Danny stared at the ceiling. It was Sam all right, there was no mistaking her. After all, who else in this town wears combat boots? In the shock of seeing Sam the fact that she was floating almost escaped him. Almost.

Danny quickly jabbed Tucker in the ribs. "What?" Tucker hissed out of the corner of his mouth, wondering why Danny wasn't crying yet. Danny made no sound but pointed upward.

Tucker cast a quick glance up, then did a double take. It was Sam. Sam. I knew she'd come back to haunt me, he thought.

Sam crossed her legs and sat in mid-air. Honestly, did they think they'd get rid of her this easily? She'd seen her mother's outburst, and was disappointed when her father didn't stand up to her, but at least they didn't full out scream at each other. Sam knew that Danny had spotted her and alerted Tucker. Sam went intangible, and had to stare at her unseeable hands. She wasn't used to being able to do this without Danny.

Sam moved down and hovered just behind Danny and Tucker. Tucker sensed the temperature change, but just assumed that it had something to do with Danny. Danny didn't even notice the temperature drop. It needed to be extreme for him to notice it now. So, both boys jumped as Sam drooped an arm around each of their shoulders.

"Meet me during the reception." She whispered so that only they could hear.

"Where?" Tucker had the brain to ask, as Danny was a little out of it.

"I'll find you." She replied mysteriously. Sam moved away from them and to the back of the church. It was very boring for her. Sam toyed with the idea of animating her corpse, but then everyone would panic, and it would just take longer for her to make her Amity debut. She also had to set the record straight that it was Danny Phantom who did the dress thing. Sam had to give Danny credit though, it was a smart idea. And something she would have probably done.

Finally the old man stopped talking and everyone went outside and buried the coffin and her body. Then, after tears and everyone glaring at her mother, they all headed next door to chat and 'reminicse' but Sam knew that not many people would actually miss her. Although, they would soon realize that she was back.

As soon as everyone was settled and Danny and Tucker were watching Sam walked outside and looked at the door. The way she looked at it, the way the room was set up, everyone would notice if the door opened late. It was just what she wanted. Usually Sam would shy from attention, but, she needed it for this. Sam took a deep breath, which she really didn't need, and put her cold hand on the doorknob. Steeling herself, Sam pushed the door open.

Just like she'd hoped, everything just stopped. Every eye was on her. No one dared speak. They just watched as she walked toward the back of the room, no one had a doubt about where the young ghostly girl was going. The black haired beauty went and stood in front of her mother.

"I saw your newscast this morning, and I didn't do that. It was actually my best friend Danny Phantom who did that one for me. Same as the black dress. Yes, I saw your little performance. I know that you hated me, probably more than that, but I'm dead now. I would think that you'd show just a little compassion. You didn't, and I didn't expect it at all. But, see, I have just one thing to say to you." Sam stood up a little straighter.

"Mom, you are a bitch." A loud ringing sound ran through the church as Sam slapped her mother across the face. Sam shook her head in disappointment and turned on her heel. She walked outside and slipped away into the shadows.

"Give her a few." Tucker warned, catching Danny's arm as he made to go after her.

Pamela had gone red. "What an ungrateful little brat! I give her fourteen years and she calls me something like that!"

Danny turned angrily. "She spoke the truth. You hated her, don't pretend you like her now. We all know that you are an awful person."

"You were constantly threatening her. Yelling at her, and you never paid any attention to her." Tucker pitched in.

Pamela grabbed her purse and swung it toward the boys. Tucker ended up with a large bruise on the cheek, and Danny got a sharp whack against the back of the head. He rubbed it and winced.

"Don't speak to me like that!" She growled and stalked away.

Everyone began to talk in low whispers. Danny sat down in a corner and held his aching head. An hour later he looked up and the room seemed to spin. His eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed to the floor.

Jazz screamed and ran to her brother, turning him over on his back, she felt for a pulse, there was none. Autopsy report says that he died from bleeding in the brain. Pamela Manson was convicted for murder. Daniel Fenton was buried next to Samantha Manson. Danny Phantom came clean with his parents after his death, he spent most of his days roaming the Ghost Zone, hand in hand with Sam.

Okay, really, really, really, unsatisfactory ending, but it's the best I could do. And yes, you read that right. This is the end!

I have some Danny Phantom summaries that I'm willing to hand out if anyone needs something to write. Just pm me. Ideas are appreciated, you'll get your credit. Complaints ignored unless it's in the form of constructive criticism. Reviews motivate me. Don't own. I hope some of you will check out my other fics.

Goodnight, Goodnight, Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say goodnight, till it be morrow.