Disclaimer: Not mine.

I'm sorry this is being posted so late. I went on vacation with my family over Christmas break and didn't have my laptop or the internet. Annoying, yes but I couldn't do anything about it. So here it is and only one more chapter after this one to go.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


Somewhere in the small apartment a very loud very annoying alarm was going off. It was morning already, time to rise and greet the first rays of light off the sun strips. Holly rolled over expecting to feel her way to her alarm clock so she could throw it against the wall and stop that blasted ringing noise.

No such luck. Instead she promptly rolled off the side of the narrow couch she had passed out on. That was odd. Why was she on her couch, and when did her couch become lopsided and badly colored beige? Contrary to semi-popular belief she did have good taste.

Wincing from where she landed on her bottom (swear toads=evil, enough said) and aching everywhere else from her dead sleep on the couch Holly managed to stand up almost gracefully.

She stretched her arms over her head and rolled her shoulders trying to loosen up. Pizza and paperwork at Trouble's apartment last night and she ended up crashing for the night. Thank Frond they both had the day off unless called in for some reason.

It wouldn't be all that fun to arrive at work in yesterday's grimy uniform complete with slime and swear mucus in some embarrassing places. Moss and Coulter and all those other idiots that hated seeing a girl finally get ahead would just rub it in her face if she wasn't up to par each and every day. She was their superior on top of it. But, after that meeting with Trouble and Foaly, Holly knew she was finally going to have a chance to hit them where it hurts.

Just remembering the whole deal made her smile…


Police Plaza, Haven City; The Lower Elements. The day before, in Foaly's lab.

Captains Kelp and Short were just passing Foaly's first level of security when the centaur in question came clomping out to drag them into his private office. It was the first time either one of the captains had been able to by-pass all the security. Foaly was paranoid of everyone. As everyone even his friends well knew.

"So I take it by your smirking face that Trouble here, has filled you in on most of the details, right."

Holly nodded and stood by Trouble's hover chair. It hurt less to stand she realized a little late in the game.

"Six months ago, Holly, you managed to make old Julius swallow his pride and accept you onto the force. Something I've been trying to do with my technology for years…"

"That was some fine shooting that day, Hols."

"Shooting aside, the commander didn't think you'd make it six months on the job. Word spread like Mud Man flu and suddenly the whole force was convinced you would drop the job in six months to go home to your mommy."

"Hah, even my brother hasn't done that yet…Sorry…go on."

Foaly stopped glaring at Kelp who interrupted conversations all too often. Julius was all ways getting pissed off about this too. But really Foaly was one to talk.

"Simply because you are a girl and an elf to boot. That's way too much emotion for an officer." Trouble cut in before Foaly could begin again. Foaly tried to pelt Trouble with one of his carrots but missed and winced as his favorite snack hit the floor just passed his intended target.

"What was that? Maybe your computer should throw for you next time."

Foaly whinnied angrily and crossed his arms quite childishly. He was so underappreciated around here.

"Guys?" Holly finally broke in, hoping to get back on topic before the centaur and elf could antagonize each other some more. She was tired, in pain and wanted that pizza Trouble promised.

"Sorry Holly, before I was rudely interrupted by your jock of a co-worker, I was about to tell you how six months ago some fairies around Police Plaza didn't think you were cut out for the work, which, of course is ridiculous. Many said they would bet cold hard gold that you would drop out within weeks or half a year."

"So Foaly and I decided to hold them to their word. We began an office wide bet. Foaly keeps the books, simply to make sure they are tamper free, not because he knows anything about gambling." Trouble finished up, looking around at the security he had mentioned.

"Very few fairies gambled that you'd stay. Trouble's in for quite a lot of gold when he wins."

"So the closing date for this bet is my six months on the job?"


"That's today?"


"Explains why Trouble didn't want me to drop out. He seemed oh so concerned."

"Hey it wasn't just the money…I was worried about you, really, you are one of my best friends…"

"Right and I'm worth how much to you if you win this bet?"

"I offered to split the winnings with you!"

"And I said yes to that offer Trubs."

"Smart girl."

"Shut up Pony."

"Great we have a mini-Julius in training."

The three friends/co-conspirers looked at each other and started to snigger that went on to become a full-fledged fit of laughter.


"Thinking about yesterday?"

"Oh yeah."

Trouble had walked into his living room to find Holly standing stiffly in front of the couch with a broad smirk on her face. She also looked a good deal uncomfortable. That couch really needed to be replaced he should have offered her the bed even if he knew she would have refused.

"Can I use your shower before work? And maybe some painkillers if you have any."

"Yeah of course, towels on the shelf beside my desk. Swear toads are nasty little buggers aren't they?"

"You noticed."

Holly brushed passed him, smile gone from her face as she went off to her much needed shower.

A good half hour later, Holly looking much more friendly and awake walked into Trouble's excuse for a kitchen and grabbed herself a nettle smoothie and left over piece of pizza for breakfast.

"So what's the game plan for today, and are we ever going to finish this paperwork?" she asked settling into and empty chair that faced a pile of have finished work.

"I think the commander will kill us if we don't finish it before we arrive."

"Good point. D'arvit I was looking forward to getting to work and wiping the lot of them out of their money. I have to say Trouble, even though I'm ticked that no one bother to tell me about this bet before, I'm seriously going to enjoy watching you collect your winnings. By the way, Foaly mentioned a few other people placed bets on my side, who are they?"

'Reminder to self' thought Trouble as he glanced at his companion, 'stay on Holly Short's good side'. She was scary when mad.

"Really not sure…I guess we'll find out together. Why are traffic reports so boring?" Trouble replied chewing on the end of his pen glaring at a report that was in front of him. He needed some field work before this drove him mad.


REVIEW!!!! If you see any grammar/spelling mistakes please point them out to me. I'm trying to keep everyone in character, so let me know if I'm slipping up on that. There should be one more chapter posted in the next week or so on this story. So thank you for all the great reviews so far and keep reading!