Author's Note: So… this idea has been flitting in and out of my head for a while. I've already got the whole story laid out, so I hope to keep working on this. This is an OC fanfic. So if OCs aren't really your cup of tea, then don't read. Still, I would like to recommend you try it out; I promise it isn't a Mary Sue.

All words in Japanese will be italicized (assuming I can get to cooperate…). I'll be providing a glossary at the end of every chapter for them in case you're not too familiar with the Japanese language. English words are italicized for emphasis. Japanese words will be emphasized by bolding (since they're already italicized).


Wren's Song: Chapter 1

Needless, to say, I was having a bad day. A bad day that was now turning into a bad year. I checked my phone again to make sure I wasn't crazy. The conversation I just had really did happen. Pain ripped a hole in my chest only to fill it with anger, as my eyes filled with tears. A couple drops began to fall, but I swiftly wiped them away.

It would have at least been nice if he broke up with me while I was still in the states.

But no. My boyfriend - er – ex-boyfriend managed to wait until I was here in Japan. He said he wasn't 'able to handle the distance'. I think he didn't want to handle the distance. We'd done long distance relationships before, and we had survived. Now, I couldn't help but wonder what his real reason was. Did he just… stop loving me? Or had this been happening for a long time without my noticing it? Flurries of questions were going through my head. Why, why, why.

So, here I was, in a country where I didn't really know the language very well, single, lonely, and trapped here for a year. This is all because I thought it would be a great idea to sign up for the JET program, Japanese English Teaching abroad. I don't even really want to be a teacher. I actually want to be an opera singer (Yeah, that's right.) I signed up for this program because it seemed like an easy way to travel some place new and make money at the same time.

Where did that land me?

Here in Karakura Town.

It was on the outskirts of Tokyo, which was good… but my language skills are limited, and therefore so is my traveling. Karakura Town itself wasn't exactly invigorating. It was simple… shops here and there, houses, schools… There were some good hang out places, but they mainly attracted the high school crowd, which was a little young for my taste. Probably the most interesting thing about this place was the constant stream of weird happenings on the news. People disappearing, buildings being leveled with no known cause… I somehow managed to land myself in the one freak show place on the Nihon map. It wasn't the first time something like this has happened… I have a habit of landing myself in weird places and situations.

It wasn't always so bad. I actually was really enjoying it, being able to do all the sightseeing. What killed me (before my ex broke up with me five minutes ago) was the place I've been stationed to work at. Despite being a native English speaker, they don't ask for my help at all. I have tons of time to waste. I remember my mom saying to me on the phone, "It sounds like a great deal. You don't want to teach, but you're getting paid anyway. You're making money without actually working. Just enjoy the paid vacation."

The thing is that I don't operate that way. I like having work to do; I like to feel like I'm useful. Or at least welcome enough to participate in the lifestyle here. I've only been here for a month, but I'm already getting the feeling that the Japanese staff around me are looking forward to my departure. In the meantime, the students here are lifeless drones in class, proving high school is the same everywhere. There aren't any other JET people here at my school, so I'm left to stick it out by myself. All I have to rely on are the much more positive anecdotes of other JETs, which leaves me frustrated and full of envy. Not to mention, being a gaijin has gotten me plenty of good stares and not enough good friendships. It's not that I don't get along with people at all… but I'm very aware that I'm an outsider, a minority, and I'm not entirely welcome in the culture.

Having my boyfriend back in the states had really helped me stay positive. Sure, I may get a little bit of racism from some people, but at least I had him to talk to on the phone at night. We had been together for a long time, and he provided me with a foundation. I knew there was a home for me when I got back. But now, that foundation has been shaken, broken, and ripped out from under me. Even if I were to go back to the U.S. right now, it wouldn't be the same.

So, here I am, sitting in a café at ten o' clock, sniffing pitifully over a cold cup of tea. I didn't know how long I had been sitting there, but apparently it was too long. The store keeper came over to my table and kindly informed me that they were closing. I could understand a little of what she said, which was slightly encouraging… but I wasn't in the mood to be encouraged.

I packed up my things, and headed outside into the heavy, humid evening. The Typhoon season had ended, but the heavy clouds still lingered, trapping the heat. I already despise heat as is… but heat with humidity is a recipe for disaster. The only plus side was that it was warm enough that people were still walking around at this hour (less likelihood of getting mugged). The major downside was that most of these people were happy couples taking late night walks together. I felt my gut give another twist. New tears were already brimming at my eyes and escaping down my cheeks. I hadn't felt this alone in a long, long time. I wanted to avoid all signs of happiness, and wallow in depression.

I walked down the street to go home, knowing that I'd have to hurry to catch the train in time. Across the street there was a big park with plenty of street lamps and benches. I knew if I cut through it, I would make the train that much faster, so that's what I did. I looked both ways, and then sprinted. Rain started to pour. It happened so suddenly, that in a matter of seconds I was already drenched. Fan-fucking-tastic. I obviously didn't have an umbrella on me.

I went to one of the nearby trees, and leaned against it, while the leaves and branches above me collected the water that was pouring down. Every now and then a giant drop would splatter onto my head or shoulder, but it was still better than the alternative. I didn't know how long it would take to subside, but I could already tell that I would be missing the first train. Might as well wait it out, until I know when the next one will be coming.

The yellow lamplight became almost a haze as the rain pelted down even heavier. I could see the light reflecting off of the raindrops, making them look like snow. I sighed, and slid down to a crouching position with my back against the tree. I pulled up the length of my coat into my lap to keep it from touching the ground. Keeping me coat clean was at least something relatively within my control. I'll be damned if I let another thing go wrong in my life.

The rain produced such a droning hum of sound, that I didn't notice anyone near me. It wasn't until the flash of white caught my attention out of the corner of my eye that I jumped up and turned to face it.

Before me there was a very… strange looking man. He was wearing white hakama pants tied on with a black obi. For his top half, he wore a uniquely styled white coat that had long coattails. His pale skin was almost as white as the clothing he wore.

The first thing that struck me as odd (besides his not-so-modern attire) was his eyes. They were looking right at me, as if he had been searching for me. Emerald green pierced right into every nook and cranny of my being, and I shivered. Was it fear? Anticipation? I couldn't tell. The second thing I noticed was that he was completely dry. Despite the pouring rain, he didn't have a single drop on him. His hair wasn't matted down, and… was he wearing half of a helmet?? What was the point of that? Does he frequently fall on his left side a lot…??

"Onna." I snapped out of my reverie when I realized he was talking to me. I stared at his face, his eyes, and I looked curiously at the lines going down his cheeks.

Normally I would label a person of his description as a lost cosplaying emo boy on his way home from an anime convention. But I knew - I don't know how, but I knew - that not only was he older than he probably looked, but he also had an energy about him. It made my skin tingle, and the air crackle. Maybe it was that mystical energy that kept him so dry while I looked like a drowned rat.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked. Dumb question. I knew he was. I was the only one here, and he was still staring at me.

"Aizen-sama requests your presence." He stated. As if I should know exactly who he was talking about. "Kuru."

"…….um…. what?" I understood what he said, but my body instinctively took a step back. My brain hadn't caught up with my actions yet, but I knew something was obviously wrong.

"Come." He stated with a little more insistence. His eyes narrowed at me, as he took a step forward.

I began to step away from the tree towards the lamplight. I had to get away from him. As long as I was in the light, as long as someone could possibly see me…

Then he was right in front of me. I didn't even see it happen. A brief scream escaped my lips as I tripped over my heels and began to fall back. Before my scream even finished he took hold of my wrist, spun me around so my back was against him, and he had his cold hand over my mouth.

"You don't have a choice." He stated.

Then the sky opened up. And I'm not talking about the clouds. I mean it literally. He took me through it.

The next thing I knew, I was being literally dropped onto a cold, hard floor. I landed on my side, and my limbs stung from the impact. I struggled to push myself up.

"Well done, Ulquiorra." I heard a smooth voice say.

There was no response from my kidnapper as he stood near me. My eyes followed from his feet to his face, where he glanced down at me briefly with a complete lack of interest. He looked back up ahead of him and put his hands in his pockets.

"Welcome to Hueco Mundo," said the voice. I didn't push myself entirely off the floor. Instead, I scuttled back on my heels and stared ahead of me.

Some distance away, there was a man with slick brown hair sitting on a throne. This throne was raised up high above the floor on a platform of stone. He had two men with him standing abreast. One had very light hair and the most evil gleam of a smile I'd ever witnessed, and the other was dark skinned with badly designed sunglasses. It was the strangest image I'd ever seen…

Then, my eyes took in the rest of the space. It was huge and dark. It was like we were in a great hall, and I had no idea where this place was. Behind me there were a group of individuals, mostly men, all dressed in white. Everyone here was dressed in white. Everything here was monochrome, except for their hair and skin. Blue, blonde, brown, pink... they stared at me, some with boredom, some with interest, and some… my eyes locked with a venomous looking man with an eye patch and sleek black hair. He was tall, lean… and he grinned at me displaying a collection of big teeth, like a predator mocking its prey.

Terrified, I jumped up and got as close as I could to the closest person to me, the only person I knew so far… the man with the green eyes (I'd already forgotten his name). He was no comfort himself. He simply stared at me with that look of his, and then looked ahead again.

I was completely alone.

"W-where am I??" I stuttered. I hugged my coat to myself, as if it would provide any sort of protection.

A chuckle rose from the throne behind me. "As I said…" he stood. "Welcome to Hueco Mundo."

"Bakana," I heard someone spit behind me. I could tell who probably said it, but I turned on instinct and once again was facing the man with the eye patch. He was still grinning. My breath quickened, as real panic began to settle in. I was trapped. I didn't know what they wanted. What did they want?? What is and whereis Hueco Mundo? Who are these people?? Question after question seemed to fill my lungs, stealing my air. I couldn't breathe anymore.

I began to take shaky steps backward, anything to put distance between me and this creature in front of me. I had nowhere to run, I knew that… but my body was aching to try.

I passed the man who brought me here as I continued to step backwards. His eyes shifted from the throned man to me. The next thing I knew, I was spun around facing the front again, his hard fingers gripping my arm, not letting go. He held me there, and I was stilled by his strength. I knew why he held onto me… I couldn't run, I couldn't fall, crawl, anything. I was only able to stand there.

The man beckoned us towards him with a wave of his hand. The one holding me obeyed, half walking half dragging me forward with him. As we got closer, the platform and throne seemed to get bigger and taller. This must have been who he was talking about. This… Aizen-sama.

"You have been brought here to serve me." Aizen said it like it was completely natural. "You have a power that I need to fulfill my goal."

"And what goal is that?" I demanded with a shaky voice.

He chuckled. "There's no need to get into such details now. Do you explain to a knife why you are using it to cut?"

"… I'm a tool?" I said, completely confused. A tool is what you use when you're unable to do something by yourself. So what could I do that this all-powerful man couldn't?

A serene smile played across his lips. "Exactly."

"She catches on quick, don't she?" commented the grinning light haired man.

"Indeed." Aizen agreed.

"I think you've made a mistake." I quivered. "I don't have any power."

"On the contrary, Hughes-san, you do. You just don't realize it yet." He stated.

I sputtered. "H… how do you know my name?"

"I know more than just your name. I've been observing you for some time, watching your power while it sleeps in you."

I narrowed my eyes. He's got to be kidding. Look at me! I could barely keep myself together in this place, and he's saying I have power. My muscles tensed under the green-eyed man's grasp.

"I think you've made a mistake." I repeated. My voice was small and pathetic compared to his, but my tone was honest. Anyway, the sooner this was established, the sooner I would go home. Wake up. Something. Anything except being here in this place.

His eyes narrowed, and I tried to shrink back behind my captor. "Is that so?" In a flash he was back at his throne, with his eyes closed serenely. He snapped his fingers. "Nnoitra…"

In an instant, the man holding me released me and disappeared. The sudden change in weight and strength threw me off balance, and I stumbled to the floor. Again. I looked around bewildered, and saw him standing some distance away with the rest of the group behind me. How did he…?

I didn't have time to dwell on it. My eyes shifted to the man with the eye patch as he took a step forward. His grin widened, his eyes narrowed. It clicked. This was Nnoitra. And Aizen had just commanded him to do something.

Almost as if he could read my thoughts, Aizen spoke. "If you're not who you say you are, then we don't need you. You are disposable."

My stomach dropped to the floor, and a wave of dizziness and nausea hit my like a freight train. "No… don't…"

It happened so quickly. Nnoitra advanced with sudden speed (and even then I could tell it wasn't his fastest), and I stumbled back. I raised my hands in automatic defense, but he never reached me.

It only took a few seconds, but I remember every detail. Blackness began to form not around me, but in me. I could feel it, the heat and the cold at the same time, both burning my soul. The blackness spread out and I could see it in my vision, creating an orb around me, swirling. I could only see flashes of my surroundings as the black mass spun around me in a circle, expanding, getting larger... I could see Nnoitra rushing at me, hand extended to crush me. 'No… don't come…' I thought. The hand was the first thing that came into contact with the blackness. It turned to darkness, absorbed into it, breaking into black chunks that disappeared…

I could hear him scream. The sound of the agony buried itself deep into my brain, and I knew it would be ricocheting in my memory for all time. It was pure destruction. I was pure destruction.

"NO!!" I screamed desperately, and immediately the black disappeared like vapor.

There I stood, clutching my own throat, my body drenched in a cold sweat. An exhaustion fell on me, and I struggled not to fall to my knees. Every ounce of my energy was gone. And there crouched Nnoitra, clutching his arm. His hand was completely gone… nothing but a black stub left at the forearm. He was livid, and I felt a weight, a power, fluctuate and begin to crush me. My lungs constricted, my skin seemed to flatten against my muscles, my bones began to ache…

"TEMAE…" he cursed, his eyes on me. I had never felt that kind of a look; I knew instantly that he wanted me dead, and he wanted to be the one to do it. And he would do it slowly, painfully…

"That's enough, Nnoitra." Aizen said placidly. Gradually the crushing energy began to subside, and I realized that it was his energy. Nnoitra was incredibly powerful, and yet he obeyed Aizen. That meant that Aizen must be even more powerful. My brain couldn't wrap around it. "Ulquiorra," he requested, and the man who kidnapped me stepped forward. Ulquiorra. It was only the second time I'd heard his name, but I knew I would remember it. "Please bring Inoue-san here. I believe Nnoitra would like his hand back."

Ulquiorra bowed. "Hai." And he walked out of the great hall.

"It appears that you were mistaken." Aizen stated. I turned to watch him. "You are the tool that I need."

"What did…. you do to me?" I demanded as I gasped and gulped for air. "What… just happened?"

Aizen chuckled. "You're quite tenacious. I didn't do anything to you. You've just never had to actualize your powers until now."

"What are my powers??"

"It's called shibou bunya. Death field." He stated. "A very powerful ability."

"Death… field?" Well, doesn't that just sound pleasant

"Hn. For now, it exposes itself when you're afraid. When you feel that your life is threatened. I noticed your fear of Nnoitra the second you came here. Even before you may have noticed it yourself." He gave a pleased glance at the glaring, agonizing man behind me. "I believe he noticed it as well. You should be careful not to entice him."

No, I certainly wouldn't want to do that…

"You must feel tired now. It was your first time, yet you put on a lovely display," he sighed. I was still struggling to catch my breath. Suddenly, Aizen's pleasant demeanor disappeared and his face seemed to darken. He looked… calculating. "Your ability is immature, and you are inexperienced. But with time, we will learn to control it."

Control it…? He meant control me.

Suddenly his face lightened again and he looked past me. "Ahh, welcome Inoue-san."

I turned to face the only other remotely human person here. A girl, maybe in her late teens, with orangish hair and gray-blue eyes. Ulquiorra was standing behind her. Immediately, like a moth to the flame, she spotted Nnoitra on the ground kneeling, cradling his arm. A gasp escaped her lips, and she looked around the room to find the cause. Her eyes locked with mine and she understood. She knew that it was me, and yet she didn't fear me. Instead her eyes were full of pity, and immediately we knew we were here for the same purpose. But I didn't know what the overall purpose was.

"Why do you need my powers?" I asked, as I turned around.

Aizen ignored me. "Inoue-san, we've had a small incident, and we need your abilities." He motioned with his hand towards Nnoitra.

She hesitated at first, but then stepped forward, her eyes apathetic. She kneeled down next to Nnoitra, and raised her hands over his wound. I watched as she spoke. "Soten Kisshun. I reject."

A yellow light flashed from her hair pins, and then there was a shield over Nnoitra's arm. I watched in fascination as his hand slowly came back, the black stump growing and growing, the blackness fading back into pale flesh. A chill went down my spine.

As soon as she was done and removed the shield, Nnoitra stood up with such swiftness that it knocked her on her back. I wanted to go help her up, but I couldn't move. I didn't want to get any closer to him. She stood up and dusted herself off, as if this was a regular occurrence. Maybe it was. I was not looking forward to that fact.

I turned to Aizen again with a new question. "How does it work?"

His smile spread across his thin lips. "Orihime or yourself?"

I paused. "Both."

"The two of you are two sides of the same coin." He explained. "She has the ability to reject what has happened. She can, in a sense, reverse time." I glanced at her in awe. "You, on the other hand, are the opposite. You speed up time. Whatever your power touches speeds up time for that object so quickly that it is destroyed." His eyes narrowed into a happy gleam. "You bring death."

Something sank in my chest. "Talk about getting the short end of the stick…" I commented. Not the best response, but humor is my coping mechanism.

Aizen gave a hearty laugh. It was unnerving. "Yes, very tenacious indeed. We can continue this conversation another time. But for now, there is business to attend to. Ulquiorra, please take Inoue-san and Hughes-san to their rooms. And be sure to get Hughes-san a change of clothes."


Japanese glossary:

Nihon Japan

Gaijin Foreigner

Onna Woman (plain form; can be insulting when said to a stranger)

Kuru Come (plain form; also considered rude)

Bakana Idiot

Temae Insulting form of 'you' (similar to bitch)

Hai yes

Shibou BunyaDeath Field (as explained in the chapter)

Soten KisshunOrihime's healing power "Twin Heavenly Returning Shield"

Author's Note: Okay, that's the first chapter. Please let me know what you think; I think the story will continue to be told through her perspective, at least for right now.