Okay, I know I said that I was finished with this story, but I couldn't sleep so I though, what the hell, I guess I could write epilogue, . Just to give everyone an idea what what would of happen If I kept writing, So I hope you like it. Thanks to all my reader's and all the reviews. I really would like to thank the ones who stay with me from the beginning.



tar heels superstar





Okay first I wanted to give you a little info, on were everyone is,

Two years later, Nathan in Haley are still married, They have twin two year old twin boys, James Lucas Scott & Joshua Nathan Scott, Nathan is still playing with the bobcats, Haley is a full time teacher at Tree Hill High,

Brooke and Julian are still married too, They have a one year old daughter Peyton Haley Baker, Brooke is very successful designer, Julian is still doing movies,

Lucas and Peyton are still going stronger, they are now engaged,( there will be a flash back to the night he purposed )Lucas is the coach of the ravens, Peyton open up her own record label, with the help of Brooke, She has signed four bands,

Peyton was sitting in her office, Looking at her ring she was thrilled, she was scared too, a Lot was happening, she felt like it was happening to fast, She loves Lucas very much, they have been together for two and a half years . Now she is planning a wedding, She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't notice anyone coming into her office.

" Hey baby" Lucas said, as he walked over to her, " you okay," he asked, noticing she jump when she heard his voice

" yeah, I was just thinking," she said, smiling at him, standing up to wrap her arms around his neck, bring him into a very passionate kiss.

" wow!, I think I should come by every day , If I'm going to get a hello like that," he joked, " so do you want to tell me, why you were so zone out," he asked, as his hands run up in down her sides

" nothing, I was just thinking," she said, as she looked down at her ring, she smiled " I love you,"

" good, I love you too," he said, as he run his finger over the ring on her left hand " we got engaged last night, " he said, in a low voice

" I know , I was there" she teased, " why are you acting so surprised" she asked, as she comb her fingers though his hair.

" I just can't believe you said yes, I was so worried you were going to say we were moving to fast" he admitted.

" Lucas, we have been together over two years now, I love you, I want everything with you, I want to marry you as soon as possible.

" me too, I say the end of the month, " he smile " I don't want a long engagement, I want you as my wife now," he kissed her forehead

" Lucas, that's in three weeks, who can planned a wedding that short time, I don't think I..............

He pressed his lips to hers, Her mouth opens slightly and he respond by sneaking his tongue through;. She responds by thrusting her tongue forward and Lucas hands find her hair and suddenly, it's like time and space stop. She pulled away.

" what was that for?" Peyton asked, as she tried to catch her Breath.

" I just wanted to taste your lips, I love it when your rambling babe" he smiled " I want to marry you, I know with Brooke and Haley's help you can plan an amazing wedding in three weeks, money is no problem"

" I guess your right, I going to take some time off of work to plan our special day, So " she said, as she look over at the calender " March 28, is exactly fifteen days away, that's they day I want to be come Mrs. Scott"

" I can't wait, I love you, I got to go meet skillz," Lucas said as he kissed her once again

" yeah, well I have a lunch date, I still haven't told them we are engaged," she admitted

" what, hell I thought you would of call them first thing this morning," He replied

"well, lets, see we just got engaged last night, then we spent the morning make love," she blush " in then I came her,

" they are going to be happy right?" he asked, unsure

" coarse, they love you, not as much as I do" she teased " I love you, go back to work, I'll see you tonight" they kissed once again before he left.

Brooke and Haley walked in to Peyton's office. Peyton smile big at her two best friends. Brooke sat on the couch , Haley sat beside her, Peyton walked over to them.

" Here , " Brooke said, as she handed Peyton her chicken sandwich

" thanks" Peyton said, as she sat the sandwich down

" are you not hungry" Haley asked

" Oh yeah, I just thought we should talk first" Peyton said,

" oh, okay, what's going on P" Brooke asked, " dose this have something to do with your boyfriend, what do he do now?'

" Okay, It does have something to do with my boyfriend, well he isn't my boyfriend anymore" Peyton answered, she bite her lip as she watched her two best friends mouths drop

" what, what happen you two were all over each other yesterday," Haley asked, in a shocked voice " I don't understand, he is so happy, so were you i...........

" Haley, calm down" Peyton interred her

" calm down, what did you do Peyton?" Brooke asked " he loves you, you guys were hap......

" Hey, can I talk, " Peyton sighed " I was trying to tell you guys, that he is no longer my boyfriend because, he is my fiancee now." she finished as she show them her left hand, smiling

"OH! MY GOD! "they yelled, both girls jump off the couch, grabbing Peyton's left hand, all three girls were jump up and down yelling," he sure got good taste" Brooke said, "' It's a emerald-cut three stone. two - point five carat diamond, this is very expensive ring It looks like it's from Tiffany's, man he got good taste, but how did he afford it, he is only a high school basketball coach"

" Okay first, wow I can't believe you know so much about a ring just by looking at it," Peyton said "anyways I love this ring, I would love it even if it was smaller, I mean i.........wait how expense?

" let's just say about twenty thousand, maybe a little under or over," Brooke said, as she sat back down on the couch,

" WOW! that is way to much," Peyton said, as she took the ring off, she lay it down on her desk, " I can't wear this" she sighed " I'll just give it back to him tonight"

" NO," both girls yelled, Haley walked over to the desk, she pick up the ring, Peyton I love you, but right now you are begin pig headed," she took the ring in put it back in Peyton's hand

" Yeah, Peyto................

" Brooke, shut up, " Haley said, as she turn to her other friend " let me handle this you are the reason, she took the ring off in the first place." she said, as she narrowed her eyes to Brooke's .

" fine" Brooke said, as she pretend to zipper her mouth shut, then crossed her arms over her chest,

" anyways" Haley said, shaking her head at Brooke's childish behavior" Lucas, loves you, you love him, you were so happy about this ring, when you first told us, so why does it matter how much he spent on it?"

" I don't know, I do love this ring" she said, as she held it up towards her face," I just." she paused as she thought back to her conversation with Lucas earlier today "money is no problem" she wondered what he meant by that.

" Peyton, you okay, ?" Haley asked, as she snapped her fingers in front of Peyton's face , " earth to Peyton"

" yeah, " she said, snapping back to reality, " I'm sorry, your right Haley's, It doesn't matter what the ring cost all that matters is the I marrying the man That I love, and three weeks" she whisper the last part.

Brooke and Haley nodded there heads, " wait, why three weeks"

" your pregnant" Brooke said, arching her eye brow,

"NO, well I don't know" she sighed," I look up the symptoms on-line, I got them all, but I haven't took a test or anything," she sat down beside Brooke" I've made appointment with my doctor for Friday afternoon.

" wow, this is amazing, wait if you don't know your pregnant yet, why do you want to get married, so fast" Haley asked, " dose Lucas, know that you might be.

" no, he doesn't I wanted to wait till I was hundred percent sure, and as for wanting to get married so soon, we both don't want a long engagement,she paused,"so we thought with the help of my two best friends, we could plan a prefect wedding by March 28 th, what do you say?"

" I would love to help, " Brooke said, as she side way hugged Peyton, " I get started on your dress, if you want me to make it?"

" duh, there is no one else I would want to design my dress" Peyton smile, " which means you should go get started on it now, you have a wedding dress to design, and two maid of honor dresses, a flower girl dress for my favorite goddaughter," Peyton said, smiling

" you want my baby, to be your flower girl," Brooke asked, as the tears burn her eyes " thank you, wait you said two maid of honor dresses, why do you need two?"

" because I have two best friends, " she said as she reach for Brooke and Haley's hands, " I love you guys, like sisters, you guys are the reason I found Lucas, you two made me give Lucas a chance, I'm glad you pushed me, because I'm so freaking happy right now" Peyton said, as the tears she was holding back couldn't be helled any longer.

" we are so happy, that your happy, and we will be honored to be your maid of honor's " Haley said, speaking for Brooke who was to emotional,

" good, because I want James and Joshua to be the ring boys" Peyton said, Haley's mouth dropped, she was now getting as emotionally as Brooke, all she could do was nodded her head, smiling, The three of them sat there crying for a god ten minutes or so.

" I need to get back to work," Haley said, as she started to wipe her eyes, " I can't show up looking like this" she laughed," but before I go can, you please tell me how he proposed,

" Oh yeah, I want to know to, was it, sweet with romance, was it out of the blue kinda thing," Brooke asked as she sat up drying her eyes

Peyton smile as she thought about last night," it was sweet, it was the most amazing moment in my life" she whisper

flashes back

Peyton walked into her and Lucas's beach home. she was exhausted her feet were killing her, All she wanted was to take her shoes off and, take a hot bath. She walked into the kitchen. She flip though the mail, then took her shoes off she throw them in the corner, She felt a breeze ,she looked over in seen the side door open. She slowly walked out the door then down to the end of the deck, she then seen rose pedals that started on the steps. She walked down the steps following the red rose pedals. She was in the middle of the beach. When she finally looked up.

" wow, " was all she could say, There was a blanket covered in pink roses, and white candles making a heart around the blanket, there was a bottle of her favorite wine, she notice the two glasses with two plate that were covered, by a towel. She smile as she felt two stronger arms wrap around her thin waist,

" Hey Beautiful" Lucas said, in a husky voice, he kissed her neck " I missed you, " he said as he continued to lay kisses down her neck. She slowly move around still in his arms, then wrap her arms around his neck " what is all this for" she asked, He smile " what I can't do something nice for my girl?" he asked giving her a wink

Peyton laugh , you did something nice for me last month, remember?, she asked, as she pecked his lips, you gave me the best valentine day ever, I loved spending that whole day with you, I love making love to you all day,"she blushed a little, " I love the heart locket you give me with our picture in it," she moved her right hand down to play with the locket around her neck," most of all I just love you," she whisper, pecking his lips again.

" well that was all your Valentine gifts, that was a Holiday thing, I don't need a Holiday to show you how much I love you, he smile,"I woke up this morning. I laid there watching you sleep, you have been so busy, with the label, I'm so proud of you! "he paused" I just wanted to do something nice for my girl" he said, as she lean up in cupped his face and kissed him deeply. Their tongues entangled slowly. mmmm. Lucas moans as he pulled her closer, " baby,"Lucas said, against her lips, " as much as i would love to continue this we have to stop,"he said, as he pulled away " come on" he lead her over to the blanket he then help her down, " this is really sweet, thank you baby,"she said, as she took a slip her wine then she remember she shouldn't drink any of it tonight. " your welcome babe, I'll do anything for you." he said, as he lean over in placed a sweet kiss on her lips. They sat there laughing, and talking, sharing little kisses here in there.

A little while later, " come on" he said as he helped her up. "were are we going." she asked smiling, He picked her up " your see" he whisper against her ear. He carried her in to the house up the stairs, he stopped in front of their bedroom door. " I love you" he said, as he kissed her prefect lips. " I love you too" she whisper against his prefect lips. He slowly open the door," Lucas..........." she grasp as they enter the room. "twenty- nine dozens red rose's, a dozen for ever month we have been together, the best twenty-nine months of my life" he whisper, as he puts her down. She stand still in the middle of their bedroom. Tears burn her eyes, as she looked around at the pink in white candles all around the room, the rose's pedals covering the their queen size's bed. the white monkey holding a heart that said I love you, Peyton was speechless, she couldn't move, no one has ever done anything like this for her before, then on the other hand she has never met anyone like Lucas Scott, she slowly turn around, the tears that have been burning her eyes, were now coming down, she wrap her arms around his neck " this is beautiful, you are amazing, you know that, I love you so much," she said, as she kissed him deeply, Lucas pulled back away from her smiling, " Peyton, I'll do anything for you, I love you, you are my world," he whispered with so much love, she lean up in capture his lips again, this time with more passion,

" Peyton, as much as I would love to continue this amazing kiss, we have to stop" he paused " just a minute, " he said, noticing the look of confusion of her face " Look I had something for you," he said, as he rested his fore head against hers. "Lucas, you have given me enough, I don't need gifts, I just love spending time with you." she said, looking him in his sky blue eyes full of so much love for her. " I know, baby, I do, but I love you, and I have been wanting to do this for awhile, so if you would please, sit down," he said, as he walked her over to the bed, she sat down smiling up at him.

Lucas clear his throat, closed his eyes, preparing himself for what was about to happen, he was scared, but the moment he open his eyes , and looked down into Peyton's sea green soulful eyes, he wasn't afraid anymore. "I kept thinking about how much I love talking to you,...How beautiful you are, How your whole face's lites up with you smile, How much I love your laugh, I daydream about you off and on,"he pause, than kneel down in front of her,then he started to talk again " replaying pieces of our conversation,, I've memorized your face," he then traced his index's finger around her face, " The way you look at me......." he kissed her sweetly on the lips, " when we make love," he smiled, "neither one of us knows what the future holds, but I do know one thing for sure, I don't want a future without you, you are the best thing to ever happen to me, I want everything with you, Peyton I love you, and I promise to love you the rest of my life" he said as he reached into his pocket, pulling out the little black box. He watched as her hand flew to her mouth, he smiled, " Peyton, will you marry me?" he watched as a tear ran down her cheek, his life hung on what the tear meant.

" yes, yes, oh god, yes" she cried " I love you, so much, I want everything to Lucas, I do," she smiled down at him, as he placed the ring on her finger

" I love you too, Peyton, I promise, this is forever," he said, as he lean up in kissed her slowly pushing her against the bed, " now, let me show you how much" he whisper against her neck.

end of flashback

WOW!" Haley said, as she stood up, " Nathan should get some advice off of Lucas, that was so,.....

" beautiful, amazing, indescribable" Brooke said, as she also stood up, " well thanks, for sharing, and for leaving out the other stuff that happen after you said yes" Brooke winked to a red face Peyton," okay, I need to get going to started on the dresses,"

" yeah, me too" Haley said, as the three girls hugged, then went there separated ways,

Later that night Peyton was laying in bed, taking to Brooke and Haley on three-way, When Lucas walked into the room. Smiling as he see his girl, already for bed.

"Brooke, I sure it looks great, " Peyton said, as she winked at her man, " I will be over first thing in the morning, than you can measure me, "

" okay,I have some idea's for mine and Haley's dresses to," Brooke said, " you need to come over to Haley's"

" I will try, I do work tomorrow, I can't just take the day off like the two of you," Haley joked

" Well I'm sorry that I'm my own boss" Peyton laughed, as Lucas climbed in bed, he kissed her neck, than laid his head on her chest, Peyton smile down at him,

" Oh! Hales, for the love off god, just call in sick tomorrow, it wouldn't kill you" Brooke joked back, knowing that Haley would never do something like that.

" okay, you right," Haley said, laughing at the silence of her two friends

" what Haley James wants to call in sick, " Brooke mocked " I didn't think you have it in you"

" Well I'm not really feeling good anyhow so I will be there, right after I drop the boys off at daycare" Haley sighed

" Okay, I will see you guys in the morning, " Peyton said, as she ran her fingers thought Lucas's soft hair, " I love you both, goodnight" she replied, then hanging up before either could get a word out. " hard day baby," she asked, she continue to comb though his hair, with one hand, then stroke his cheek with the other one.

"yeah, we lost tonight, because damn fight broke out, " he paused, then smile as his fiancee kissed the top of his head " I'm sorry, I wish I was there, "

He looked up at her, " it's okay, I know it takes alot of time to plan a wedding," he lean up in kissed her," I love you, beside I'm just happy to come home in see my baby, waiting for me," he smiles" now, where else will I be, you know I can't fall asleep with out you next to me," she sighed " I don't know what I 'm going to do Friday night, she frown down at him " I wondered if Skillz is busy," she said, as she pretended to think

Lucas sat up" for what" he questioned, as he moved to his side of the bed, pretending to be hurt, Peyton smile over at him " you know, I like to be helded when I'm sleep, so I figured Skillz, wouldn't mind,"she finished, biting her bottom lip, trying to hold back her laughter.

Lucas looks over at her, he knows she is joking, so he decide to play along," Yeah, baby I know how you like to be held, when your sleeping, but Skillz is in a relationship now, so I think it's best if we fine someone else," he said, as he see her arch her eye brow at him."there is the guy down a tric, I think he is single, I asked tomorrow," he said, as he lay down, then closed his eyes, waiting on her reaction

Peyton smiled down at him, " oh, yeah I know who you are talking about, Stephen, yeah that would totally work," she lay down on her side of the bed before whispering the last part, "he is amazing kisser,"she closed her eyes,"mmmm" she moaned

Lucas eyes pop open, he turned to look at her, " when the hell did you kiss him?" he asked, jumping off the bed, " I can't believe you kissed him, I thought...............

" Lucas Scott, your jackass," she yelled, "come back to bed, " she said, as she reached for his hand, but he didn't move, " Lucas, come on baby I was just teasing, sorry" she whisper

Lucas walked over to the bed, he lay-ed down" you didn't k............................

Peyton put her finger against his lips, " I can't believe you even asked" she replied, with so much sadness, " I love you, I'm wearing your ring," she waves the hand in his face," I would never to that to you"

" I'm sorry, It's just sometimes, I'm like waiting, for you to come to your senses, you know, like realize your not suppose to be with me" he admitted. he closed his eyes,

Peyton slowly climb on top of him, " Lucas, I love you, I'm marrying you, quit worrying about the bad, start thing of our future together, because we are going to have a great one, " she kissed his lips, smiling when she feels him kissing back,

" I love you Peyton," he cupped her cheeks, " remember that, you belong in my arms, no one else, in this lips" he said , as he ran his thumb over them, " are meant for my lips, no one Else's"Before she even had time to react he impulsively moved forward, his hand going to the back of her head as he joined their lips in a sweet kiss. she lifted her hand to cup his face as his tongue parted her lips and entered her mouth. She loved how good it felt to kiss him as she let her mouth open under his, moaning when he bit down gently on her bottom lip.

She kisses her way down his body; starting with that spot on his neck that only she knows about. He lets out a noise that's a mix between a groan and a sigh and it makes her smile. she continues her way down until she reaches his happy trial. He already impatient and this simple gesture cause his hips to buck in her direction. She slides her fingers under the material of his boxers and wraps around his erection. Immediately, his eyes close and his lips part. She stroked him a couple of times, " Oh Baby, please, stop, " Lucas said, breathlessly, He reached down and push her hand away, " I want you, I need to be in you now, " he begged, as he pull her on top of him.

"I want you," he murmured before his lips met hers once again. Peyton slowly sucked on his upper lip and her hands found their way into his short of blond hair. Lucas ran his hands up her back. Their noses grazed lightly as he cupped her face with his hands. They made eye-contact, while their eyes had a conversation of their own. Both of their eyes seemed to smile when they looked at each other.

Lucas maneuvered his hands down to Peyton's hips where her shirt stopped, revealing an inch or so of her golden skin. His fingers danced with the hem of her shirt, as he slowly lifted it up. Peyton felt her excitement increase with each inch of revealed skin. Lucas eagerly lifted it off her body. . Peyton looked down at him smiling, as their eyes locked, He pull her lips to his, guiding his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues dance together forcefully, Peyton moaned audibly which spurred Lucas along further. Her chest was close enough that Lucas could feel her hardened nipples against his chest. He's right hand reached down to pleasure her hard nipple, He massaging each nipple and teasing each breast with the back of his hand. He slowly rolled her over, than his mouth joined his right hand. Lucas nip at her nipples, circling his tongue around them.

Peyton felt intense wetness in her pants. Almost as if Lucas sensed this, his hands fell to the her short black shorts. She lifted her hips so he could pull them down her golden long legs. He climbed back up her prefect body, Licking his lips, he kissed her passionate, than moved down to her breast again. She wrap her legs around his waist, pushing him into her, she felt the tip of his erection past her damp folds at her heated entrance. He was teasing her by almost entering her several times, but pulling away causing his shaft to make pleasurable friction with her clit.

" Lucas, baby, please," Peyton begged, she felt Lucas smile against her neck, " Lucas, If you love me, you're give me what I want." Peyton teased as her hands slipped down, to Lucas ass pushing him into her, she left out a giggle when Lucas yelled " OH MY GOD PEYTON," his head drop to her shoulder. He lay there for a second to catch his breathe, He lifted his head up and looked over at his fiance's, " your very impatient tonight," he teased, as he kissed her.

She broke away from the kiss " I'm not impatient, Lucas, I love the way, you please by body, I love pleasing you, I just really need to feel you inside me, I love it when your inside me, so what's wrong with that" she asked, as her hands wrap around his waist, The tip of him was still teasing her endlessly, He kissed her once again, She lightly bit his bottom lip as they made eye contact for what seem like the million th time tonight, Lucas combed his fingers through Peyton's hair. Peyton loves moments like this, it's added pleasure to their intimacy. " I love Begin inside you," He said, as he repositioned himself so he could enter her," and I do love you, more everyday, "he kissed her sweetly, " I want to spent the rest of my life giving you what you want, " He slowly enter her, he watched as her face relaxed, and her eyes closed, she licked her lips. He stay still

" Lucas, " she whisper, in a low painful voice, she opened her eyes, immediately locking eyes with her fiancee, " I love you," she whispered, " make love to me Lucas, now" she demanded in a harsh tone. she wanted him so badly,

Lucas's pulled out of her making her moaned in frustration " dammit Lucas" She open her mouth to say something but was relieved when Lucas plunging deep inside her. " I love you too, " he whispered against her ear as he bit it lightly.

mmm...mmm," Peyton moaned as Lucas gradually increased the pace of his thrusts. He moved quickly in and out of her. Peyton held onto his sides, as he flipped them over, so Peyton could be on top, her hands moved to his fine chest as she rode him. Lucas gripped her ass, trying to get as deep inside of her as physically possible. He knew he was satisfying her from the sounds of her low, repetitive moaning. While still concentrating on his thrusts, Lucas sat up, his hands when up back on to her shoulders, pushing her harder down on him, his mouth to her breast,trying to increase her pleasure. Her legs wrap around his waist, as she rode him fast.

"Oh Peyton! Uhh.." Lucas murmured. Suddenly, Lucas flipped them back over, smiling when Peyton giggled, he drop his head to her shoulder again as the in pack "Oh my God, I'm going to explode," Lucas whined in response to Peyton's pussy tightened around his erection. He explode inside her, minutes later she came all around him. As he collapsed on top of her. " your gorgeous,"Lucas managed to say, as he looked at a flushed and glowing Peyton, She reached up in kissed him, she let out a content sigh as he pulled out of her. rolling over on his back. Pulling her with him.

She smile as , she lay her head on his chest, listening to his rapid heart beat. She closed her eyes, trying to calm her on heart beat down, She sighed loudly, Lucas who's eyes where closed open immediately, he looked down her head, " what's on your mind?"

Peyton smile a little she loved how he could read her, " I wanted to asks you something, I just don't want you to get mad," she replied hesitantly. she moved her head to her pillow, Lucas sat up, he leaned over her lifting her chin, making sure he had her attention," Peyton, I love you, don't ever hesitant to asks me something, I could never get mad at you"he responded with all honest.

" Well today after you left my office, Brook and Haley come over," she paused," I was showing them my ring, in well Brooke she said" she paused again, this time looking at her ring. Lucas who was confused, suddley wasn't anymore when he noticed her looking at her ring

" yeah, it was expense, but you are worth every cent I spent on you," he kissed her forehead, he continue when he seen her eye brows arch, " there is something I kinda of should of told you, I was going to last night, but got side tracked, after you said yes,"

he smiled down her her, taking her left hand in his, " you know that my uncle help raisin me" she nod " well after he die, about a year later, I found out that, he left money for me, I wasn't aloud to touch it till, I was twenty-one, well I never really used it, He left a enough money for my mom to pay for my collage, he wrote a note to me that said he want me to follow by dreams, don't let the money change my life, he said, I could start my own business, or to start a family, whatever makes me happy, I been planning on asking you to marry me for awhile now, but I was to scared, than one day last month, I was at a jewelry store with Nathan, and my eyes landed on this" he said as he kissed the ring on her finger,

"I took it as a sign that it was time to make an honest woman out of you," he paused, his thumb rub against her pink lips slowly, " I seen the price at first I thought damn, I can't afford this, but then it hit me, what Keith said, to spent It on starting a family, while I figured, this is how you start a family, you know, you marry the girl, that you want to have your children with, I hope this doesn't scare you off, Peyton, but I want you to have my children," he said, with all honest in love.

" I want that to," she smile up at him, " I've been thinking alot about starting a family, I see Brooke and Haley and honestly I'm kinda of jealous, I want a baby, she said , in a sweet low voice, with love in her eyes.

" Why didn't you tell me?, that you felt jealous, we could of started a family long ago." he said, as he kissed her forehead

" It wasn't till after Brooke had little Peyton, I was fine with Haley have the twins, but when they both become moms, I just realized it was something that I wanted to, but was afraid to say anything, I know you love me, but I wasn't sure if marriage in kids where a plan for you." she smile a small smile at him.

" baby, you could come to me about anything," he peck her lips " I want everything with you Peyton, I wanted to ask you to marry me on our one year anniversary, but you had just started the label, I didn't want to put anymore stress on you, plus I was afraid of the out come it you would of said no" he admitted with so much sadness. He rolled over on his back,

Peyton climb on top of him, laughing when he smirk at her, " I told you before and, I tell you again, I want everything with you Lucas, your right I've might of flip if you would of asked a year ago, but I don't want to think about what would of happen, because we are together, we are engaged, we are more in love today, then we were a year ago, I wanted to be your wife, I want to be the girl to give you your son or daughter, or both, I want to go to sleep every night with you, I want to wake with you, I want to come home every night to you, I love you so much, " she sigh, as a tears fell from her eyes.

Lucas reached up in wipe the tears away, " me to Blondie" he smiled " Sometimes I can't believe your real, I love you" he whispered as he kissed, " how about we started our family tonight" he wink as he flipped them over, as she giggled, he love when she did that.

It was Friday night Peyton was at home alone, Lucas was in Atlanta at one Nathan's basketball games, she was trying to come up with a song, for her in Lucas to dance to. When the door open.

" Hey, soon to be-Scott" Brooke said, as she walked in to Peyton's living room, with Haley behind her, " what you up to?" she asked, as she sat down.

" Nothing much just trying to find a song for our first dance" she said, with a big smile as she walked over to the stereo changing the CD " where are your kids?" she questioned.

" oh, my kids are spent the night with the grandparents, so I figure we could come here, finish so wedding plans, drink some wine, have a girl night" Haley said, as she pull out the bottle of wine. She went into the kitchen.

" my baby, is on a plane with her daddy right now," Brooke replies sadly, " but I will be okay, Julian mom really wanted to see her, so I stronger, I just have to keep busy" she said, as she grab a glass from Haley, downing the wine

" Brooke, it will be okay, don't get to wasted on me, I still need help with my vows" she said, as she walked into the kitchen, coming back with a bottle of water.

" I knew it" Brooke yelled, as Peyton walked back into the room,

" what" both Peyton and Haley asked, confusedly at there friend

" you are sooooooooo pregnant" Brooke stated happily, " I'm so happy for you guys" she run over in hugged Peyton, who was is shock

" Brooke, How did you know?" Peyton questioned,

" Hello, Peyton I know you better than anyone, first you told us you thought you were a couple a days ago, then we come here with wine the Peyton Sawyer I know doesn't turn wine down," Brooke teased.

"really, you are really, " Haley asked, she jump up in down as Peyton nodded her head " how long are you,"

" ten weeks, so almost three months, I'm due in December," Peyton smiled bigger then either friend has every seen, " I can't wait to tell Lucas," she was ecstatic.

" Lucas, doesn't know, why " Haley asked, " I figure he would be the first you told,"

" well, he was going to be, I was waiting on his phone call, I didn't think Brooke would guess," she wink at Brooke,

" I don't think you should tell him, not tonight, okay," Brooke said, she put her hand up to her two friends, before they could protested, " just hear me out, I think you should keep it a secret, till the wedding Peyton, think about it, it will be the best wedding gift you could give him, " she paused " unless your afraid he isn't ready, "

" no, he ready we actually talked about have a baby the other night," she smile, " okay I do it, I can't wait to see his face,"

The girls stay up all night talking about the wedding the baby, laughing just enjoying them self, Remind them of there lives before husband, and children come along.

Peyton was sitting in her room looking in the mirror, she was happy, she wasn't feeling very good either morning sicken was getting to her, she was hopeful. that she was able to hide it from Lucas, It was hard the last two weeks. She was happy he was going to fine out today, because today was going to be the biggest day of her life, so far. She was so losted in her thoughts that she didn't notice's as her dad enter the room.

" Honey," Larry said, as he touch her shoulder, Peyton, are you okay"

She smiled at her father, then nodded her head, " yeah, I just full of emotions today, " she laughed " you look good dad" she kissed his cheek

" well, I try," he laughed " I hopping you are wearing something more than that" he stated as he arched a eye brow at her standing there in a long white slip,

" yeah, I didn't want to throw up on my wedding dress," she sighed, she walked over in pull her dress out of her closet, " so I take it everything is fine downstairs" she asked, as she went into the bathroom.

" yeah, the beach looks beautiful honey, I'm glad you pick that spot, " he said, as he sat down on the bed " I like Lucas alot, Peyton, I'm Happy that you found someone like him, but do you want to tell me why your not happy, " he sighed

Peyton walked out of the bathroom, she starred at her father for a moment in disbelief, "Dad, I'm happy, I love Lucas, so much I want to marry him, I've never been this happy, she said as she tried to convince her father, " why would you say that"

" I know you love him, I see it in your eyes, but you just look so distracted, what's going Peyton," he said, as he point his finger at her " don't tell me nothing, I know you honey,

Peyton walked over to her dad, she started to cry, Larry jumped to his feet pulling her to him " oh, honey it's okay, to be nervous , " he said as he tried to calm her down. Peyton pulled back " dad, I'm not nervous, I can't wait to be his wife, " she sighed, " I'm just a little emotional, I guess it comes with been pregnant, " she laughed, " your having a baby, " he yelled, Peyton nodded, " yeah, your going to be a grandfather,

" sorry, to interrupted this father and daughter moment, but we have a wedding in about half an hour, and it seems that the brides not even in her dress yet, " Brooke narrowed her eyes at Peyton, who just shook her head, " I'm going" she hugged her daddy as she walked in the bathroom again

About twenty minutes later Peyton walked out, smiling from ear to ear, " so what do you think" she asked, as she turn around giving her two best friends, her father, and Bevin and Rachael, She was wear a strapless silk butter cream beach style wedding dress, withpearlbeadsandsequins outlined with heavy threads. She also had silver lace up beach sandals. Her hair was down, because Lucas loved it down , she had on mother of pearl diamond triple dangle earrings, a gift from Lucas's mom (Karen) it was her something new. She was wearing the locket that Lucas give her on Valentine day. She never told it off.

" you look stunning, honey," Larry said, as he walked over to her, " I got something for you" he pulled a little red box " Your mom started this when you where born, I was going to give it to you along time ago, but I wanted to wait for a special day. " Peyton smile big as she open the box, " daddy, it's beautiful" she said, as she took out the silver charm bracelet, " if plenty much has everything on here that you love, " he said, as she started to look at each charm, there was a book, because she like to read fairly tales when she was younger, A paint brush, her mom said she had talent, a music note, she use to sing whatever song came on the radio, " there are only three on there, she didn't get to finish it, " he said, as he wiped a tear away. " but I got you this one to add to it, it's a angel, because your my angel," he kissed her forehead, "

Brooke and Haley walked over to her next, " well you do look beautiful, " Brooke said, as she hugged her, " well we have something for you to, but first we need to give you this" she handed her a little box, Peyton pulled out a little silver heart, engraved on it was Lucas's name. She look at her two friends,

"here this should explain" Haley said, giving her a note, Peyton sat down on the bed

"Your dad show me the charm bracelet from your mom, I'm glad he pick today to give if to you, I wanted to add to it, so I give you my heart, which you had since day one. I love you, I can't wait for you to be my wife."
Love you, with all my heart, Lucas, aka your husband

Peyton wiped her eyes as she put the charm on her bracelet, " Okay Peyt, you got you something new from Lucas's mom and, your something old now, Your got your something blue" Rachael said, as she wink at her

" Oh no we forgot blue" Haley said

" No Haley's, I got something blue, " Peyton looked around the room to see where her father was, she notice him in the corner on the phone, She looked over at her friends, "" Rachel, took care of the something Blue, " Peyton blushed " there was a little bag in the bathroom with a see though blue teddie,"

" A night Lucas's will never forget," Rachael said, as she sat down on the bed, There was a knock at the knock, " come in" they yell, Nathan walked in " Um look I know you guys love to talk about us when we aren't around, but can you please hurry up, I have a very nervous groom outside who thinking's something going to happen, because his bride is five minutes later," he said, shaking his head

" OH MY GOD, NATHAN TELL HIM I SO SORRY, I LOST TRACK OF TIME, " Peyton said, as she comb her hair once again, " Nathan tell not to worry, and that I love him, and the charm to. " she paused, " okay Lets go" Rachael and Bevin walked out the door with Nathan,

" wait Peyt, we still need to give you this, your something borrow," Brooke said, as she place the tiara on Peyton's head. Then same one Brooke had when she married Julian. " prefect, now let's go get you married off,"

Rachael and Bevin were siting in the front row, next to Julian, Rachael was looking around for cute guys, she was the only one still single, Bevin was making eyes with Skills, who was standing next to Nathan.

" You next " Nathan teased, " she is going to want to get get married next,"

" I'm way head of you, " Skillz said, in a serous tone. Both Lucas and Nathan looked at him confused, Lucas was just about to questioned it, Then the music started to play. He turn his attention to Brooke and Juilan's little girl. She was wearing a white satin and lace dress, when matching shoes. She held the basket full of pink and white rose petals, she throw one hand full down on the sand. then ran down the beach to her daddy, jumping up on Julian's, lap, Who mouth sorry to Lucas, everyone else laugh. Brooke and Haley walked down next, They were wearing strapless emerald gown's with white sandals, Everyone watched as Larry and Peyton walked down the steps of her and Lucas's home. Lucas swears that his heart stop the moment she was in front of him. They smiled and mouth I love you to each other, as the preach begin.

" I believe both Peyton and Lucas have their own vows," he said, as the couple nodded there heads, " Peyton, you first" he said as he step back.

" Lucas, It used to be that life was just emotions passing by, then you came along and made me laugh and made me feel again, you taught me to love, " she paused, " There was a time when I used to run away, anytime I started to fall, cause love has never been very kind to me, Until you............you stole my heart away. Somehow you helped restore my faith, and something that I thought wasn't for me, now comes so easily, I love you Lucas, so much, I want to thank you for all you giving me, your my soul mate, " she said, in strained voice

Lucas wipe his eyes, he pull her closer to him, so close that there lips were inches apart, " I never thought in a million years, that I could feel the way that I feel, How I get butterflies whenever your lips touch mine, " He reached down and pecked her lips, " I must confess love, that it was instantly right from the start. a special bond between you and my heart, How it skips a beat whenever our eyes meet. Your the flame that sets my soul on fire, that special girl I pray for every night, that pretty melody, that plays over and over again in my head. Peyton I know there will be differences we have along the way, where our veiws may not always be the same. But I swear I'll try to hear out your side. And compromise cuz I realise I can't be without you, I love you, you are my world Peyton, you are my everything.

Peyton was crying uncontrollably, Lucas was crying, as Peyton caressed his cheek, Lucas comb his hand thought her soft glowing hair, she looked so beautiful as the sun was setting it was glowing on Peyton, Lucas fell in love all over again. He was so losted in Peyton's eyes. that he didn't hear the preacher, Till Nathan kick his leg, Lucas snapped back in reality,

" I do" he whisper, against her lips, he was getting impatient, he wanted to kiss her so bad. His smiled bigger as he hear her say.

" I do" she smiled, against his lips, she was getting just impatient as Lucas. They both looked down at the little sound of voices " here Aunt Peyton, and Uncle Lucas," Josh and James Scott said, as they handed them the rings, Lucas rub the top of their heads, as Peyton kissed their cheeks. They watched as both boys ran back up the beach sitting beside Nathan's mom.

Once the rings were in the right place, the preach finally said, what they both have been waiting for, " Mr & Mrs Lucas Scott, you may" he started but stopped once he seen Lucas pull Peyton to him, kissing her passionately.

A few hours later everyone was at Tric, Laughing and Dancing, Haley, Brooke, Skillz, Nathan, walked up on the stage. Lucas pulled Peyton over to the table he sat down then pull her to his lap

" I love you," he kissed her bare shoulder, " I can't wait to get you home Mrs. Scott," he winked

" yeah, well I can't wait to see your expression when you see what I have on under this," she winked, then laugh as his hand slowly started to go up her dress, " Lucas, stop," she giggled, as she felt his lips on her neck, " I could totally, made you come right here," he said as his eyes locked with hers, she then felt his hand rub her thong, she knew he was teasing her, she really thought he wouldn't go any further, But boy was she wrong she grasp as his finger enter her. She bit her lip looking around the room, she thank god that no one was paying attention to them. She looked back down at him, as he pulled his finger out, " I got you just were I want you," he laughed,

Peyton stood up, she fixed her dress then, she walked away. A few minute's later, she walked back to table. Smiling she sat on the other end of the table, She winked at Lucas, Then turn her attention, to the stage where Nathan was talking, " Lucas man I'm proud of you." He said, as he look over to his brother, Lucas smiled at him, as he moved to the chair beside his wife, " your so in love with each other that you keep keep your hands off her" Nathan laugh, as Peyton grasp, as Lucas lifted her up in placed her on his lap. " Thank you Peyton, for coming into his life, showing him love, giving him everything he's ever wanted, I wish you both a lifetime of love in happiness, " He finished, Peyton looked down at Lucas, then pecked his lip, Lucas deepened the kisses,

" Okay, Please stop, I promise we are almost done, than you two can nail each other" Brooke said, as it was her in Haley's turn with the speech.

" Well what can we say, Lucas we thank you for loving Peyton, even when she was pushing you away, for never giving up on her, for believing in her helping her with her dreams, for making her happy, Peyton Honey we love you, we are so glad we push you into Lucas, he has change you and you have changed him, We wish the best to both of you, on you new life together, as husband and wife, and on as mother and father, " Brooke said, as she finished she realizes what she said, " I meant mother and father in the future. " She wink at Peyton. As Haley pulled her off the stage,

" Well it is time for the first dance" Haley said, " but first Skillz has something to say" she handed skillz the mic, " Hey everyone, first way to go guys, I wish you happiness to, if you need anything just holla, Peyton I glad he met you, someone needed to keep him in line. I never though that I would want what Nathan and Haley have , or what Lucas and Peyton have, But as I look around I realizes that I'm really ready for whatever to comes next. " He walked down the stage, over to Bevin " I love you baby girl, I'm glad Peyton set us up, I own her alot, I want you to stay in Tree hill, with me cause I want to have what the have with you, so baby, will you marry me," he asked ,as he pulled the ring out

" yes baby, yes to staying in tree hill, yes to wanting what they have, yes to marrying you, yes to everything," Bevin said, as she jump up in his arms. Everyone cheered, then congregate them.

Haley walked over to the d.J, telling him what song to play, the light when dime, as the music begin, Everyone clear the dance floor.

"Irreplaceable love of my life"

First, first time I looked into your eyes I saw heaven.
oh, heaven in your eyes.

Lucas took Peyton to the middle of the dance floor. he wrapped his arms around her waist, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, " I love you" Peyton said, as she kissed him, " I love you more," he said, against her lips.

Everything I did before you, wasn't worth my while
It should've been you all the time
I do anything, and everything to please you
you know how much I need you
you're always, always, on my mind.

"Baby, this something I wanted to tell you, " Peyton said, as the continue to swing to the music, Lucas kissed her forehead, " yeah me to,"
he said, resting his forehead against hers.

You're more than wonderful, more than amazing,
Irreplaceable, love, love, of my life
You're so incredible, here in these arms tonight
the Irreplaceable, love, love, of my life

I like this song, it's how I feel about you, I love you, and you are the love of my life" he whisper as he kissed her. She pulls back " you wanted to tell me something" she asked. as her hands played with hair on the back of his neck. He nod, " well there is two things I need to tell you, first, I wanted to tell you I picked a place for our honeymoon, with the help of Brooke and Haley," " he paused, then lean down to her ear " Paris" he whispered, " really, oh my god , i've always wanted to go there, " she pulled his face to her lips kissing him hard. " I love you," He loved that he made her this happy, " well there's something else I wanted to tell you, I pay Brooke back the money you bought to started the label." he watched as she frown at him, " Listen I wanted to Peyton, I know how much this means to you, we are married now, we are suppose to share everything, " she smile a little, " yeah, I get it, thank you," he hesitant with the next part. "I bought tric" he watched as her eyes widen

Always, seems like reality forever, don't seem so far away
All I wanna do, all I wanna feel, all I wanna is to be close to you
Everyday, is my lucky day, All I wanna do, is love you
I place no one above you, I'll tell you why.

" What do you mean you bought tric, why would you do that?" she asked, as she drop her hands from his neck, trying to pull away. but Lucas tighten his hold on her. " Baby, listen to me, I bought it for you, as a wedding gift, I figure we own the label so why not own tric to, we can keep it running, you guys were so up set when you heard it was closing" he argued, " Lucas, yes we was upset, we love it here, but I can't run a club and a label, it's just to much, right now, " she pleated, " It was amazing idea honey, I just can't do it right now,"

You're more than wonderful, more than amazing,
Irreplaceable, love, love, of my life
You're so incredible, here in these arms tonight
the Irreplaceable, love, love, of my life

" Peyton, I get it's alot to take on, but skillz and Bevin, and Rachael, what to be involve with the club to, we are just going to be the owns, I got a manger, already, " she looks at him, then nods her head, " sorry, I actioned like that, I love this club, you believe we can do it, I mean it's alot to take on the label, a club, a new marriage, a baby," she said, looking him in the eyes, " Yeah, peyt, we can together, our love is strong, we can take on whatever life throws at us. " he kissed her, Peyton shakes her head he didn't get the last part, " so, when do we leave for Paris," she asked, as she lays her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head, " two days, just the two of us," he replied as his hands rub her back. " you mean the three of us," she said, as she felt him stop moving, she pulled back,

Baby you know, you know you're my one and only
(All I wanna do is be together)
Sugar you know, I'll never leave you lonely
In your eyes, in your eyes I see forever
ahhhh, ohhhh,ohhh,ohhhhh

Lucas, down at her than cupped her cheeks, " are you saying, what I thinking your saying," he smile, " Yeah, we've having a baby, your going to be a daddy" she replied with so much love in her eyes. " when did you fine out, why did,,,,,,,,,,,," she put her finger to his lips. " I found out when you were in Atlanta, I wanted to tell you, I really did,but I thought it would make a great wedding gift, are you happy, " she asked, hesitantly, " yes , baby I'm happy, we are having a baby," he pick her up swing her around, she giggle, " Lucas, Please put me down, I don't think the baby likes this. " he stops, " so sorry, are you okay, " yeah we are prefect." she said as she placed his hand on her little bump.

You're more than wonderful, more than amazing,
Irreplaceable, love, love, of my life
You're so incredible, here in these arms tonight
the Irreplaceable, love, love, of my life.

Lucas is Peyton walked up on the stage they thanked everyone for coming, Peyton through her bouquet, Bevin caught it, They told everyone about the new addition to there family.

Six months later

Peyton was sitting in her room as the door open, she smile as her two best friends walked in the room, Nathan and Julian followed them in, holding balloons and flowers and little stuff animals, " Hey mama " Brooke said,as she kissed Peyton on the cheek, " Oh Peyton they are beautiful," she said, as she took the baby from Peyton. Lucas walked into the room smiling at his family, he walked over in climb on the bed next to his wife, wrapping his arm around her, He kissed her head, As Haley took the other baby, " I can't believe you had twins too" she whisper, trying not to wake the sleeping baby's, "It's that damn Scott sprem " Haley joked, as everyone else started to laugh. Nathan and Lucas high five each other as the rest rolled there eyes.

" Yeah, I can't believe it either," Peyton said, as she lay her head against, Lucas shoulder she was exhausted, " I can't wait to get them home, I'm glad we got there room done in time,

" me to babe," Lucas said, as he kissed her head again, then watched his brother take one of the baby's " What are there names?" Nathan asked, as he sat down with his nephew in his arms

" well, your holding Keith Nathan Scott, " Peyton said, as she watched Nathan's face lite up " and we would like for you and Haley to be the godparents of him," she said, looking up at Lucas who was smiling

" oh, Peyton we are so honored" Haley said, as she hugged Lucas and Peyton, " yeah, thanks guys," Nathan said, still looking at his godson, He walked over to Lucas handing Keith to him, " you did good man "

Peyton looked over at Brooke and Julian who was holding the other baby " you are holding, Elisabeth Brooke Scott" Peyton said, as Brooke eyes widen, " we want you in Julian to be her godparents"

" thank you Peyton, and Lucas, we would love to, " Julian said, as he wrap his arm around his wife who is crying, " yeah, what he said, " as she handed Elisabeth back to Peyton then kiss both baby's

A couple hours later everyone left, The happy couple was finally alone with there baby's, Peyton moved over so Lucas could lay with her in the small hospital bed. Both baby's were sound a sleep. Peyton lean up kissed Lucas with so much love, " thank you, for everything, for love me, giving me a family." Lucas stoke her cheek then kissed her forehead.

" Peyton I love you, I should be thanking you, for letting me in your heart, for marrying me, for loving me back, and giving me the most precious gifts ever. He wrap his arms around his wife as they both when to sleep dreaming of what the future holds next for them.

well. here it is this was the longest chapter, I have ever wrote, I hope you all enjoyed this fiction. I liked writing it, I going to finish my other two fictions, before I start a new. So thanks everyone for giving the fiction a shot. thanks for the reviews.