

"Hi mom."

Max glances between the two women, near spitting images of each other, neither saying a word. He briefly considers introducing himself, but quickly discards the idea when Maggie's mom drops the bowl she's been holding and the spoon she's been stirring with, and wraps her arms tightly around her daughter.

"Oh Maggie!" she cries.

Max jumps out of the way of the spilling mixture. Maggie wiggles in her mother's embrace, attempting to escape it. "Hi mom," she repeats.

"Oh my God!" Her mother squeezes tighter, "I can't believe it's you! I thought...well, we thought, maybe something had happened. Did you get my letters?"

Finally, Maggie is released and she smiles unsurely, "I got some of them," she admits.

The older woman holds her at arms length and observes her with a motherly eye. "You're so skinny!" she exclaims, "And so much older. Oh my baby!" Maggie is engulfed in another hug, but this time manages to escape suffocation.

"Sorry it took me so long to come home," Maggie says quietly when her mother lets her go.

Maggie's mother shakes her head, tears have gathered in her eyes, "All that's important is that you're here now." She looks down at her arms, which now hang limply by her sides, and then farther down to the spilled bowl, just now realizing she dropped it, then back up to the person standing next to the mess.

Max gives her a smile he hopes looks charming and offers a hand, "I'm Max Carrigan, I'm Maggie's-"

"Boyfriend," Maggie interrupts, "He's my boyfriend."

Although Max wasn't entirely sure how he was going to finish his sentence, he was going more in a roommates direction, but Maggie leans into him and Max wraps the arm not extended around her, and Maggie's mom looks pleased.

"Pam McKenzie," She grips Max's hand and shakes it eagerly, "Oh come in, you two!" Pam grabs the fallen bowl and spoon and steps aside to allow the 'couple' to enter the house.

Max gets the feeling this will be an interesting visit.

A/N- Oh Maggie and Max, what have you gotten yourselves into?

Review please!