The playlist for this story is up on my page. If your interested! Enjoyy

Same Girl—Jack Johnson


The rest of my day passed by almost rapidly now that I had Edward and Alice back in my life.

Jasper, Alice, Edward and I decided on going to the Cullens after school to work on homework. I had much to catch up on due to my extended absence at school and Edward offered to help me catch up. Note to self: Edward is simply the perfect best friend.

When we arrived at the Cullen's house Alice took Jasper's hand and ran up the stairs to her room leaving Edward and me alone… not that I minded.

"Race you up the stairs." I said to Edward as I took off like a wild person towards the stairs. Edward just walked up them, shaking his head and laughing at me. "Alice would have raced me." I pouted.

"That's because you two are immature." Edward pointed out earning a glare from me. "Race you too my room!" Edward ran giving him an unfair advantage. He was already holding the door open for me by the time I reached his room.

I shook my head as I walked in, "Soo immature." I grinned a mocking grin at Edward.

We both took our seats on his bed just like we used too ages ago. We took our books out as Edward started, "So what's new with old Bells?"

"First off: Don't call me old Bells… Its sounds like you're addressing a fat cow and second off, nothing. My life is pretty boring right now." I responded, "What about you, Eddie boy?"

Edward chuckled a little then sighed. "Oh I've missed you Bella, have I told you that?" he looked me in the eyes.

"About a hundred times," I answered, "but I never get tired of hearing it. I've missed you too Edward. I've missed having a friend like you." I hugged him lovingly.

"Oh but were not just friends Bella…" Please be confessing that you're in love with me… "We're best friends!" He hugged me again. Ehh good enough.

Later on, since his parents were still not home, we decided to cook some dinner. "How about something Italian for la mia ragazza bella." (My beautiful girl)

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well I only understood half of that but I could go for some pasta." Edward ran his hand through his hair and chuckled. "You get the noodles and I'll boil."

Our pasta actually turned out to be edible and Alice and Jasper praised us before running back up the stairs, leaving us with their dirty dishes.

"Remind me to never have kids with you." Edward said as he cleaned some pasta of a plate. "What? Why?"

"They'd be spoiled little brats just like Alice and Jasper. I can't have you spoiling my kids Bella." I stared at him completely offended and before I could think of what I was doing I took the sink faucet and sprayed it at him. When I was done I couldn't stop laughing. Edward was soaked.

"Oh Bella, you should not have done that." He quickly picked me up off my feet, meanwhile soaking me as well and started carrying me towards the bathroom. "No, no, no, no, no Edward! Don't!" I kept laughing as I struggled. Edward only tightened his grip as a menacing crooked grin grew on his face.

He then put me in the bath tub and held me down but as he proceeded to turn on the water I grabbed him and pulled him on top of me as the shower head sprayed water down on us. We both couldn't breathe do to our fits of laughter.

We began to calm down as Edward reached to turn off the water but then we soon realized how close our faces were; our lips were and as I reached up to touch mine to his the door slammed open. "What are you two doing?" Alice practically screamed when she saw water all over the bathroom and us in the bath tub.

Edward got up and soon helped me up and out of the tub. Edward and I just shrugged and I could feel the awkwardness between us.

"Come with me Bella." Alice grabbed my hand, "And Edward, go change before you get water anywhere else. You two are so messy. Have you guys seen the kitchen?" We just laughed and I followed Alice to her room to change.

Once I was in dry clothes I decided I should start heading home. Jasper offered to drive me since he was leaving too.

Edward gave me a giant hug before I left, all awkwardness forgotten. God I love him.

2 months later—MAY

The end of the school year was getting closer and closer and I was growing more excited every day. As the school days passed though, I notice Maddie and me growing further apart. Ever since I started hanging with Edward again she had been clinging onto Matt and her possy more. I couldn't say I was too sad that we weren't talking as much because Edward, Alice and Jasper were more than enough friends for me, but it still hurt a little. I mean, we have been friends pretty much the whole school year. And I don't understand what has changed the last few months to make her cold towards me. It couldn't be the Kyler thing because I know shes not that shallow. I've been spending the last few weeks trying to reach out to Maddie more and be extra nice because she was there for me when I had no one else and I didn't want to lose her.

"Give it a rest Bella. Shes Maddie, she'll come around." I sat at lunch with Alice and the gang. "She and Matt just broke up again. You know how she is when it comes to boys." Alice tried to explain Maddie's behavior.

"Her and Matt were dating!" My eyes popped out of my head as I questioned Alice. Alice mumbled with a bite of hamburger in her mouth, "She didn't tell you?"

"No!" I was pretty upset now, "Why would she tell you and not me?"

"Maybe she just likes me more." Alice laughed at me and I stuck my tongue out at her.

"She probably just wanted to keep it on the down low." Jasper explained, "Now quit acting like a five year old Bella, your embarrassing us." Everyone at the table laughed. "Doesn't embarrass me." Edward told Jasper, "I thought it was cute." He gave me squeeze, successfully making me forget what we were even talking about.

The end of the year freshman dance was coming up and everyone was stressing over a date. I mean, you could go stag, but who wants to go alone to a dance!

I had no idea who I was going to go with yet… I knew who I wanted to go with, Edward of course.

Jasper and Alice were each others' dates already… No surprise there.

I could try to pull the whole 'Let's go as friends Edward!' But I needed to wait for the perfect moment so it wouldn't sound weird and I had to make sure he didn't want to go with someone else. I didn't want to be that friend that gets in the way of dating. Edward never seems interested in any of the girls at school though. I would think he's gay but he doesn't seem interested in any of the guys either.

I see Edward at his locker across the hall. Here's your chance Bella "Hey Edward." I walk up to him and flash a giant smile.

In return his famous crooked smile grows on his face. "Someone looks happy. What's up Bells" he starts putting books into his locker showing his sculpted arms and muscular back. I almost started drooling right there.

"Oh nothing," I leaned against the wall casually, "Alice won't stop talking about the dance, its driving me crazy." I huffed.

"Try living with her." He closed the locker and mirrored my stance and stared at me. Speak Bella! "Who are you gonna go with?" Could I be any more obvious?

Edward seemed to ponder my question. "I have my eye on someone." Of course he does.

"Really?" That's my lame reply. "Well that's good because I was beginning to think you gay." I walked away before he could see the real expression on my face. Of course he followed.

"Oh really?" He laughed. "Would a gay man do this?" He then proceeded to grab my ass. I gasped and before I could slap him he took off to his car.

"Unbelievable. Edward Cullen just grabbed my ass."

Okay soo this is mostly fluff.. Hope you like it! Review if you doo I'm a poet and I didn't even know it