myself since the day she left

And I'm never gonna be

I'm forever gonna be

Suddenly, the line rang. Grissom pushed the button and said quietly, in his disguised voice,

"Caller on the line, could you please hold on?"

"Sure." An equally quiet voice said, and with a jolt Grissom realized who it was. He almost hyperventilated, trying to figure out whether he should stop using his voice-changer and tell her who it really was, or should he just leave to a memory and not torture himself with the what-ifs. He knew that he hadn't been himself since the day Sara left, and he was never gonna be the same, unless she came back. If she didn't, he might forever be Mr. Midnight. But still, he wasn't sure, he needed time to think, he needed air, but most of all, he needed Sara.

His Sara. The one on the phone.

I'm Mr. Midnight alone and blue

The brokenhearted call me up

When they don't know what else to do

Every song is a reminder of the love that they once knew

I'm Mr. Midnight, can I play a song for you

Right then all he really knew was that Sara thought he was just Mr. Midnight, all alone on lonely nights, sympathizing with other brokenhearted people who called up to pour their troubles on other people. Grissom knew this because every time someone talked about being brokenhearted on the radio she scoffed at it, telling Grissom,

"These people need to deal with it with people they know, not just total strangers. Sure there are exceptions, but other than that, it's just kinda weird." Grissom had just smiled and kept driving, though he put his hand on hers, entwining their fingers.

The memory faded away from his eyes when the light blinked, warning him that he had almost kept the caller waiting too long. The caller that just happened to be Sara Sidle.

Imagine my surprise, when she spoke my name

She said, "Could you tell that I love him

and I wish things could be the same."

Then a voice I never knew,

Said, "Honey, who you talking to?"

"Hey, caller, what's your name and what's your request?" Grissom said, still using his voice-disguiser.

"My name is Sara, and I would like to dedicate a song to a Dr. Gil Grissom." Grissom almost gasped and gave up his whole charade, but he kept an even tone when he said,

"And what would the message be, Sara?"

"Could you tell him that I love him, and that I really wish things could be the same?"

"Sure, what song, Sara?" Grissom said, almost leaping for joy. Sara still loved him. She still wanted him. Then, a voice came from Sara's background and said the words that tore Grissom's heart out of his chest.

"Honey, who're you talking to?"
