Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the characters. They belong to the amazingly talented Stephenie Meyer

Summary: Bella, Rosalie and Alice sign up for a figure drawing class. Who is the nude model? Well, that would be none other than the totally sexy Edward Cullen.


I can't believe I let them talk me into this, I thought for the hundredth time since we had reached the college campus where the class that Rose and Alice had signed me up for was held.

This is going to be so embarrassing. Not only am I under no circumstances as good an artist as the people in this class, but according to the sign I was reading now the model we would be sketching would be nude.

"Alice!" I screamed hysterically. This cannot be happening, since when is this a nude figure drawing class?

"What?" The annoying pixie screamed back, trying to sound innocent.

"Is there something you neglected to tell me about this class, Mary?" Let her know how pissed you are, use her first name. I looked around the small room. It screamed art with its mahogany colored stools in front of easels and brilliant white cloths hanging over what I assume are paintings. The only things out of place were my two best friends who were now circling the room taking it all in. The beautiful, tall and elegant Rosalie Hale was snickering as she turned on her five hundred dollar stilettos to watch this scene play out. On the other hand was the small, dancer like angel named Alice.

They were complete opposites in every way, but both had an otherworldly beauty to them.

"Do. Not. Call. Me. Mary!" While Alice may look like an angel, don't let that fool you, she can and will be a bitch if you get on her bad side. Too bad I'm not scared of her anymore. For her, anyway.

"I will call you anything I want Mary Alice Cullen! Why did you not tell me we would be drawing a nude model?" I watched as the little pixie face contorted in guilt.

Looking at her toes she said, "Well I knew if I told you, you would never come and this is a great opportunity and everything and you are an amazing artist whether you want to believe it or not and anyway," she looked back up. Only this time her face didn't show guilt it was the smug, confident angel I knew and loved that was back again, "This really shouldn't be a problem for you anyways! You are a fully grown adult! It's not my fault you're so innocent that even the idea of seeing a man naked makes you cringe in embarrassment."

I cringed a little, blood rushing to my face. This argument was not going the way I wanted it too. "Fine. Whatever. Let's just get this over with."

"So the score is now Pixie: 1, Snow White: 0" Rosalie put up one finger to Alice and a fist up to me. Sticking my tongue out at her and that stupid nickname I turned to find a seat as far away from the models podium as possible.

"And where do you think you're going, Ms. White?" I turned back to my friends and glared at the dumb pixie who dared to aggravate me right now. "We are sitting up here, in the front!"

My eyes widened as I looked at where she and Rosalie were now perched. It was so close to the podium that if we had half a mind to we would be able to reach out and touch the model.

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no! Never!" I shook my head over and over again unable to get a coherent thought out. "I am not sitting there."

"Bella, the whole point of us getting here early was so that we could get good seats and you are trying to take a seat at the back?" Rosalie rolled her eyes.

Crossing my arms I glared, "Yes, do you have a problem with that?" And so began the war of the glares. Both of us glaring hard at each other waiting for the other to cave.

"She might not have a problem with that, but I do." The new voice simultaneously scared me three quarters to death and sent chills up my spine. It had a musical quality that made it sound like it belonged to a God.

I looked around wildly, trying to find the source of this new voice, I was about to give up and declare myself insane when I spotted the most gorgeous man I had ever seen slumping over some boxes in the corner of the room.

"And who are you?" I asked trying to sound indifferent and confident. He stood up straight, brushing his bronze colored hair away from his boundless green eyes.

"I'm Edward Masen," he smiled showing his perfect teeth. Could this guy be any more perfect?

"Okay, Edward Masen and why exactly does it matter where I sit?" I turned on him fully, putting my hands on my hips.

"Well, because there are only eight people in this class so there is absolutely no reason why you should have to sit in the back." He flashed another grin. "Unless of course you would be uncomfortable." Challenging me with his eyes, he raised his eyebrows daring me to sit in front.

"Fine." I growled, turning from the man-god I stomped over to my ex-friends. Alice started clapping and bouncing in her seat.

"Thank you, Edward! We owe you one," she chirped happily.

"No problem," a musical chuckle filled the room. Was there anything about this man that wasn't beautiful?

I heard him walk toward the door and couldn't help but turn and take a look at his ass.

As the door swung shut, Rosalie got her purse out, taking out her compact and lip gloss she started refreshing her makeup.

"Dear god, I hope he is the model!" Alice squealed beside me. I shivered at the thought. If he was the model could I keep myself from jumping him when he stood up there… naked… an arm's length away? The answer came as quickly as the question: definitely not.

"I hope he isn't! He's probably the teacher or another student. No respectable man would put himself on display like this."

"It is art Bella, not porn." Alice and Rose rolled their eyes at my supposed immaturity. If only they knew the real reason I didn't want him to be the model.

Before I could snap back at them the room started to fill. I looked down at my watch; yup it was six o'clock time for the class to start.

The first two people in the room were two guys. One was incredibly large with muscles on every inch of his body. He would have been intimating if he hadn't had a large smile plastered on his face, pointing out different things in the room like a kid in a candy store. The other guy held himself like a soldier. He was standing up perfectly straight, hands at his sides, eyes staring straight forward. Something about him made me want to open up to him. He looked really… understanding? Or sympathetic? I wasn't sure what.

I was about to point them out to Alice and Rose when Edward walked back in holding some more easels and paint. Some other people came in and sat down, but I didn't really notice them now that Edward was in the room again.

Just as I was about to think I couldn't possibly swoon any more than I already was he smiled. The way his face lit up sent chills down my spine and I knew that I wanted to know more about this man. Much more.

"I see we are all here now, let's get started." I looked around in shock, I counted the heads. Yup, there were eight people all sitting around the models podium with grins on their faces. "Why don't we start by introducing ourselves? We will go around and say our names and one thing about ourselves. I'm Edward Masen, I will be the instructor and the first model for the class. I know it is unorthodox for me to be the teacher and model, but the original model bailed on me at the last minute. One thing about me is… when I'm not drawing or painting I play piano. I have been playing since I was five and I write my own songs." He smiled around at all of us, his gaze lingering on me longer than anybody else. Swoon. "How about Snow white goes next?"

I blushed crimson, I could hear Rose and Alice sniggering beside me and I wanted nothing more than to punch each of them. I'd probably just end up hurting myself though so I stuck with just glaring at them out of the corner of my eye. "Okay, well my name is Bella Swan. I am here under false pretenses because these two," I pointed out Rose and Alice, "Neglected to tell me that this was a figure drawing class. One thing about me would be that I like to read, particularly the classics like Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice. Oh, and I hate being called Snow White." I turned a death glare at Rose and then Edward. I could only keep up the glare at Edward for about five seconds though. How could anyone stay mad at him?

"Thank you Bella. Who's next?" Alice raised her hand bouncing up and down merrily under her breath she was saying "pick me, pick me, pick me." Edward chuckled and pointed to her, gesturing for her to go.

"I'm Alice Cullen, I participated in dragging Bella to this class 'under false pretenses,'" she said with air quotes, I rolled my eyes while the rest of the class laughed, "One thing about me is…" pausing for dramatic effect she tapped her chin. I already knew what she was going to say and judging by the roll of eyes from Rose so did she. "I love to shop. Seriously, shopping is my life. I shop at least once every other day. And I never wear the same thing twice. Or at least I try not to," she smiled proudly as if this was something to be proud of.

Everyone in the room looked shocked by this confession, except of course for me and Rose and surprisingly the soldier guy who simply looked a little awed.

"Okay," Edward dragged out the word, probably wondering whether to laugh or not. "Who's next?"

Without waiting for permission Rosalie surged forward full speed. "I'm Rosalie Hale, I too participated in dragging Snow White here," enter glare here, "One thing about myself is that I don't take shit. If you piss me off you'll know it because I will probably be beating you up. If you talk about me or my friends behind our backs you won't live to finish your sentence." She stopped and smiled sweetly as if this was the most normal thing in the world to say, "Oh and I like to shop too." She added turning back to Edward.

Why am I friends with these people?

"Next," Edward was so shocked I don't think he would have been able to get a full sentence out if he tried.

"I'm Emmett McCarty, I neither dragged anyone here nor came here under false pretenses. One thing about me is that I am sometimes described as a giant teddy bear and I love girls who can stand up for themselves. The whole damsel in distress thing just sorta pisses me off." I grinned as I saw Rosalie turn and stare at Emmett. I barely knew Emmett but I had a feeling they would be perfect for each other.

Apparently Emmett passed whatever test Rose was putting him through because when she turned back she was grinning.

"I'm Jasper Whitlock, one thing about myself is that I am very empathetic." The blond next to Emmett stated simply, obviously not one for a lot of words. Alice turned her head interestedly and the two caught each other's gaze. The moment seemed so private that I looked away.

The only people left were two guys and one girl who I hadn't noticed until now. The bigger guy started first. He looked like he was Native American and he was really tall. Probably two or three heads taller than me, maybe more.

"I'm Jacob Black and one thing about me is I like to fix cars and ride motorbikes. My first car was actually one I put together myself." He grinned proudly, he was obviously very proud of this fact, but not in a cocky, big ego way.

The guy next to him cleared his throat, drawing the attention to himself. He was blond and looked like the kind of guy who was extremely popular in high school, maybe football captain. He winked at me before starting, oh gross. "I'm Mike Newton I grew up in a small town called Forks in Washington. I just started my freshman year at NYU I'm here on a football scholarship and I decided to take this class to try to work on my art skills." I snorted, this wasn't a beginner class in fact it was one of the highest classes there was. He was going to fall behind, no doubt.

The last girl recrossed her legs as I turned to her. Flipping her hair she started, "I'm Lauren Mallory. I always know what I want and I always get what I want no matter what." She stared straight at Edward, winking suggestively.

"Thank you, Lauren. That was quite a… interesting description." Looking away from Lauren quickly he turned his back on us looking for something on the desk behind him. "We will start the class today by seeing how developed your skills are in figure drawing. Like I said before I will be modeling today and also for the rest of this week, however as you all know when you signed up," he shot an apologetic glance at me, "You will each take a turn modeling at some point over the course of the semester."

Everyone was nodding their head, completely unfazed by this. I on the other hand was hyperventilating. I stood up quickly, turning on Alice and Rose, "WHAT?!"

Then I fainted.

Not the best ending I know. Tell me what you thought and if you want another chapter and if you want to see more. I'm also working on five other stories at the moment (I KNOW I AM CRAZY) so it might take a while for me to update.