~Winds of Destiny~

Title: Winds of Destiny
Ship: Tess/Oliver aka Tollie
Spoilers: Season 8 all the way, mostly after "Committed"
Summary/Teaser: After sending Oliver packing in "Committed," Tess' one night of passion becomes much more than she ever would have imagined; she's pregnant. With the fate of LuthorCorp and everything she holds so dear on the line, she will be forced to do the one thing she never expected. A story simply about fate and love lost. AU after the events of Committed.
Disclaimer: I am but a meager student making meager wages. I do not own Smallville, Tess, or Oliver (though a girl can wish), they are owned by the CW, WB, and all the others and I take no claim for anything in this piece of fiction. It is entirely for entertainment purposes, and from the depths of my mind.

A/N: I have to give a shoutout to both Violet-Shadow & b4_Dawn_101 who wrote the original Tollie Fics...thanks for the inspiration! I hope you enjoy! I really would love reviews; the good, the bad, the ugly; it doesn't matter to me. Please, I just want to know whether or not I should keep going :) The first couple of chapters are on the short side, but I'm working on getting lengthier as I become more inspired. Suggestions are wonderful too! Now on to the show.


Tess could do nothing but stare blankly. She couldn't move; couldn't breathe. It took every ounce of will power simply to blink even as it shook in her hand. Two blinks lines blurred her thoughts; consumed every ounce of energy in her. Pregnant; it couldn't even be possible. Her green eyes simply stared at it in her hands for the third time in less that an hour before she tossed it into the garbage can and dropped to the floor. This couldn't be happening to her. Not now of all times. Not when she had so much to do; so much to push forward towards. Especially not now, especially considering whom the last person she'd slept with had been.

She ran a hand through her hair before breaking down into sobs. She tucked her legs as tightly against her, willing this all to be some horrible joke. She simply wanted Ashton to jump out and tell her she'd been Punk'd. Damn him, damn him too hell.

After years of moving on, trying to forget how much he'd hurt her, after dumping his beautiful, rich ass after, quite frankly taking advantage of the situation they'd been maneuvering through, she couldn't seem to escape the man. And now, of all things, she was pregnant; pregnant with god-damn Oliver Queen's spawn. If thing's couldn't get any worse this week. She'd killed someone, had no new leads on who X was or where in the world Lex was, and now, of all things, she was pregnant.

The world would quietly begin falling down around her she imagined. It wasn't as though anyone at LuthorCorp wanted her there anyways, and all of them had pitchforks and torches, waiting and biding there time until they had some reason to get rid of her. This was going to be it. Word would spread quickly. Of course, she'd keep it out the Planet, seeing as everything ran through her, but it wouldn't stop the rest of the world from flashing the headlines until ultimately the truth would be revealed. Eventually they'd run her out; brand her a traitor; a sell out.

That was unless she never told him. She never had to tell Oliver. The papers and press would be suspicious. Potentially, it could be a horrible PR day; unless they sought pity for the red haired CEO of Metropolis' hometown corporation. But she never had to tell him. It wasn't as though he would even suspect that it was his. At least if fortune gave her luck.

None of her thoughts came out straight; they were all muddled and ridden in her mind. Looking up, Tess stared into the full mirror on the door. Her makeup was smudged; mascara trailed down her cheek. Her hair was in complete disarray and her green eyes simply stared back in pained shock. What had she become? She was Tess Mercer; Lex's own personal protégé; the future of LuthorCorp. Yet here she was, crying on the floor, all over a mistake; one stupid mistake that would officially screw up everything. That wasn't how she was supposed to act, to perform. She could hear the phone ringing angrily outside the door; calling for her to get up and get back to work. She stood up slowly, using the wall as support while she quickly patched up her makeup and cleared her face. The life of a CEO never was finished, and it most defiantly wouldn't quit because of her own personal problems.

Taking a lasting glance into the mirror, she opened the door, knowing full well what was next. A trip to Metropolis General was in her future.

Any takers? :D