Take Me Back

A/N: Well you will all be sad to know that... I think this might be the last chapter... Yes, I do believe this is the last chapter :/ How sad, huh?

BUT I have finally posted my Sora/Kairi, as you all remember me talking about, so... I would really appreciate it if anyone who loved that couple would go check that story out! It's called:

Princess, Your Wish Is My Command

Thanks to all who have reviewed and have kept with this story! I hope to hear from you in future stories! I'd like you all to know that if you don't like the couple I'm doing at the moment, that I won't focus strictly on one couple, so stay tuned!

Disclaimer: Sadly, this whole time, I still didn't gain anything.

Quick Random Thought: I hate maceroni and cheese! Grrrr....

Epilogue: A Precious Life

"You couldn't kiss me even if you tried!" A small, young voice cried out, almost in a chant.

"You better hold your own to that comment, Rosalee!" Another young voice, although male this time, called back, a defiant look on his features.

She stuck her tongue out, spiral curls bouncing as she turned around with a squeal. A new set of footsteps joined the first, and she found herself being trapped.

"There's no where you can go!" A second boy called, trying to look serious when failing miserably.

Her head whipped around, trying to spot any place she could possibly go. That's when the wonderful clock tower sounded, and she smiled. It was a grin so wide she seemed like the happiest kid in the world. Suddenly bursting into a sprint, she stumbled into the staircase room, and began to use her amazing agility to gain speed up the stairs.

The boys weren't nearly as fast as she was jumping up the stairs, even using the railing to hoist themselves higher. Her steps echoed with clicks on the concrete steps, edging her closer and closer to the top. Stumbling, and thrusting the door open, she burst out onto the edge and looked around, her eyes widened with a beauty that never seemed to leave.

She took a few steps too quickly, and lost her footing, About to scream, she was hastily yanked backwards before she could think about falling, but a brunette boy with shining green eyes, full of worry and concern.

"Rosalee!" He breathed, his voice catching in his throat. "Are you alright?"

She was shaky as she looked up at the now three boys gathered at the top of the stairs. One of which was her older brother by a year, but she only shook her head. She mustered up a smile, before letting tears roll down her cheeks.


"You almost what?!?!" She choked on the coffee she was drinking, looking at her two children.

Innocently enough, they seemed not to regret their experience today. Something that made the woman almost smile.

"You know... That place is special..."

"What?" Both were stunned to an almost absolute silence when they discovered their mother's calmness.

"Sure..." She shrugged, as though it were nothing in the world, "Your father and I really had some special memories on top of that clock tower."

"Could you tell me my favorite?" Rosalee asked, climbing up onto a chair, only to have hot chocolate placed in front of her.

Another child wondered into the room with a blonde man, looking boundlessly clueless at the story about the pass as more hot chocolate was passed around the table.

"Of course..." She grinned at the blonde and began. "You see... There were these two people... They were young, but very much in love. With all the ups and downs, they managed to still have their relationship work... The girl thought they had everything going right - that nothing could make her happier... Well..." She was aware of the other two kids not knowing the story, which made her grin as she recalled the memories to the front of her mind.

"She was wrong..." The man cut in, playfully glaring across the dark wooded table.

The sun began to leak through the kitchen window, sending sparks of beautiful colors across the room in fine layers.


The sun was setting behind the horizon, as the clouds in the air shimmered with a rosy pink. It was the most beautiful sight anyone would hope to see in their life, and there the two of them were... Enjoying it for the umpteenth time in their life.

Some might call them lucky. They had everything they wanted, and everything they would ever want. Everyone was jealous of the two of them and their great bond. Even to the two of them, there was only one pair of people who seemed they even had a shot at being happier.

Thirteen years prior, they had been at this very spot. Adrenaline and fear produced the speed they leapt up the stairs, one in flight, the other in chase with two others. Things happened so fast, there was no time to soak up the golden warmth that glimmered, making everyone feel slightly happier, even if only for moments. And even though they had seen the sight so many other times, later in their life, nothing would be more special than seeing it together.

This place, this certain height, and those certain colors... It had all become their favorite place in town... And probably further than that as well.

The silence was a positive sign at a time like that one. Everything was quiet and peaceful, and either wanted to disrupt their own thoughts, in harmony with the rest of the world. For once in the stressful life of someone twenty years old, everyone was perfectly aligned, and neither wanted to disrupt that precious amount of time.

Brunette hair was messily tossed into two braids that hung over the shoulders of a slim, and petite body, whose legs hung leisurely over the ridge, at complete ease with everything around. Green eyes shimmered with the fire of the fierce sun, so tranquil and peaceful, yet rapid and blazing at the same time.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the sapphire eyed blonde glance at her shyly. She was confused why, and flashed him a grin of reassurance. Whatever the reason, at the moment she didn't particularly care, or mind that he wouldn't share with her right away.

Suddenly, he jumped up. She didn't glance over, as he randomly did this sometimes, just to stress or change positions. It didn't alarm her as it had the first time he had ever done it.

But something became off... He wasn't doing what he normally did. It was a routine thing, and she was always suspicious when it was off. Finally, turning his attention towards him, she gasped at what she saw.

He was down on one knee, with a black velvet box in his hands. His eyes were nervous, and his cheeks matched the color of the puffy clouds. His cheeks scrunched with his sheepish smile, and he tried so hard not to break his gaze away from her eyes.

He tried not to break the perfection of the moment, with saying simple words, with nothing too prepared or cheesy spoken. It was blunt, just how she had always thought it should be.

"Olette, I love you... Will you marry me?"

The clock struck as Twilight was hitting, the rays at their peak, and in a matter of moments, it would turn dark, as it slowly grazed from orange to black in the sky.

She could only nod, and as they both stood, everything from the world melted. It was all they could do not to fall off and die... Nothing could have been better...


Her daughter's eyes were sparkling with awe by the time the story was over. Her husband smiled at her fondly, and patiently, waiting for the questions to burst.

Her other two boys looked at her like she was insane.

"How come I've never heard that story?" Colby asked curiously. "I like to know about Mom and Dad too!" He whined.

"Rosalee is the only one who's heard it!" Scotty assumed. "She's the favorited child."

"You're right." Olette sighed in a mocking tone.

Her two sons stared at her, rather offended looks plastered across their faces. She laughed and hugged them.

"Let's see if you're familiar with this one..." She looked at Roxas, asking him if he'd like to do the honors, but he backed away with his hands up.

"This is your gig... Not mine!"

"Mean..." She mumbled, the light hitting her eyes, the memory looking as though it would explode from her orbs.


Spiral curls hung from the back of her bun, and if she looked up just enough, she could see the tips of her chocolate brown hair. In her hands was a bouquet of beautiful white lilies, through the veil that covered her emerald eyes.

"You're going to look absolutely beautiful, Olette..." a redhead assured from beside her.

"Were you nervous on your wedding, Kairi?" She asked, her voice shaky as she watched the lip gloss gently applied to her lips shimmer in the bright lighting.

"Oh yeah... Really nervous. And I'm sure we'll be saying the same thing to Selphie when she gets married... But honestly Olette, once you're out there, everything is going to be great!" She smiled brightly, her own hair bouncy in the diamond headband and bun hairstyle she had chosen.

"What if I trip on the train?" She asked, nerves gnawing at her stomach.

"But you won't..." Kairi answered simply, a smile gracing her lips as she pulled the corset on Olette's back tighter.

The brunette took a sharp breath of air, but smiled never the less.

"He's going to have a bitch of a time getting this thing off tonight..." Kairi mumbled, not able to keep a straight face.

Olette's own shocked expression looked horrified as she swatted her best friend on the arm. "You did not just go there!" She almost bellowed, having to be hushed by the redhead.

"Don't want people to think there's like something going on in here that shouldn't be," there was silence for a moment, as Kairi tugged at the corset again, "hey Olette?"

"Yeah Kairi?" She asked, sucking in as it was pulled tighter; it didn't bother her... Yet.

"When you're walking down the isle, do you give me permission to look at your sucker of a fiancé, and watch his expression. It's my favorite part of weddings."

"Of course, Kairi!" She squealed, getting more excited as the moments ticked on.

At that squeal, it was almost as though a cue had been set off for Selphie, and she came bounding into the room, happy as a clam to ask the same question. Olette gave the same answer, and the petite brunette said it was time to start.

Olette's father was right there, grinning at her with that mock 'I can't believe you're marrying him - we used to joke about it!' look he always gave her these days. She took his arm and smiled up at him.

"I love you, Daddy..." She breathed, feeling more nervous as the seconds ticked by, and they were expected.

"I love you too, Olette... You look beautiful..." He kissed the top of her head, careful not to mess anything up, as it was all in a perfect place.

They soon rounded the corner outside, walking at just the right pace, walking in at just the right time. Olette stared at the blonde standing at the alter, trying to remember to smile. She was so nervous...

From multiple different places in the crowd, muffled sobs made their way to Olette's earring clad ears. It was Roxas' and Olette's mother, sobbing as though it were the happiest day of their lives.

Hayner, Pence, Sora, and Riku all stood by Roxas' side, although Hayner was obviously the best man, the others were all just as proud to be up there. And on Olette's side, there stood Selphie and Kairi, Selphie her Made of Honor, bouncing up and down as though she thought the brunette wasn't walking fast enough.

And when she glanced nervously at the blonde she was about to bind her everlasting love to again, she saw the expression she had always wanted to see.

It said it all... The love held for her, the fear, the nerves, the relief, happiness, and everything else that rolled around in those beautiful sapphire orbs that entranced her every time she looked.

It would surely be one of the happiest days of her life... It just proved, that the happiest were with him...


"I'm confused!" The brunette, older boy called out.

"Of course Colby... You're always confused..." the blonde man smiled. "It's a given."

"Hmph!" He crossed his arms and turned to his mother, "Will you explain?"

"Well..." She smiled slightly... "I was seven and Roxas... Your father, was seven... I looked at him like the stars that shined in like the sky," she stopped for a second, thinking thoughtfully about what exactly to say, "like pretty lights..."

With that the story was rekindled... It would be retold as a lesson and enchantment to a few different people in the family, and throughout friends and others who had taken a part in the story of two people against all odds.

Although their families and cruel events pulled them apart, they managed to come back together, proving that perhaps maybe... If you tried hard enough, you could be happy within the only block on a street of the world you knew when you were only seven and eight years old.


A/N: Well It's finished! I feel sort of sad that it's over, but I guess it's also happy. I hope you all liked it, and again I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me throughout this bitch :D I really appreciate all the positive energy you guys passed on!

And remember to check out my other stories! I love you all!! Please review!


P.S. - Quick one shot... Smelling Paint ... It's only about 800 words long... Cute for a quick Naminé/Roxas read! :D