At last! What you have all been waiting for! The final Chapter of my first story ^-^ As you know there are some errors and I apologize, but you understand right? I know it is not Xemnort but it was easier for mr and I forgot in that chapter so you get the message.

*SPOILER WARNING* I have been watch BBS cutscenes like crazy so, even though I do not speak japanese, I have added some possible event conections to the story. Don't say you were not warned.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, blah blah, you hear this every time you read a story so just get on with it.

Chapter 17

"Sora!" Kairi exclaimed at the top of her lungs, oblivious of the battle that was raging on before them. All her attention settled on the lifeless form in her arms. The stream of tears that ran down her cheeks from her rather puffy red eyes seemed endless to Riku and Roxas who stood on either side of her. Neither of them could believe what they had just witnessed, how could anyone bear the feeling of ripping someone as pure and naïve as Sora's life away from them, literally?

Riku stood there dumbfounded looking at the most painful scene of his life playing out before his very eyes. There laying on the dirt covered surface of, what he came to the conclusion was, the Keyblade Graveyard. 'How could I have let all this happen?' he thought. 'If I had never opened that door in the first place none of this would have happened. Sora would safe back on the islands with Kairi and me, no knowledge of the keyblades nor of the heartless. Just the three of us like we have always been, imagining all the different worlds that could be out there without ever actually seeing them. It was then that Riku felt the greatest wave of guilt wash over his aching heart when he remembered one of their finally days on the island, before… He, Sora, and Kairi were sitting in their usual spot around the Paupu Tree. The sun had begun to set and they were just a few days away from finally finishing the raft. It was something that Sora had said that got him thinking. "So how far could a raft take us?" "Who knows? If we have to we'll think of something else." 'Was that really the something else I had mentioned?' Riku began to wonder. He was cut short of his thoughts by another outburst from Kairi.

She had slid her arms under Sora's and pulled his body into a heart throbbing embrace. Sora's thin form just hung off of her as the distraught redhead continued to cry into his chest. "He's getting so, so cold…" she whispered without looking up at them, but keeping her face tucked away in Sora's navy blue t-shirt. She tightened her grip as her head snapped straight up and she screeched at the tap her lungs "Somebody help him! He's getting too cold!" and her head back onto Sora's unrising chest.

Roxas stood there just as confused and guilty as Riku. He stared down at his original self and felt nothing but anguish and hate toward the person who he had witnessed put Sora into such a position. Though he didn't have a heart, Roxas did have a mind that made up for it. For in his mind he had all the memories he needed to form feelings of his own. The ones that now hit him the hardest were these last few days. 'I should have known something was wrong .I was there, I was with him!' he cursed himself for his unwariness. Looking at him now Roxas was glad Namine had stayed behind and wished that Kairi would have done the same. This was too much for anyone.

Meanwhile, that battle to keep Xemnort from opening the door to Kingdom Hearts was waging on. Terra and Aqua were doing the best they could against one of their former masters.

Aqua and Terra were forced to split up when his assistant came up behind them and struck Aqua in the side. She was propelled a few yards away from the path and when Terra went to help her Xemnort suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his path to her. "Get out of my way!" he screamed. He looked behind the old man and saw that his assistant was walking over to where Aqua laid, face down; keyblade in hand. "Leave them be." Xemnort gave him a cold smile. "He told me he has some…unfinished business with that woman. Besides, right now your fight is with me." His eyes began to glow their eerie yellow glow and Terra could feel all the hate inside of him boiling over.

Terra's grip on his key tightened further as he brought it up to attack. "First you hurt Ventus, one of my best friends…then you take his brother away as well, that naïve little spike-head from the island..." he felt the sting at the back of his eyes where tears have been forming "and now you go after Aqua!" he charged forward and leaped into the air, bringing his key down where Xemnort stood…or at least where he was. Terra swung his head around in time to see Xemnort, behind him, swings his own key in to his side. He fell back a few feet and held his aching side. Unfortunately he had no recovery time before he, once again saw a key coming down on him. Quickly he threw his feet up and pushed himself off the ground with his free hand. The blade struck where Terra's head had been not even a second before and made a dent in the, seemingly solid, ground. "I thought you would put up a fight." Xemnort sneered. Terra collected himself and charged the man once more.

Aqua awoke just as the assistant's blade came down to finish her. She rolled off to the left and looked back at him as he pulled his blade from out of the world. "You're still as slippery as ever I see." His voice echoed from behind his mask. "But I will soon put an end to that!" he charged at her. She managed to block his first strike with her keyblade, but failed to realize his recovery skills; and his blade made contact with her back and tried to stand but the pain forced her on her knees. "What the matter?" he said in a taunting tone. "Don't have your king around to help you this time? Or is it that Ventus isn't here to save you this time?" Aqua's rage just hit an all time high when she heard that overconfident, cocky laughter. Last time she heard that was when caught a quick glimpse of his battle with Ven, before she passed out. It was then she remembered the main reason why she hated this form so much. "Not this time" she whispered. "Hmm? Did you say something?" he continued to annoy her with his uncaring attitude. She lifted her key into the air "Cure!" she called and then dashed forward. Her blade connected with his side and he was thrown back a fair distance. "So, you still have some fight lift in you… allow me to fix that!" he jumped on to a stream of flying keyblades and 'surfed' toward her. She positioned herself for the oncoming attack and…

Aqua had successfully taken out Xemnort's assistant, for now, by using strike raid as he came surfing by her on a mass of keyblades. "That was too easy." She said to herself taking one more glance at the unmoving form on the ground as she proceeded to where Terra was battling Xemnort.

"Terra!" she threw her blade at Xemnort's and knocked it out of his grip, for he was not expecting his assistant to loose to her…again. Aqua ran to Terra's side and used a cure spell on him. Now the two faced Xemnort, who had called back his blade. A wide, nerve chilling grin spread across his face, giving him his sinister expression. The two knew that when he got like this it meant he had something in store fro them, and to be prepared for anything.

"This ends now." He said rather calmly; he was sure of himself alright. He lifted his key above his head and darkness began to whirl around it like light would on any other keyblade. Before either of them could react he thrust his blade forward, engulfing them in the darkness. When the darkness cleared, Aqua and Terra were laying on the ground in obvious pain. He glanced over at the others, still to preoccupied with Sora to notice the battle that had just taken place.

Xemnort's assistant had regained consciousness and joined his master's side. "Now, time to claim what we came here for." He manipulated the ground beneath him once more and made his way to the door. Aqua was in no condition to focus and her spell was easily broken. He held out his hand "I command you, Kingdom Hearts, open your doors and give me your power; and with this power I will finally start the next Keyblade War!" he shouted. The great white doors began to slowly open and it appeared that there was nothing to stop him from achieving his goal. But as the doors had just barely opened, a great ray of sky blue light shot out, knocking Xemnort and his assistant off the rock formation. Quickly Xemnort brought another piece of land up to catch them. "What…!" his eyes widened when he looked up to see a form emerging from the light. The assistant was taken back and inhaled a deep breath when the light dimmed, but did not completely fade, to reveal his worst nightmare. "No…it can't be" he stared in disbelief "Ven…tus…"

Indeed it was Ventus that emerged from the ray of light. He looked down and his eyes moved from a shocked Xemnort to a, seemingly frightened…

"It's been a while hasn't it…Vanitas." Ven smirked as a form of an ultima keyblade appeared in his hands. This key was not made up of one, but two kingdom keys that crossed and were connected by what resembled the top half of Sora's more recent ultima key. He gripped it between the two kingdom key's and dove down to were Vanitas stood. With one swipe of his blade Vanitas was down for the count. His helmet had shattered from the force. His scream had caught Kairi's attention and she looked up from Sora to see a boy who looked like Roxas surrounded by a tint of blue light floating over a crumpled form that resembled….Sora. "Look!" she cried. Riku and Roxas turned to where she was staring and were shocked at the sight. "He looks like…" Riku stared at Ventus. "And he looks like…" Roxas stared at Vanitas.

Ven looked down at the other and made a disgusted face. "You don't deserve that face." He stared at Vanitas's black spiky hair which was styles the same as Sora's, with a face to match. Ven brought the tip of his blade down into Vanitas's chest "Seem familiar?" he watched the other disappear into a cloud of darkness. He turned toward Xemnort, who took a nervous step back. Then he watched Ven soar over to Aqua and Terra. When he was right in front of them, he used his blade to cure them. They slowly opened their eyes, which set on Ven before them. He let a soft smile grace his gentle face "Long time no see, how have you been?" he asked.

Aqua allowed a steam of tears flow down her cheeks and she launched herself at Ven. Her arms wrapped around his thin form and continued to cry into his chest. "I'm so sorry!" she screamed; Ven placed a hand on one of her shoulders "Its alright, there was nothing that could have been done." Terra walked up to them and smiled "I was wondering when you were going to show up." He ruffled Venn's hair "somehow I doubt that." Aqua removed herself and Ven pointed his key toward Xemnort, who was still frozen in shock.

"Let's finish this." Terra and Aqua nodded and placed their hands on the key. A ray a divine light erupted from the tip of the key and crashed through Xemnort's body; he evaporated into the darkness, his decaying hearts returning to Kingdom Hearts.

"We did it." Ven said in a sad tone. He turned away and everyone watched as he approached Sora's lifeless body, still in Kairi's hold. He looked over to Riku, who was trying his best not to cry. "Is that…really you Venny?" he asked. "The one and only!" said boy declared proudly, pounding a fist to his chest a bit too hard. He sent an embarrassed smile toward Riku who let out a low laugh "Yep, same old Ven."

Ven then turned to Roxas. "So he really did loose his heart that time." Ven said. "Huh? Oh yeah." Roxas blushed slightly looking down. It was so weird to see the person responsible for giving him his looks, and the older, forgotten brother of his true self. Finally, Ven looked down at Kairi, who was wiping tears from her eyes. "Pleased to meet you, princess." He bowed, even though he was higher than her. "Th-thank you, but how did you…" Ven smiled; a smile that cut off her train of thought, one that looked so much like Sora's once had. "I remember Aqua mentioning a Princess Of Hearts she met in Radiant Garden about ten years ago. You look like she described you, and I've been watch out for Sora as much as I could." She looked down at Sora "Can, can you…Can you bring him back!?" more of her tears rained upon the ground.

Ven looked at her with a sympathetic smile "Yeah, I can." Everyone looked at him pleadingly; expressions that said 'hurry up then!' "Roxas I'm going to need your help." Said boy nodded and walked over to him. Ven held out his hand and Roxas took it willingly. Both took a final glance at Sora, Ven turned to Aqua and Terra; they had slowly made their way over to the group. "Goodbye, my best friends." He smiled once more, a single tear making its way down his face. He looked back and forth between Riku and Kairi "Take better care of him from now on." He joked. "Don't worry" Riku stepped forward. "We will." Kairi finished for him. Ventus and Roxas closed their eyes and a light erupted the forced everyone to close their eyes.

In the Light

Sora stood in a space of pure light; face to face with his Brother, Roxas stood silent behind Sora. "Sora." Ven smiled and Sora returned with his own bright grin. "I missed you bro!" Sora said tears slipping out from the corners of his eyes. "I missed you too, sorry to make you worry." Ven rubbed the back of his head. "Don't worry about it." Sora's smile fell. "You have to go back now, don't you?" Ven looked down "Yeah. But don't be sad anymore, I'll always be with you inside your heart." Roxas came up and placed a hand around Sora's Shoulder. The two exchanged understanding glances and turned to Ven. "Remember, your never alone." All the friends that Sora has made through out the years surrounded them; Kairi, Riku, and even Namine were right up front. "Thank…everyone." The light brightened and engulfed them once more.

With the King and Namine

"Huh?" Namine placed a hand over her chest. "I guess its time to go back." Mickey looked at her confused until a bright light illuminated the ship, when it dimmed, Namine was gone.

Back to the group

When the light dimmed Roxas had disappeared and in the place Ventus had 'stood' a heart of pure light floated into Sora's cheat. "Whoa." Kairi said, placing a hand on her chest. "What's wrong?" Riku asked "I think Namine is back." She answered. Then a soft cough came from Sora. They looked at him and noticed that the color had returned to his face.

"Sora…are you really?" Kairi stared down at him. After a few minutes of silence Sora opened his sapphire eyes and looked up at everyone. "I'm back." He gave a weak smile; Kairi helped him sit up and tightly wrapped her arms around him, this time her tear were happy ones. "Glad to finally have you back. I should scold you for making us worry like that." Riku joked helping Sora to his feet, Kairi never letting go. He turned to face Aqua and Terra "Ven is very happy, so don't worry." They sighed in relief and called Mickey to bring the ship over. As the Gummi landed they all boarded with the feeling accomplishment. Sora took on last glance at the graveyard. "Rest in Peace Ven, I'll never let you fade."

As they blasted off back to the island Kairi took a seat by Sora, who was staring out the window "So, is it over?" she asked. Sora smiled a half smile and turned to face her. "I don't think its ever really over" he took something out of his side pocket and placed it in her hand. She looked down and smiled at her good luck charm "This is just the beginning. A start of a new journey; you taught me that." He looked back out the window "Who knows? Maybe it has already begun." She leaned onto his shoulder and he rested his hear in her soft hair. "Well what ever destiny has in store" Kairi said "this time we'll face it together." Sora never let his smile fall "Yeah, all the way. You and me, Roxas and Namine…and Riku too. All of us."

Riku and the others watched as the children grew up right before their eyes. "Way to go Sor, what to go." He whispered and pulled everyone out of the room. Right now, Sora and Kairi only needed each other, and that's what they got the whole way home. Nothing would ever be able to separate them again, that was for sure.


Okay for you that did not read above there are implied spoilers to BBS.

No flames because some of you can't read.

Anyway comment and favorite, hope you enjoyed and I thank all of you that have stayed with me and were waiting 'patiently' for this chapter.

Be sure to check out other stories of mine that are up and/or coming soon ;)


P.S, While posting this I was listening to itunes and on shuffle the Kingdom Hearts Jap. OP and Eng. Ending played lol. (Yes they are on my itunes,I'm a nerd with my own problemes alright :P)