
I do not own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT nor any of it's characters. I only own my imagination and maybe the laptop from which I'm writing this story.

A DBZ family Christmas.

Chapter 1: An unusual shopping trip


The yell could be heard even from Bulma's room, which was considerably far from the GR.

- "WHAT DO YOU WANT, YOU ASS??!!!" replied Bulma on a big screen mounted on a wall inside the GR.

- "Why haven't Table left this planet yet? He's been bothering my training asking 'bout you and the brats and life on earth!!!"

- "And that's why you made all that noise? You know you could have called me through the intercom and maybe do some 'adult' things in your GR" replied Bulma with a threatening and sexy tone.

- "Later, Woman. My weakling brother is here at the GR, barely moving even at a low 50G"

- "Fine, Vegeta. I'll take your brother and tell him some things".

The screen went off and the saiyan prince turned off the gravity simulation, so his brother could get out of the room and get to the house.

- "Well well…if it isn't my in-law Table…" said Bulma. "Now you can see the kind of man your brother have turned into…not caring even for his own brother"

- "Don't worry, Miss Bulma. Vegeta's been that way his entire life with freeza. It'll take years before he changes" replied Table with a hand on the back of his head and a sad smile.

- "We'll see about that. Oh!, I just had an idea. You've been here on earth for so little time that I think it'll be great if you can stay with us for the holidays…you know…Christmas, new year…"

- "Huh? What is this 'Christmas' thing? New year?" Table's face was a big fat question mark.

- "It's natural you don't know about our costumes here on earth, but I can assure you that you'll be having a great time before you depart to your planet", said Bulma. "Let's do this: come with me and your wife to the mall to buy some Christmas gifts and I'll tell you everything on the way. We're less than a couple of weeks away from the holidays".

- "Thank you, Bulma" replied Table before he left looking for his wife.

A few minutes passed and Table returned with his wife. Both of them got in the car along with Bulma and then departed towards the city mall. While on the road, Bulma told them about the Christmas festivity, about Jesus' birth and how now it was a popular holiday to be with one's family and friends. She told them also about the new year's eve, the traditions and the celebration for the new year.

The trip to the city and to the mall took about one hour and it was a little bit past noon, so Table suggested Bulma that it would be great if they could have a little lunch or snack before they went looking for the presents. The list was long, so Bulma thought about the suggestion and agreed with his in-law, since it wouldn't be prudent to push saiyan hunger for hours while shopping (she already had an awful experience with Vegeta).

- "All right, guys. Now that we're done eating, I think it would be nice if you two go get each other a Christmas present. I already explained you on our way here how the money works in this planet, so I think you wouldn't have any problem if I give you some to spend. It's not much but I think that'll do since it's your first time on a mall".

Right after that, bulma gave Table and Grey 1000 zenny each. For Bulma that was nothing, but for any other people that was a lot of money.

- "Well, Grey, I think we should get Bulma and Vegeta a present, since both of them were nice with us" said Table while thinking about what Bulma said

- "Don't forget about the kids…Trunks and Goten. If it weren't for them, those two bullies of abo and cado wouldn't have been defeated"

- "True…true…Alright then, off we go!".

Table and Grey wandered around the many floors and store the mall had, both surprised about the things that were sold (because they were kind of…different of what they had on their planet) and surprised of the price. It was then when they realized how much money they had from Bulma.

First, Table bought a picture frame (with a picture of him and Grey inside) for Vegeta, then they went to an electronics store and bought Trunks an HD camera. Both of them knew (too early perhaps) that he would love to record his pranks for future laughs. After that, in the same store, they bought an "intellimirror", which would let Bra visualize different types of makeup before she actually put any on her face. Finally, they went to a bookstore and bought "Successful women with not so successful jerks", because they thought the title was funny and it would fit Bulma…well…sort of…

It was nearly 3 pm when the 3 met again at the mall food court. Bulma was carrying several bags (as usual) with many presents. Table helped her get to the car and carried his presents as well. It was only then when he realized that he haven't get anything for her wife.

- "Grey…can you stay with Bulma a little while, please? I've got to…erhhmm….go to the bathroom. I'll be right back".

Fast as a lightening he crossed the entire mall to get to the jewelry he saw moments before meeting with Bulma for the second time. They had a huge collection of some of the most exquisite jewels in town…and maybe the country. He just couldn't decide which one get for her wife…until he saw C-18, who was just looking something on the same store as well.

- "You're eighteen…right?"

- "Who wants to know?" replied plainly the android

- "Well...I'm Table, Vegeta's brother. The one that came from outer space"

- "Oh…right. I remember you perfectly. What do you want?"

- "Actually…I'm looking for a present for my wife. Bulma told me about these festivities and I thought I could get Grey something nice. Can you help me decide?"

Table was nervous. The android couldn't help but notice his embarrassment as well as his nervousness, so she agreed to help him, only if he didn't tell anybody about the meeting.

They looked through the store for a while, until Table found a beautiful silver necklace that would shine on her wife. C-18 confirmed his taste and told him to buy it. In less than 10 minutes Table was back at the car.

- "Did you drink too much soda, Table? I told you these drinks on earth make you go to the bathroom way faster than juices from your planet" said Bulma in a joking tone. Table just agreed and his face turned red as her wife gave him the look of "when-we-get-home-we'll-talk".

The journey back to Capsule Corp. headquarters was easy with no further interruptions. The three of them talked about the presents they bought and who they were for.