AUGUST 3RD The New York Times 2007



David Webb alias Jason Bourne

Photo taken by Marcia de Von

Yesterday when the jury for the "Bourne/Webb Case" (as it's been dubbed) let out, Pamela Landy, the spokes - woman for the CIA told the Times that David Webb (Jason Bourne) was "innocent until proven guilty". "I personally worked on this man's case. I chased him and I almost got him killed. He was misunderstood. It's simple as that," said Landy. She is now defending his case against the government and has considerable evidence to convict several of her former colleagues. We will have more on this "guilt case" next issue.

Jason Bourne's story is an interesting one. Although we have few details there is some information that we can release to the public. He was a hired Government Assassin that the CIA could order around without waiting for an "Ok" from Washington. "No more red tape," as it was said from the mouth of one of the convicted, Noah Voson. This was in complete defiance of the law which clearly states that the CIA has to have permission to kill anyone. This assassin operation was called Treadstone 71 and Jason Bourne was an advancement to the program. This new program was called Black Briar and Jason Bourne was the Guinea Pig for the experimental training. This new training caused severe headaches and other problems but never amnesia, as Bourne has clamed in the past to have had. Seemingly only he and his girlfriend, Marie Helena Kreutz, knew the details of his imminent amnesia and she has been classified as dead. Her body was found halfway around the world in a river in India. It has been clarified that one of the originals, Albert Hersh (director of training for Black Briar) who happened to know of Treadstone 71, and working on the Bourne case had authorized a Treadstone assassin to have both Bourne and Kreutz killed. She was shot in the head and died instantly. Reportedly Webb ended up here in New York City was shot, and fell into the river ten stories below. After a three day search his body has not yet been found. If alive he is probably armed and is defiantly dangerous, if provoked. Chances are that he is in Europe or who knows were by now.

Good Luck David. Article by: Nicole Delano Garson

The New York Times

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