A Few Days at a Time: Chapter 1

"Sara." There was a long pause after she said "Yes".

"Grissom? What's wrong?"

"Sara—Sara," his voice over the phone was hushed and tired. "Can you come? I need someone I trust."

She did not have to think, but immediately said "Yes."

He told her about Holly Gribbs with every question beginning with "Why?" His words tumbled out. He had been made lab supervisor—a battlefield promotion—he called it; his friend Brass back as a detective. Not only did he have the shooting of a new employee but he had to find the reason. She heard Warrick Brown's name and knew this was part of his distress. Grissom always spoke with pride about Warrick, the local guy with street smarts.

"When do you need me?" She asked.

"As soon as you can come. I want you to investigate—not internal affairs. If I can present a report quickly, I think it will satisfy the sheriff."

Sara packed one suitcase. A few days, she thought, as she filed a leave application for a week. Her new boss did not like granting her quick request but he did so knowing Sara was one of the few investigators who would agree to work any time he asked.

Grissom had reserved a car and given direction to his location. She giggled as she watched the dummies land and his audience applauded. When he turned to face her, she saw the worried lines around his eyes, but he was smiling as he said her name.

By the time she completed her investigation, finding that Warrick Brown had left the scene, leaving Holly Gribbs alone, while he placed a bet, she had also met the others on his team. Nick Stokes with his easy smile and Texas accent was polite, teasing with his eyes. Catherine Willows had no time for her at first, but quickly regarded her as an equal when it came to investigating. Of course, when Warrick learned she was investigating him and his whereabouts, a guarded skeptic was the best way she could describe him.

Sara stayed with Grissom. He gave her a key from his desk drawer saying he would be there later. She did not ask for details but Holly died and Warrick kept his job.

Their conversation in his bed would be what she remembered later. He arrived, exhausted, physical drained from a double shift, with emotions of the previous hours concealed behind troubled eyes. She fixed food, watched as he ate, and reached across the table to take his hand.

"Come to bed. You need sleep." She said.

They did not sleep. Passion replaced exhaustion as he touched her hair, kissed her closed eyes, and moved hands on her body. His gentle caresses touched her skin but when his mouth found hers, it was with a drive of desire. He kissed her neck, her bared shoulder where her skin was cool, smooth against his lips and tongue. All the emotion of the past twenty four hours detonated inside his body.

Her response to him was as furious as his own. Her arms were around his neck as her mouth sought wherever she could find to place them. She was on the bed but could not remember how she got there, feeling that her bones had been melted by the heat generated between their bodies.

Grissom wanted to make her a part of him, a graft onto his living breathing body, to hold her shape against him for himself. He believed in this moment she had truly been made for him; he knew the touch of her hand, the feel of her skin, the scent of her body. It was a dream he never wanted to end. When he looked into her brown eyes—almost completely black—he knew she had been in the same stormy sea now calmed by their act.

"Sara, will you move?" He asked as he held her, his head snug against her chin. His thumb made circles against her palm. "I can hire you tomorrow." He heard her giggle and felt lips against his temple.

"This is the first job offer I've ever had while in bed."

He did not move, well aware that she had not said "no".

She rolled to face him holding his face in her hands. "We should have a very serious talk about my moving here—should I decide to do so."

"What's to talk about? You can live with me." He noticed the small frown between her eyes. "We can find you a place if you want. We can work together. What else is there?"

"Oh, Grissom." She pulled him into a kiss. "We'll talk when we wake up."

He wrapped arms around her as she found that place against his chest and shoulder. "Sleep, Sara." Her hands combed through his hair and in seconds he was asleep.

It took Sara longer to sleep. She had many conflicting thoughts about moving to Las Vegas, a strange, hot city in the middle of a desert and one reason to move—next to her, breathing steady, warm breaths was the reason she would move. They would talk.

But when she woke, Grissom was dressed and sitting on the bed. "I've got to go in early. Come in later—you are still consulting until I file your paperwork." He kissed her before she rolled to his pillow. "You are cute when you wake up."

"Grissom, we need to talk."

"We will. My office. I want to officially show you around." He turned his head when he smiled. "We need someone like you on this team. Say you will move—I'll help you." His hand passed across her hair. "Sleep. Come in later."