A/N: I know I had said in the summary that this story is on hatis, but I'm finding some time to actually update my stories. *Winks* I will try to update every week for you guys. About the other stories...I will try my best, as well. When I get to writing new chapters to 'The Love That Will Last', please be patient with me. Each chapter is twenty pages and it gets quite difficult for me to write. So either my co-writer and I will take turns writing the parts or we will roleplay the story and I will edit it and take out what's not needed.

I thank you if you're still liking this story, even me as the author. I do love you guys, but sometimes I write so many stories that I can't keep up with them.

Zelda entered some spring after walking around a forest. The path she took somehow lead her to a forest and she has been there ever since.

Zelda looked around her in amazement, her eyes wide in awe, a grin on her face. She suddenly bumped into something and fell with a splash, whoever and whatever she hit falling with a splash too. She heard a groan as she stood up and found a young boy, perhaps around her age, standing up as well.

He was wearing some weird clothing that Zelda guessed was the clothing that boys and men wore in the village. He had blond brownish hair and his face was handsome, for a seven year old. He had a sword on his back. He took it out and held it out towards Zelda quickly when he looked up.

"Who are you, Hyrule person?" he questioned, trying to be tough.

Zelda stepped back and moved left to right, side to side, though Link followed and kept his sword at her. He then grew confused and curious. He slowly brought his sword down. "What are you doing?"

"My father says to never turn your back on an Outsider!" Zelda told the boy with a firm voice.

"You always do what Daddy says?" the boy asked with a smirk.

Zelda took offence to his remark. "No!" she barked, the tips of her ears going red.

"Bet you do," the boy teased, turning around and walking towards the small waterfall of the spring. "Bet you're Daddy's little girl!" He laughed. "I live in Ordon; I can take care of myself."

"Really?" Zelda asked, following him, her voice seemingly amazed. "Cool."

The boy looked back at Zelda, who offered him a smile. The boy slowly smiled and held out his hand. "My name's Link Avalon," the boy known as Link introduced himself.

Zelda stared at his hand for a moment before slipping her hand in his. "I'm Zelda," Zelda replied. She blushed when Link grinned at her.

"Ah," he said, putting away his sword. "Princess Zelda." Her hand still in his, Link bowed to Zelda, who blushed. Link gave her a sly grin and suddenly, there was a noise. They looked up, finding a portal forming at the sky. It was black but had light blue mixed with light green lines on it. Link's eyes widened and he quickly let go of Zelda's hand, backing a few steps back.

Three big, black monsters dropped out of the portal and onto the shallow water. They were all black but lines of red were on their backs and chests, a some sort of shield on their heads, which long, thin strings on its head and hands. They shook their heads and began to go slowly walk towards Link and Zelda.

The young princess gasped.

"Twilight monsters!" Link yelled, turning around and starting to run towards the entrance of the spring. "Run!"

It was then that a yellow diamond formed around them. Link halted his steps right away, Zelda bumping into him. Link whirled around and bit his lip. He began to look around frantically. He found a small hole on the side of one of the walls of the spring and grabbed Zelda's arm, leading him and her in a run towards the hole, the twilight monsters starting to run after them.

"Come on!" he yelled. "Lets go through this hole! It'll take us a few feet out of the spring and then we can loose the twilight monsters!"

Link and Zelda then got on their knees when they approached the hole and crawled in it, just as the twilight monsters ran into the wall. Link laughed. "Idiots..." he mumbled.

Zelda grinned and followed Link through the hole. When they got out of it, they stood up and looked around. The monsters weren't there.

Link turned to Zelda. "See? I'm a genius!"

A grumble was heard and the two looked to their side, finding the twilight monsters standing a few feet away from them. They growled and ran after the children. Link and Zelda ran for it, yelling.

"You were saying?" Zelda said with a raised eyebrow.

Link panted as he looked behind them.

The twilight monsters were catching up.

They were soon out of the forest and running towards a path. "Lets go down that path!" Link yelled, pointing towards the path. "The twilight monsters will dissolve if we jump in water." And so Link and Zelda ran down the path, which lead them to Ordon Village, the twilight monsters still following them.

Rusl paced the front door of the palace, his hand on his chin.

Uli was standing in front of him, watching his every move. After a few more minutes of him doing that, Uli began to grow frustrated and stopped Rusl's pacing by placing a hand on his arm. "Rusl, dear, will you stop worrying?" Uli asked gently, her voice soft and loving. "I'm sure that Zelda is fine."

Rusl sighed and nodded. "I know," he said. "I just can't but help worry about her."

"I'm worried about her too but I'm sure she's fine," Uli said. "Besides, you said so yourself: you had Macky and Steve watch out for her."

It was then that Rusl stopped rubbing his chin. His eyes widened at Uli's statement and opened the doors, calling out to the guards. "Guards! Search Castle Town and Ordon," he ordered

The guards standing at the sides of the doors turned to Rusl right away.

"Why, sir?" one of the guards asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Because we need find a certain princess."

The guards looked at each other, knowing what Rusl meant. Nodding, they bowed and then walked off.

Zelda and Link had just entered Ordon and were now running towards a river that had a ledge by it. They jumped in the water and the twilight monsters were stupid enough to do so as well. They quickly got out of the water as the twilight monsters dissolved.

Link and Zelda stared at the water for a moment before they looked at each other and burst out laughing. They dropped themselves on the ground and breathed heavily, Zelda letting out her breath as she and Link continued to laugh. They stopped after a minute or so. It was then that Zelda spoke.

"We make such a good team! And you..." Link just stared at Zelda. "You were really brave!"

"Yeah... you were pretty brave too," Link commented. He then stood up and helped Zelda. She batted his shoulder and jumped back.

"Tag!" she exclaimed. "You're it!"

Link did do anything; he just stared at Zelda, giving her an odd look.

She tried again and giggled. "Tag!"

Still no response. Link just stared at her.

"Hello? You run, I tag... get it? What's the matter? Don't you know how to play?"

Link blinked rapidly, a confused look appearing on his face.

Zelda then thought of something and took out the small, thin sword that her father had gotten her.

Link understood and took out his own and he and Zelda clang their swords together.

Just then, Zelda's sword was taken from her and she was pulled back. Link looked up and found it was the king of Hyrule, Rusl, with his wife, Uli, a couple of guards and two men standing around him. Link assumed that the two men were Macky and Steve, or so he heard from the other villagers.

Someone then was in back of Link and he was pulled back as well. Rusl recognized him as Ganondorf.

"Ganondorf," Rusl said simply, though he had bitterness in his voice.

"Rusl," Ganondorf replied. He looked at Uli. "Uli."


"Macky and Steve," Macky said gently, smiling. "Great. Now that we all know each other... GET BACK TO YOUR HOUSE!"

Ganondorf clenched his fists and three twilight monsters appeared behind him. Macky's eyes widened and he hid behind Steve. "These lands belonged to Zant."

"Now you and your young one get out!" Rusl ordered, glaring at him.

"Oh, haven't you met my son, Link?" Ganondorf asked innocently, his lips curling up in a smirk.

Zelda gasped and Link looked down.

"He was hand-chosen by Zant to follow in his foot steps and become King!"

"Pbbb!" Macky laughed, waving his hand. "That's not a king; That's a fuzzy maraca!"

"Link was the last born before you exiled us to Ordon, where we have little food, less water," Ganondorf said. Rusl didn't say anything. He put Zelda's sword in her sheath and picked her up.

"We're leaving, come on," was all Rusl said.

Ganondorf grunted and picked up Link. He turned around and began to walk off.

"Bye," Zelda whispered, loud enough for Link to hear.

"Bye," Link whispered back.

A/N: So, did you like it? Please review.