AN: Okay guys, here you go. The epilogue. Enjoy!

Leah POV

I was walking through a forest. The grass was still damp with morning dew and the sun was just breaking through the clouds. Someone was calling my name, and I couldn't seem to get close to the sound. Every time I'd feel like I was gaining ground, the voice would start coming from another direction. I came to a clearing the sun blinded me through the trees. I could just make out the shadow of a person when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Leah, wake up."

I opened up my eyes to see my love, Sam, holding a cup of coffee and smiling at me. He set the cup on the nightstand and leaned over to give me a kiss.

"Morning already?" I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stretched before sitting up and getting out of bed.

"Afraid so." He sat down next to me. "Did you sleep well?"

"I had the dream again." I'd been having the same dream for a week already. It wasn't bad, really, just confusing.

"Again? Hmm. Maybe it means something."

"Maybe. I don't know."

"Well, come on m'lady. Dean's already up, and he's never up before you." He said as he got up and `walked back into the kitchen area of our home. Mom had been staying over Charlie's more and more lately, and Seth had gotten a small house with his new wife, Sarah. The Clearwater home had been left mostly in our care for the past three months. It was amazing how much things had changed, yet stayed exactly the same. I still ran patrol with the pack every day. Sam and his brother, Dean, still looked for jobs around our area. Oddly, it had been really calm on all supernatural fronts. We hadn't even heard anything from the Cullen family, other than the occasional visit from Alice, Jacob, and Nessie (Bella and Edward didn't allow her to be around Jacob unsupervised, even though she was the at the maturity level of a 14 year old, or maybe because of the fact; I wasn't sure.)

Dean was sitting at the kitchen table already, reading the paper and drinking a cup of coffee. Sam had cooked breakfast, but despite his usual ravenous appetite, Dean wasn't eating. I grabbed some food and took a seat across the table from him.

"Not hungry this morning, Dean?"

"I had a big dinner last night." He took a sip of coffee and tried to ignore me. Sam chuckled and Dean shot him a glare.

"Lauren's working the morning shift at the diner. He's going to see her."

"I am not, Sam. I just happen to think they have excellent pancakes."

"And waitresses." I added, and then took a bite of my toast. Sam laughed harder and Dean flipped me the bird. The normal morning behavior for the Winchester-Clearwater residence. Dean got up, folded his paper, and sat his cup by the sink.

"Whatever. She's a nice girl, we have fun. It's not a big deal."

"It's okay, Dean. Maybe it's Twwwu Wuuuv…" I whistled at him and Sam started laughing again.

"You can both bite me." He grabbed his car keys and walked toward the front door.

"Bye Dean!" Sam and I both called, and all we got for our trouble was the sound of the front door slamming.

I got up to put my plate in the sink and help Sam with the dishes. He grabbed me by my waist, pulled me to him, and held me close.

"He likes her a lot. He doesn't want to admit it, but he does." Sam said, wrapping his arms around my waist and nestling his face between my neck and my ear.

"I'm happy for him. He needs someone in his life. He doesn't have to be lonely all the time."

"That's just Dean. It's how he is. Our lives took a toll on us. If not for you, I'd be the same way."

"Maybe he'll find his soul mate."

"I doubt it, but he might have found him a girlfriend."

"It's a start." I turned around and kissed him. "I have to get ready to go." I kissed him again.

"Okay. Jacob's probably waiting for you already, huh?"

"Probably. I'll see you in a couple of hours. Don't worry."

"I know. Have a good run. I'll be here when you get back. "

"I love you, Sam."

"I love you too, Leah."

I ran into our bedroom, changed from my pajamas into some jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed my backpack, and went outside. As I got out into the forest found my usual hiding spot in an old tree trunk, got down and stripped. I put the clothes into the backpack, put the pack into the tree trunk and phased into my wolf form.

Look who finally decided to join us. My Brother Seth's voice.

Sorry I'm late guys. I guess I slept a little too long.

It's okay. All is quiet on the home front anyway. Jacob this time. We fell into the usual route, looking for signs of anything out of the ordinary, discussing our lives, making plans. It was nice to belong to such an amazing group of people, and to actually feel part of it for a change, instead of feeling like the outsider. To be in a position where I could finally be happy for my friends and loved ones instead of feeling sad and helpless and pissed off at the lot of them. I liked the Leah I was now. I was finally okay, for the first time since discovering our tribe's secret and finding out I was a shape shifter. Life was amazing.

After running for about an hour I started to feel dizzy and light headed. Jake, I'm not feeling so hot. Can I cut it short for the day?

Sure, Leah. There was a collective groan from the rest of the pack, followed by some not fair's and one feel better, sis.

Thanks, Jake. Thank you too, Seth. I'll make it up to you guys tomorrow, I promise.

I cut away from the rest of the pack and headed toward the house. I went back to my hiding spot, phased and changed. On the way back to the house I had to stop to be sick. By the time I got home I was drained of all my energy and just wanted to crawl back in bed. I walked inside and saw Sam working on his computer. He looked up, surprised to see me.

"Leah you look awful. Are you okay?" He got up and helped be to the bedroom, where I laid down and curled up in the bed.

"I don't think I should have eaten so much before patrol. I'll be okay."

"Do you need anything? Some water or something?"

"Can you just lay with me for now?" I asked.

"Sure, love. Of course." Sam took off his shoes and lay down next to me. He put his arms around me and rubbed my back. I drifted off to sleep in no time.

I was back in the forest again, but this time the voice was clearer-more distinct. I was better able to follow it. When I got into the clearing again, the sun blinded me, but only for a second. As my eyes adjusted to the sun, the shadow changed. I blinked again, making sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. Who I was seeing.

"Hello, Leah." My father's voice, clear as a bell, coming from the center of the clearing. He was standing there like he had never died. He was holding something, but I was still too far away from him to tell what it was.

"Dad. What are you doing here?" I called, and I picked up my pace to get to him faster.

"Easy child. Take it slow. I'm not going anywhere yet. I have to tell you something."

"I miss you so much Dad. So many things have happened!"

"I know, dear. Just because I'm not on earth anymore, doesn't mean I can't see what's going on. Stop there, Leah. You can't get too close yet."

All I wanted to do was hug him. I couldn't stop the tears that were coming, and soon they were flowing freely and I didn't care. It was my father. I hadn't seen him in over a year, and now here he was.

"I have to tell you three things. First, you and your brother have to know that it wasn't your fault that I died. It was my time, as everyone goes when it's there time. I know you both feel responsible, that you feel like your changes made this happen. It isn't so. Let go of it, and tell him the same."

"Okay Dad, I'll tell him." I wiped my eyes and tried to control myself. I wanted to be strong for him.

"Second, don't be mad at your mother. If there is anyone in the world who deserves happiness, it's her. If she's found it in Charlie, it's okay. I can't be there for her, at least someone can. They have my blessing."

"I'm sure she'll be glad to know you feel that way."

"Leah, you can come closer now." I started walking toward him again, but my feet felt heavy. All of a sudden I didn't want to go to him, because I knew that when I did, he would tell me the last thing and he would be gone again. I didn't want to lose him again.

"Girl, get over here! It's important. The most important thing I have to tell you, and I have something for you."

I finally reached him. I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his shoulder like I had when I was a child. I missed him so much. He smelled like the forest, like running water, like sunshine and dry leaves.

"I have to tell you the third thing." I looked up into his eyes, and he was smiling. I stepped back a little to give him some room, and he handed me the bundle that had been in his arms. It was a blanket, but the blanket was covering something. I moved the top layer and there, in my arms, was a beautiful little baby. She was sleeping; I could see her chest rise and fall with each little breath.

"The third thing is, Leah, I am so proud of you. Of the woman you've become. Sam is a wonderful man. I wish I could still be there with you to get to know him better. This is my granddaughter. You and Sam and the rest of the pack, you're going to make the world safe for her. "

The baby opened her eyes and smiled at me. I looked up to my dad and he was crying. I'd never seen my dad cry in his life. "You have to leave now, don't you?" I was crying again.

"Yes. For now. I'll always be with you, Leah. Don't be sad. I love you. It's time for you to wake up now."

"I love you too, Dad."

"Goodbye for now, Leah."

I opened my eyes slowly, keeping them on the ceiling. I could hear Sam breathing softly next to me. I placed my hand on my stomach, and smiled to myself. I heard Sam yawn and new he'd woken up.

"Feeling better, love?" He asked.

"Much. Sam, I have to tell you something."

"Did you have the dream again?" Then he noticed I was smiling. "Did you figure it out?"

"Yep." I took his hand and placed it where mine had been on my belly. "I'm pregnant."

"You're..." he looked at my stomach, then into my eyes, "Oh. OH!" He kissed me and laughed.

I smiled, and then told him about my dream. "You don't know her yet, but she's beautiful." Sam kissed me again and I heard the front door open. "You can tell Dean if you want. I'm going to lay here for a while."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything. Anything at all." He laughed again. "You're pregnant!" He got up and walked into the kitchen. I could hear him greet Dean.

"Dean!" Sam called.


"How do you feel about being an uncle?"

Thank you all so much for reading! You're all awesome.