A/N Notes Kinda Important...so Read 'Em!

hi people! how are you? so it's been a week or so since i posted the last chapter of 'last name,' and i hope everyone enjoyed it! so now head over to slytherinkunoichi's profile and check out her kibaxsakura story 'aku zukin' or to dharc ness and check out 'kibitionist' (which is wow....a little dirty hehe) and as always i'm giving out a shout to my bunnychan! the only person to get me to read something other than a naruto fanfic...so check out her profile, the rabid bunny, and her story 'mind of a woman, heart of a samuri.' you don't have to be familiar with the series samurai deeper kyo, i wasn't, to enjoy the story. and let's see what else.....oh kanye west is an asshole. and 'glee' is probably one of the funniest shows out there now.

so what is this you say? well those of us who have written stories all know that there are pieces of the story we cut out. these three snippetts are cut out pieces of 'last name,' that didn't make it into the story for some reason or another. i just thought i'd post them as sort of a 'dvd bonus/extra' so to speak. don't get it confused with being a part of the story cause these events didn't happen. ^_^

earthbender068's cuts!

this was an alternative of what happened when the foursome was on vacation. it changed when I decided that sakura would become pregnant without either of them knowing. Here kiba is able to tell the change in her scent, so it had to be cut out.

She pushed pass him in an attempt to get to the door to let him out. The pink haired woman was twisted at her shoulders, and found herself pressed between the door and his chest.

His mouth attached to hers, kissing it furiously. There was no resistance from her as she gave into the passion pouring from the other. The heat she felt from his body burned her body. Mukotsu had never put this much emotion into the kisses they shared. Kiba embraced her and through the thin material of the thong, she could feel his desire press into her body.

The memory of being taken by him, caused a moan to fill his mouth as her body relaxed into his. He pressed her further into the door, grinding into her body. Hands that had broken through stone crushed the paper into a ball. Kiba's fists pounded on the door in time with his hips. The inu scooped up his mate and carried her to the bed.

Her petite frame touched the soft comforter, and Kiba took her foot in his hand. Soft kisses full of desire began at her ankle, and he worked his way up her leg. Just at apex of his journey, Kiba pulled away. His hand covered his nose, and he pushed back from the bed standing.

The scent of the woman had changed. Confused Sakura looked at the other, "Kiba, what's wrong?"

Her breathy voice made his cock jump, and he had to take another step away from her. There was something different about the way she smelled. As loud as his body was screaming for him to take her, his mind was telling him to leave.

"Nothing, this is wrong," Kiba managed to pant out. He quickly turned on his heel and fled. Akamaru quickly behind him.

Sakura fell back on the bed. The delicate ego of the kunoichi was wounded and she could no longer hold back the tears. In her mind she cursed herself. Once again she'd allowed her more basic needs to take over and found herself ready to submit to Kiba. Why couldn't she control this? It was clear that all she was to him was a quick and convenient lay. He could never give her what she wanted.

With that thought she sat up. What did she want from him? Why does she want anything with him? She was engaged! Mukotsu should be the only person that she should be concerned with. It was all so confusing, and she pulled off the shoes that he had bought for her and threw them at the wall. The medic then pulled on a t-shirt and shorts and walked to the balcony. This was all Kiba's fault. If he had kept those damn fangs in his mouth, none of this would have happened.

'Kiba, what is wrong with you,' the nin dog asked.

The two were currently jumping from roof top to roof top. Kiba had fled the hotel with his pup close behind. All he knew was that he needed to get away from her. There were currently a lot of things wrong with him, but his erection was the largest problem he was dealing with.

'Kiba!' Akamaru barked loudly. It was rare that he yelled at his master, but he needed an explanation.

Kiba stopped and sat down on the ledge of a building. The stars and moon were bright in the evening. The air had turned even cooler, but Kiba's body was on fire. Counting to twenty, he tried to control the emotions he felt in his pants.

"Her scent," he said as he looked at the companion beside him. "It was different."

'Of course it was different.' Akamaru replied. His head turned to the side examining his best friend. 'You've smelled it before.'

"Yeah, a few times. It's just my body's never reacted like that," Kiba rubbed the canines fur. "I can't begin to describe how much I wanted her, but I'm not ready to be a dad. She has a boyfriend, so I just need to be away from her."

'We have to go back with them tomorrow?' Akamaru pointed out.

"I think I'll be okay." Kiba nodded, his hand still in the dog's fur. "I'll just be glad when this is all over."

'Sure you will,' the dog agreed. He leaned over just a little to allow Kiba access to the place he wanted scratched. 'Just move a little to the left. Yeah that's the spot. Sakura always rubs right there.'

"Damn spoiled mutt," the inu laughed as he obeyed.


so this portion was to go somewhere, but i'm not exactly sure where. that's probably why it ended up on the scrape pile. but it just makes me laugh to see this visual, and a lot of this is based on my own feelings.

Kiba was strumming the guitar with Akamaru at his feet. The fall air was crisp without being cold. Akamaru sang along with the soft music that Kiba was making. A scream from the apartment below caused both to jump to their feet and bound down the stairs.

In a panic that Kiba had never seen, Sakura was on top of the counter by the sink shouting. Kiba raced to her side and instantly she climbed onto his back clutching on for dear life.

"What the hell is wrong?" The brown eyes darted around the room. Akamaru barked loudly.

"A mouse, a mouse," she screamed. Her insane grip around his neck caused Kiba to choke.

"Sakura calm down," he ordered, placing his hands on his ears. Everyone seemed to forget how sensitive his ears were. Plus he couldn't breath. "Monkey woman loosent that hold on my neck."

"NO! There's a mouse in here," she continued to panic. Tears from fear falling down her cheeks.

Knowing she was in no real danger, Kiba saw this whole situation as quite comical. One of the strongest ninja in the village, a trained medic, and killing machine was clutched to his back like a spider monkey, crying.

'Where is it?' Akamaru asked. The canines head darted back and forth.

"I knocked it out with a potato." Sakura answered. The petite legs locked around Kiba tighter. "Toward the pantry."

'A potato,' the dog looked at her with an eyebrow raised. 'Are you serious?'

"Akamaru, get him," the inu ordered. "And hurry up before she snaps my neck."

Kiba shifted Sakura's weight on his back. Her petite body shaking violently.

"Don't make Akamaru get him!" Sakura argued. "It's a mouse! Don't make him get it! You get it!"

His ears were ringing with the sound echoing from Sakura's voice.

"Sakura princess, you realize if I go get it, you go too since you are strapped to my back!" Kiba turned his head to look at her. He wanted to laugh, but the quivering lip on the kunoichi kept him from doing so.

Green eyes processed the information. "Ok, ok, Maru go get it!"

'Found him,' the white dog barked.

Suddenly the mouse sprang to life and darted through the kitchen. This set Sakura off into a fit of screams, clutching on to Kiba even harder. He swore she broke a rib with the pressure form her legs around his waist.

"Get him, get him, get him," she cried. Pulling on Kiba harder.

Akamaru chase the mouse around the kitchen, before grabbing him.

'Impfh, gotmfph himpfh,' the dog's voice muffled. A squeak was heard and the mouse did not struggle any longer.

"Take him outside, and get rid of him," the clan heir ordered.

Akamaru headed toward the roof to dispose of the mouse.

"You killed him," she squeaked with a tinge of sadness in her voice.

"Sakura," the inu said, trying to remove her from his back, so he could look at her. "If we didn't get rid of it, or could attract more."

Sitting her on the counter, he looked into her eyes, which grew larger. "More, there could be more?"

Her legs snapped up and pulled her knees to her chest. She looked around the floor of the kitchen.

"I can't stay here!" Sakura stood on top of the counter. "I just can't! What if one gets in the shower or my bed! Or it comes up after me, when I'm sitting on the toilet!"

Kiba tossed his head back, and sighed. "Sakura, there aren't anymore. We just needed to get rid of that one."

"How do you know there aren't more! You didn't even smell that one," she pointed down at him. "I need an expert to come and clean the house! It's your fault bringing all this food in here!"

"So the fact that I don't want to starve is causing your rodent problem," he snorted at the woman's actions. "And I told you I don't smell anymore."

"I'm not staying here," she shook her head. Her head shaking furiously, and she began to mumble incoherently. "Nope, there's no way. Mouse in my cereal or the sofa. What if it lays eggs? Wait do mice lay eggs. What if there are eggs in here now?"

'Has she lost it?' Akamaru looked at Kiba, entering the room. 'She's got that crazy look in her eye.'

"All women are nuts boy," he rubbed the dog's head.

A knock at the door pulled Naruto from his favorite spot on the couch. He lifted his head from Neji's lap, the Hyuuga's hands were threading through the blond hair softly, and grabbed the remote pausing the tv.

"What the hell," he scratched his head looking at the pair on his doorstep.

Kiba stood with Sakura over his shoulder, fireman style. "Can I leave this here for awhile?"

"Put me down Kiba!" Sakura pounded on his butt. A string of curse words and panic set over her voice.

"The last time she looked this way, she'd seen a mouse," the blond remarked with a smile in his voice.

"What is going on here?" Neji walked up to the pair. His brow furrowed at the site before him. "Did you parade her around the streets of Konoha like this?"

Kiba shrugged at the Hyuuga's comment and began to lift the woman.

"Oh my God, Naruto it was four feet long," she grunted, as Kiba put her down. Her green eyes still wide with panic and her body jumping slightly.

Kiba rolled his eyes at her exaggeration, and made a finger gesture indicating three inches at the mouse, while he shook his head.

"Neji man, come with me and give the place a byakugan approved once over. I told her my nose didn't find another one," the inu asked, then played his trump card, a confident grin. "If not she says she's staying here."

The expression of Neji's face changed, "Alright let's go."


this section was during the time where the village was quarantined. I couldn't really decide where I wanted to have Mukotsu to return. So here is a different take.

Kiba's nose wrinkled as he guarded the eastern gate of the village. There were other places he would rather be, like by Sakura's side, but his work required him to be here. The past couple if nights he had sat outside her office window watching her sleep. In her dream state, she was almost angelic. Skin that appeared to radiate a glow, the mass of pink hair sprawled out, and a peaceful expression on her face. It made him want to break through the window and kiss her.

For once, he listened to his head, and decided the wrath of both Sakura and Tsunade was not worth a five second kiss. Maybe an all out romp on her desk, yes totally worth it, but a simple kiss no. That wasn't true he told himself. A kiss from her was just as important as having her under him. Something had changed since the night of Ino's party. Little by little, he found himself thinking of her more and more.

A frown covered his face when he recognized the approaching scent. He jumped from the branch he was on to the ground.

Mukotsu's party stopped in front of the inu and his canine. Shino moved from the top of the tree to the branch Kiba had just occupied. The Aburames eyes sized up the two guards that accompanied the assistant and determined they were of little competition.

"The village has been quarantined under the orders of the Hokage. You will need to return to your own village." Kiba instructed the group. His brown eyes narrowed at the man before him.

"I do believe Inuzuka san, I am an exception to that rule," the light red hair of the man blowing in wind. He raised his eyebrow and a smirk curled at the edge of his mouth. "See power gets you past such barriers. But you are not yet in possession of such power as just a heir."

A snort left Kiba, and he shifted his weight into a more threatening pose, "Funny but, I won't always be an heir. I will lead my clan, and you," he eyed the assistant from ground up and locked eyes with him. "You will always be an assistant, secondary, a beta, or better yet just someone else's errand bitch."

Shino sighed as several of his destruction bugs began to crawl over the tree. Apparently the other male had not learned his lesson when challenging a shinobi after Sakura had hurt him. Pity for Mukotsu, Shino thought, Kiba would not be as merciful, and Shino would not interfere.

"You think I don't see through your little act?" Mukotsu asked. He stood taller and did not lose eye contact with Kiba. "I am no fool. Let me pass."

"Seems so simple when you say it, yet going through me will not be," the inu returned the challenge.

Akamaru's fur began to rise at the possible onset of a fight. The two guards switching their view from the nin dog, to the shinobi in the tree, who was crouched and ready to strike.

'Let me do this,' he asked his master. His nose close to the ground ready to pounce.

"No boy, this is between two men." Kiba spoke. His body leaning forward.

"I don't know what kind of hold you have on Sakura, but I will release it." Mukotsu pointed at Kiba.

"I have no control over her," he answered and started to circle the man, with Akamaru going counter clock wise. With a devious wink and a slightly evil laugh he continued. "Sakura comes to me willingly, so remember that. She is with me, of her own free will."

"You bastard!" Mukotsu yelled.

Yeah and then I would have had to have some kind of fight between them, but that would have through a wrench into Kiba keeping this whole thing quiet and stuff.


So there you have a few of the excerpts that I call the author's cut. I don't know why I wanted to share that, but it seemed like a good treat. Kinda like the dvd bonus. Lol.

Normally, when I end a story I don't like to write epilogues. I like for the ending to stand the way it is. But a few of you have asked for a next chapter, I won't/can't do that, but here's something.....

Kiba stood on the balcony of the Inuzuka clan building. Below him gathered the entire clan. It was the spring, and every Inuzuka had returned to Fire country to celebrate the establishment of the clan. A week long family reunion of sorts. A new tradition started to help reinforce the bonds of their bloodline. This was different than the usual elders meeting that was held every year for the clan. Instead Inuzuka young and old, human and canine were able to meet share stories, traditions, and pride.

Their clan head, who began the tradition when he took over the clan, stood above them all dressed in the traditional robes for their clan. He took a deep breath, ready to address the anxious group of men, women, and canine. His wife was at his side proud of her husband.

Tsunade had since retired as Hokage, but Kakashi stood there in his ceremonial robes as the leader of the Village Hidden in the Leaf. Kitoku smiled representing the feudal lord's office.

"My fellow Inuzuka, I stand here today happy to be the leader of Fire Country's strongest clan!" Kiba's voice sounded out to the crowd, who began cheering. "I would like to present my heir, Inuzuka Yuichi."

The small boy of three years old walked onto the balcony. Shy at first, but his father's pride and confidence crept over him, with every step. Looking up at his dad's proud smile, he stopped and bowed before him just as his grandmother told him to. Yuichi then turned and bowed to the crowd of Inuzuka in front of him.

The crowd erupted into cheers of such a strong looking heir. The young boy had his father's brown hair and the signature clan triangular burgundy birthmarks. Tall for his age, which was not the only thing he inherited from his maternal grandfather, the bright green eyes shone with excitement at the acceptance of his clan.

Kiba wrapped an arm around his wife, and his second hand began to rub the small bulge on her stomach. The clan leader was positive this child would also be a boy, little did he know that he was correct and would be for the next three sons his wife would bare for him. (yet how could such a mere man know his future as the father of five of the strongest sons the Inuzuka clan would ever see.)

Hikari stepped from the side of the balcony and the crowd hushed.

"Inuzuka Yuichi, who's name means brave first son, I mark you the rightful heir to the Inuzuka clan," the sage spoke loudly. Hikari extended his hand to Kiba and Yuichi.

Both men gave stuck their hand out. The sage took out the ceremonial kunai the had initiated every clan heir. The steel sliced a gash on Kiba's index finger, and blood began to flow. Repeating the process on Yuichi, who to every Inuzuka's delight did not flinch, Hikari began to mix the bloodlines of the Alpha males.

Both bowed to the sage, then turned to the clan.

"Fellow Inuzukas, I present the future leader of the Inuzuka clan!" Hikari stated proudly.

Yuichi bowed once again to the crowd.

"Okay everyone, let's eat!" Kiba ordered, placing an arm on his son.

Sakura walked over to the pair. "I am very proud of the two of you."

Kiba put his other arma around his wife and kissed her cheek. Yuichi was bored watching his parent kiss again, and turned to his grandfather.

"Grandpa, let's go get some food!" Yuichi ran to the man.

"I'm with you!" Otani Haruno scooped up his grandson. "Maybe, you could get your grandmother to go with us down to the kennels later."

The two walked off into the building. Kiba smiled as he looked at his family and clan together and celebrating. Both he and his wife laughed as they watched her mother try to out run Akamaru who was desperately trying to get the woman to ride his back. Despite the way they came together, the pair were sure no other love could be greater or last longer.

now i can mark this complete...see i hadn't forgotten to do that! lol. and i've started reading 'absolute boyfriend.' so far it's funny.

thanks to everyone who's reviewed/read/alert/fave....this story! you guys are awesome!


oh p.s. the first one who can tell me what the chapter titles all have in common, get a one shot, naruto pairing of your choice! (ugh...what am i doing...what if someone asks for ino? or hinata? i may just puke!)

update!!! sorry we have winners in the above mentioned contest! look for one shots for , princess kaay, and lasrbr!

the answer was, each chapter had the title of a character from the story in it!