Disclaimer: I do not own icarly


#1. Spin the bottle

#2. 7 minuets in haven

#3. i felt fireworks

#4. Is it love?

#5. Mayhem at olive garden



Sorry it took so long but here's the 6th and final story. Remember if you have not read the others you WILL be confused.

"Is she ok? I need to see her! How did this happen? Does she have head damage???" Freddie screamed franticly cornering a nurse. "Answer me now!" Freddie felt like punching a wall so hard his hand went through.

"Freddie?!" Carly said coming through the hospital door. "Where's Sam I…Why are you cornering a nurse???" Carly said with a raise of an eyebrow.

"What? Oh rite, sorry Mrs.….." Freddie blushed and started stumbling over his words reading the name tag "Mccowen. I just wanted an update."

"Well," said Mrs. Mccowen fixing her glasses and walking towards room 901. "She's not in the best shape but there is no head trauma. She has some cuts and bruises but, she should be out by tomorrow."

"Yippy-way." Said a sarcastic, familiar voice.

"Valerie!" Freddie said with a sharp, tense, angered voice. "You shouldn't have come. In fact, you should be in juvie then at a flipping hospital waiting to see Sam!"

"I'm here for you Freddie, you honestly think I came here for Sam the wicked witch of the west?!" Valerie laughed a bit then continued in her 'I'm so innocent' voice. "Baby, come on how about we split and get a smoothie?" Valerie took Freddie's hand only to have it shaken off.

"Forget it I'm not going any where with you! You're just a wealthy brat who gets every thing she wants! But, you're not going to get ME!" Freddie said fiercely. Carly stepped away from the unconscious Sam.

"I'll tell my mom you said that." Said Valerie. like that was a threat.

"Tell her." Said Carly jumping in right on time. "I'll tell the cops. You've done enough damage; now go away before you get arrested!"

"Whatever! You two are losers any way!" Valerie was steaming as she stomped off. Freddie went in to the hospital room to see Sam, unconscious with tubes every where. The back of her head was bandaged. Freddie leaned down and put his lips to her ear.

"I'm so sorry," he said gently. "It's going to be alright. I promise."

"What's going on?! What happened?!" Spencer yelled coming through the white door way with grocery bags.

"It's alright Spencer," Carly said reassuringly. "Sam got hit really hard and will be out tomorrow."

"Oh, well good thing I got snacks." Spencer said emptying the grocery bags.

"Ow." Said a weak voice gaining everyone's attention. "Who hit me?"

"Sam!" Freddie shrieked with joy. "Oh my god, Sam you're awake!"

Freddie went over and kissed Sam's forehead. He whispered with his lips still on her forehead. "I was so worried."

"Hey Sam How are you sweetie?" Carly said sitting in the fold up chair next to the hospital bed.

"Want some ham?" Spencer asked holing up a package of smoked ham.

"Yes please." Sam said Horsley.

"Wait are you sure she can eat?" asked Freddie, he was so worried about Sam he could barley let his eyes away from her.

"Oh it's ok," Spencer said, "the worst thing that could happen is she dies." That caught Freddie's attention.

"What?!" Freddie said spinning around.

"Freddie!" Carly said standing from the chair. "He was just joking!"

"Just give me my ham I'm in pain here!" Sam yelled over them. Just then a nurse walked in.

"Could you people please be quiet? There are other people in this hospital!"

"Yes maim." Every one mumbled.

________Later That Night___________________


Freddie went over to Sam's phone, "should I answer it?" He picked up the phone. Sam was sleeping heavily.

"I don't see why not." Said Carly.

"Hello?" Freddie said putting the phone to his ear.

"Hi, Freddie? Could you be a dear and tell Sam she needs to come home and pack?" It was Sam's mom.

"Ugh…sure. Bye."

"Bye. *click*"

"Who was that?" Spencer asked.

"Her mom…she said they needed to…" Freddie became faint and fell in to a chair stumbling. "P…p…pack."

"What?" Spencer and Carly gasped together

__________________________The next day-Saturday-________________

Freddie's Pov.

What did that mean??? Tell Sam to come pack? There was something she wasn't telling me.

"Freddie?" Sam came in my tiny apartment with a suit case. What was that for? "I need to talk to you." Uh-oh.

"What?" I said curiously. I was so worried, is she braking up with me? Does she like some one else?

"I'm…ugh….I'm kind of, well, moving." My heart shattered in to billions of pieces.

"What?" I mouthed. I was on the verge of tears.

"I'm sorry." She said weakly. She was broken too.


"Paris." She almost broke out crying. I've never seen her so weak, I wanted to cradle her and tell her everything was alright. She came over and sat with me on my busted up love-seat.

"When?" I finally asked looking at her tear filled eyes.

"Tomorrow. We're leaving early so we can catch the earliest plane." A tear slid down her cheek. "I…I just came over here to say bye…and that I'm freaking out!" she wept in to my shoulder. I kissed her hair while I hugged her close. I didn't want to let go. I knew the minuet she walked out that door I'd never see her again.

"Its okay Sam, I'm here. I always was." I whispered softly barley making sound. I knew she could here though because just then she said "I know."

She tipped her head up and kissed my cheek. It felt so good with her lips touching my skin. "I've got to go." She said with tears still on her cheeks. I wiped them off.

"Please don't go." I whispered. I wanted her to stay so badly I would fake her death and keep her in my room if that's what it would take to keep her here.

"I have to Freddie," she said putting her hands on either sides of my face. "How can I not?"

"Live with Carly!" I begged. "We can be neighbors and you won't have to move to Paris!"

"I already tried that Freddie, My mom said no. I'm moving." She said dropping her hands. "I'm sorry." She started to walk out the door.

"Wait!" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her toward me. "Not just yet." I said quietly grabbing her waist and placing a kiss on her soft lips. She wrapped her hands around my neck, messing and pulling my hair. She pushed my head closer to hers as I pushed her body against mine. It was one of those moments where you hope to hell you're parents don't walk in. especially my mom. We made out for at least 15 minuets with out my mom barging in when she gently pushed away. "Bye Freddie." she said with a soft smile.

"Bye." I said dreamily. She smelt good, tasted good and most of all. She was mine. I knew she would wait for me. I hoped anyway. She kissed me one more time then disappeared out the door. Shit. That was it. No more sarcastic, mean, sassy, sweet Sam. Dang it.


Hope you enjoyed it! This storie is the last one so I decided to make chapters! Have fun!