"______"says the Zen master.

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtian," says the Wizard.

The brunette attached her mouth to the blondes neck catching her on the soft spot that drives the blonde insane. Spencer groans gutturally, Ashley grins into her neck. She slowly lets her finger tips creep up Spencer's stomach, causing the girl below her to shutter. Spencer reached down the length of Ashley's back, pulling the girls shirt up as she raked her nails back up.

Ashley broke long enough to discard her shirt for Spencer, then went right back to kissing her girlfriend fiercely. Spencer moaned, reaching down to untie her partners pajama bottoms. She let her hand slide between skin and fabric; Ashley groaned collapsing.

"You distracted me," she panted at the feel of Spencer inside her.

Spencer placed long slow kisses against Ashley's lips, letting her hand find its own steady rhythm. "As if you hate it," she said between kisses.

Ashley moaned.

"I love you, Ashley."

The girl on top of her melted more into her, she whimpered, "I love you more Spencer."

"There's no way," Spencer told her flatly as she increased her tempo.

Ashley's lips quivered, she couldn't speak.

"See, its not possible," Spencer said as she switched from medium speed circles to moderately fast strokes.

Ashley groaned "I love you with all my heart, soul and body."

Spencer's cadence quickened as she sucked hotly on Ashley's neck. The brunette cried out, rocking her hips involuntarily.

"I love you," Ashley panted, "as deep as the sea."

Breathlessly in her ear Spencer said, "I love you to the moon and back."

Ashley's breath hitched as her heart pound nearly out of her chest, "I love you further than Pluto."

Spencer continued with a mix of strokes, circles, pressing and thrusting that she knew would drive Ashley crazy, "I love you longer than the equator."

Ashley, shaking in bliss, husked, "I love you, I love you,--I--I fucking love you."

Moving with urgent purpose, Spencer declared, "I love you brighter than the Sun."

On the edge, Ashley managed to squeak out, "my love surrounds you more than the dark."

With out missing a beat, Spencer maintained, "if you'll be my night, I will be your day."

Ashley arched forward, falling fully on Spencer who was still deep with in her. Soaked in each other, day filling night, night filling day, they laid there.

Several silent moments passed as the duo lay wrapped up in each other completely. A clock in the distance ticked, a fan gently hummed; a perfect peace closed the scene on estranged love reunited.

"Cut!" Called the dark brown haired director. He pushed his glasses up on his nose smiling. "That's a wrap."

The crew around them clapped, it had been a long process but here they were standing at the last minutes of the final day of shooting the South of Nowhere movie.

"Was that really ok, Paul?" the faux blonde asked the older man.

"It was brilliant," he assured her, "probably the best moment you two share in the entire film."

"Well," Mandy said, "that's good cause it's the one the audience is going to walk away with."

Gabrielle laughed, "Yeah it would suck if it was perfect."

"Everything about this process has been perfect," the director said, "Nice work girls. I'll see you at the wrap party."

They nodded and made their wait to their dressing rooms.

"I can't believe that it's over." Mandy confessed.

"I know," Gabby agreed, "It feels like it just started."

"This has been one of the best experiences of my career. I'm so glad I got this opportunity."

Gabby smiled as she nodded in agreement. "There are just, no words to express what I'm feeling right now. It's bitter sweet."

"Do you think we'll have a big opening?"

"I think so," she said assuredly, "a project like this, it's, ya know, just about time a show like this was made."

"Yeah, yeah," Mandy said excitedly, "What ever is just gonna get across that love is love is definitely needed and its about damn time too."

The blonde laughed, "I'm gonna miss coming to work with you ever day."

"Me too," Mandy said, "it kind of feels like loosing a family."

"C'est la vie, I guess," Gabrielle said sadly, "We still have life off set."

"True. Have you got many new projects lined up?"

"Nothing at the moment, but I've got auditions lined up. How about you?"

"A few things yeah," Mandy told her, "I'm really excited to jump into those. I feel like this project," she paused to think, "Its like when you play such a controversial role, nothing else matters. If I can do this I can do anything, ya know?"

Gabrielle nodded, "Yeah, it's definitely been amazing." She grabbed the brunette in a hug and said, "I'm so glad you were my scene partner."

"Me too," the smaller girl said.

After a minute of hugging they broke apart, "I guess we better make a move. They might hold shooting for us but I doubt they'll hold the party."

Mandy laughed sadly, "See you there."

With a head tilt and a smile Gabrielle said, "Wouldn't miss it for the world." And with that they parted ways.
