An Ouran High School Host Club fanfic

Written by Miyu, Vampire Princess

AUTHOR'S NOTES: A big thanks to Nightfall2525 for the idea and encouragement for this piece. I hope it will be to your liking. Not sure how long or involved this will be. Could be another short "epic" for me, so say a prayer for my muses. Alternate Universe with many of the actual events (anime and manga) being referenced. Kyoya x Haruhi centric. A Standard Disclaimer appears at the end of the chapter. Comments and further encouragement are always welcome.




The night had been beautiful. A clear, dark sky littered with bright stars. Small, light clouds occasionally passed by, shading the light of the full moon. It was unseasonably warm for a spring night, a gentle breeze sweeping across the landscape.

"A good night for a hunt."

"Are you not coming, brother?"

"Not tonight. I have...other matters to attend to."

"Suit yourself, Kyoya."

"Just make sure you've fed before our meeting with the elders."

Kyoya simply nodded as his brothers walked off into the darkness of night. No doubt headed for the village for a few hours of debauchery as well as feeding. The young man shook his head. It was illogical in his mind, to waste time with drunken wenches when there was business to do.

Of course, he had his own woman to spend time with.

That was his business of the evening.

They had known each other since they were children. She was the daughter of a village elder, a powerful wizard. He was the youngest son of the area's master vampire, a king among his kind. Over time, friendship blossomed into love. She was grounded, honest and down to earth. He was patient, dedicated and hardworking. They always appeared to be the perfect match.

And their parents, though leery of the idea, stood firm in their agreement to let them marry.

It wasn't unheard of for a vampire to marry a wizard. Kyoya's own mother had been a powerful sorceress, an apprentice to the wizard Merlin himself. She would be overjoyed to know one of her sons would marry another magic user, even if she'd never see it from beneath the lake where she now rested on Avalon.

Though he stood in front of a large mirror, seventeen year old Kyoya had no reflection. That did not keep him from running a comb through his neatly cropped dark hair. Nor did it stop him from adjusting his collar and the pendant he wore around his neck. Long fingers brushed over white satin, straightening the wrinkles before donning his black overcoat. He smiled at the mirror, a toothy grin that was pleasant while still hiding his fangs. Grabbing a hat from a nearby table, he dusted off the top and headed into the night after his older siblings.

Gazing up at the clear sky and full moon, he mused that it was indeed a good night.

But in an instant, it went horribly wrong.

"Haruhi?! Haru, where are you?!"

The sight was truly majestic. And horrendous! Half of the village was ablaze. Men and woman had formed several chains in an attempt to get water from the wells to the burning buildings. Business and homes alike were at stake.

One of those homes was the residence of Yoji.

The village elder.

Kyoya kicked in the front door. The roof had begun to smoke, the fire not close behind. He stalked through the rubble, the main room in disarray. Practically destroyed by broken tables and overturned chairs. Paper and other baubles littered the ground. If it was in his way, the young Prince pushed it aside as he made his way towards the stairs.


Taking the stairs three at a time, the young vampire moved quickly to the second floor of the humble home. Smoke poured from every crevice and he had a difficult time seeing his way around. But he found his fiance's room.

And the sight was even more horrible than burning village.

The room had been trashed, signs of a struggle evident. In the midst of the chaos lay a young woman. Dressed in a light blue gown, her corset and skirts had been shredded. Blood spotted her upper and lower body. Long brown hair, disheveled from an attack, laid soaked in blood. Her blood, he noted.

But what really drew his attention was the slash across her throat. He thought that another vampire had slain her. Though the signs were too inconsistent with a typical vampire strike. No one in his family would have made such a mess.

"Haru!" His scream was filled with anger and pain. Dropping to his knees, he gathered up the body of the young woman who would have been his wife. "Who," he muttered into her broken neck. "Who would do this?!"

Then, it dawned on him.

"Don't move, little prince."

A hunter.

Kyoya's head snapped toward the intruder, his fangs bearing as he hissed in anger. "Show yourself, devil."

"Devil? Me? Why, Kyoya, I'm crushed you would say such a thing."

From the shadow stepped a man of thirty. His blond hair was colored with smoke and soot. Blue eyes stared at the young vampire, a small smile passing his lips.


"Surprised to see me, friend?"

His eldest brother and Maki had been friends, also since birth. However, Maki's parent had been slain by rogues -- vampires with no clan or home -- and he had been adopted by friends of the family. They hadn't seen each other in years, although there were rumors the young man had become a hunter and slain hundreds of vampires.

"I have to admit, I didn't realize she was your woman, Kyoya." The blond frowned. "A mistake I do apologize for."

The young prince prepared himself to strike when Maki tugged another figure out of the shadows. He was beaten profusely, bruised and bloodied from head to toe. Kyoya never would have believed it if he hadn't seen it for himself.


The elder. Haruhi's father.

And he was wearing a thick ring around his neck. It looked like an iron collar, but the vampire knew differently.

"A magic inhibitor," he uttered with disgust. Even magicians argued and fought among themselves. It was their best defense in an unfair fight. "You monster."

"Oh, what's with the name calling," Maki replied. "Have you learned no manners?"

"Why? What purpose does this serve?"

"Why? Revenge, young prince. Revenge!"

"The elder did nothing to you! And Haruhi--!"

"He led those vampires to my parents. He set them up!"

"I...." The old man choked against the collar and rush of blood to his throat. He coughed, but Maki didn't release him. Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, he tightened the choke hold.

"And do you know the vampire that killed them?" Maki laughed like a mad man. "It was the all mighty King. Your father, Kyoya. Your own damn father!"

The young vampire didn't know what to say. He clutched his beloved to him tighter. His mind trying to process the information overwhelming him. There had to be a way to figure it out.

"Do it, old man," Maki said, finally releasing his hold. "Cast your curse."

"Curse? What are you saying?"

Yoji dropped to his knees, gasping for air. His body had little energy left. The hunter undid the collar so that the man could work his magic.

Maki poked a long barreled gun into the elder's back. "Do it!"

"I...I curse y-you and the entire Oh-Ohtori family," Yoji stated. His eyes were sad as he looked directly at Kyoya. "You're family will become human and live a human life. But when you die, you will be reborn and it will start all over again. It...will b-be a never ending cycle."

"No! This...can't be."

Maki laughed. "I have my vengeance. Finally I--ARGH!"

The hunter had been distracted enough that Kyoya had charged him unseen. Using the broken leg of a chair, he impaled the other man, pushing him against the wall when the leg hit home and stuck. Maki continued to laugh madly, incoherently muttering about his revenge until the man finally died.

Kyoya then went to Yoji. The old man had no strength left in him. "What can I do," he asked, knowing it was probably futile. "What can I do to change this curse, Yoji?"

The old man smiled weakly. "To stop this you, Prince Kyoya, must find my daughter's soul." He coughed up blood and Kyoya aided him in rolling onto his side. "She must fall in love with you again of her own free will."

"What you ask is impossible," Kyoya stated. "How will I find her? How will I know?!"

He reached a shaky hand upward and Kyoya took it. "When th-that day comes, you will know." It was becoming increasingly difficult for the old man to stay conscious. "Love her. Marry her. And...on your wedding night th-the c-curse will be broken...."

"Yoji...I...." Kyoya couldn't say the words. But he supposed there was no need. The old wizard died with a smile on his face.

He left the old man in the burning home, retrieving only the body of his beloved. Laying her torn and battered body on the ground safely, he allowed a tear to fall down his pale cheek.

When his brothers and father arrived on the scene, no words were exchanged. They knew enough. And as the village still scrambled to save themselves, the Ohtori family simply waited for the dawn. Waited for their death together.

That night happened over five hundred years ago.

And yet seventeen year old Kyoya Ohtori still remembered it as if it were yesterday.

He'd lived many lives prior to his current existence. He had fought beside Napoleon. Been a Musketeer. A druid priest at Stonehenge. A World War one pilot and Hitler's aid. So many chances and yet no successes. Each life had been foiled by some strange incident. If he didn't die, then his beloved did.

So many hits and misses, even among his family. Once, they had been reborn as brothers in arms. Once as sisters. That had been a cruel joke. The last time they had been resurrected as a family, they died when the Titanic sank. Kyoya knew the ship was sinkable, so why they advertised it as unsinkable was beyond him. If the captain had only listened....

But all that was in the past. Now, with his family once again whole, Kyoya had another opportunity to seek out his beloved. Yet like so many times before, he knew not where to begin. She could be in any form, of any age. Adjusting the glasses on his nose, it figured that she'd be an elementary school student at the same time he was a high school student. Another cruel joke.

"Kyoya, we're ready to begin."

"All right. Places everyone. The guests should be arriving soon."

But in any case, he had a chance of finding her here, at Ouran Academy. And as a member of the elite Host Club, his chances were doubly improved. His family network in this time period was extensive as well. So even if she didn't attend Ouran, he had a better chance of learning her whereabouts.

'I'll find you this time, beloved. I promise.'

And when the doors to Music Room Three opened, a waif of a boy -- a girl, actually -- entering unknowingly into their territory, it was a promise quickly fulfilled.


"It's a guy," two voices stated in unison. They belonged to the Hitachiin twins.

"Men are valuable patrons too, so stifle it," another said. The voice of Tamaki, their club president. "Welcome to the Host Club...Haruhi Fujioka."

"Huh? I'm...."

'The one,' Kyoya inhaled deeply and let his breath out slowly. 'She's.... I found her.'

Or rather, she found him.

"I was just looking for a quiet place. So, excuse me -- AH!"

"Look out."


"That vase was supposed to be features in the next school auction," one of the Hitachiin brothers stated.

"The starting bid was supposed to be $80,000," the other brother added.

And breaking an expensive vase was the best thing that could have ever happened to him.

"I'll...I'll pay for it!"

To her.

"You bet you will."

She just didn't know it yet.

Kyoya adjusted his glasses and looked to their club president. "Well, Tamaki, how should we handle this?"

With a dramatic display he replied, "Fujioka.... As of today, you are the Host Club's dog boy!"

Her look of shock only made Kyoya smile.


Ouran High School Host Club is a brilliant piece of work by creator Bisco Hatori. Originally published in 2003 by HAKUSENSHA, Inc., Tokyo, Japan, this masterpiece is being translated and published by VIZ Media for fans in America and Canada. I do not own a single piece of the characters used in this story. They were kidnapped and used here without permission.