Well, here is the continue, second part of Strange Love! :D *feeling proud*
oh, and I took a bit of it, and I'm still writing but couldn't keep myself from uploading... ^^'

Al woke up and looked around in the room."Well best to get ready for work" he said and stood up. "Honey, don't go so early, I want to see your face more often" a voice behind Al said as he turned around and smiled. "Sorry sweetheart I've too" Al said and kissed the person on the forehead. The person sat up and smiled at Al as the person embraced Al from behind. "I just heard from Roy that onii-san isn't in Central, he is probably in the southern headquarters or something" Al said a bit sad. "You started in the military to help me, Riza and Roy with finding Ed, but we haven't even got close to it" the person behind Al said. "Yeah, you are right Jean" Al said and looked back at him a bit sad. "You haven't even touched your brother's things in maybe 8 years" Havoc said and kissed Al on the neck, "I'm actually surprised that they didn't do the same thing to you as they did to him" he said afterwards and looked at Al. "Yeah, I wonder what happened to onii-san" Al said a bit sad. "Hi ants" Al and Havoc heard a familiar voice say in the window. Al looked at the window to see Envy in the same shape as for 8years ago. "Envy" Al said chocked, "Not even I know where your brother is, I've worked quite much actually, and around the whole country" he said as he had got his feelings about Ed back. "Why did you hurt Ed before?" Havoc asked and moved so he could see Envy. "Well I can admit that it didn't felt so good, but he was my half brother that I hated, more than the smallest one, he got all the love that I was supposed to get, he took my father away from me and took it as his own" Envy said and looked at him. "You hurt onii-san both on the outside and the inside" Al said sad as a tear fell down his cheek. "I'm gonna ask Pride where he is, if he doesn't answer I will tell him that HIS life is going to be a hell" Envy said and turned around in the window and jumped down. "How did he get so athletic?" Havoc asked and sort of glared at the window. "He isn't human" Al said and looked back at Havoc. Al got a kiss on the mouth that he answered, Havoc pulled Al down on the bed again as he made so he was on top of Al. Al looked up at Havoc with a smile as both of them was only in boxers. Havoc licked Al's chest as Al enjoyed it. Havoc sat up and smiled at Al, "I won't let you go to work today" Havoc said and smiled a bit at Al. "Hey Jean you know I've to I'm going on a mission today" Al said and stroke Havoc's cheek. "How long will you be gone?" Havoc asked and looked down at Al's eyes. "Around a month, they are planning to move me to the east headquarters too" Al said a bit sad. "I haven't heard about that I should change headquarters so we will see each other at our free time then" Havoc said and stood up as even he got dressed for work and got to work at the same time as Al.

"He is only a kid, people treats me after the age I look like" Envy said and sighed. "Envy?" Envy heard Roy ask. "I came to talk to the Führer but am done, and I think Dante wants me to get a new Pride for her now" Envy said as he sighed and looked at the Roy that ran to the Führer's office. Envy heard that the alarm went on as he smiled a wildly smile. He saw some military men that stood in front of him and aimed for him. "Shoot I don't care" he said and smiled again as they fired at him. Envy healed himself and killed the men, "Annoying, humans are so easy to kill" he said before walking outside and to the train station to get the train towards southern headquarters.

"Hey Fullmetal we gonna need you in a coming war so don't leave town!" someone screamed at Ed as he sighed, "Sure!" he screamed back and went outside.

Ed went home to his apartment as he sighed when he came home and saw that it had been a burglar there and steeled his stuff. "I'm in the military too" he said and sighed as he went inside to call his colleague, "What Ed?" the man asked and sighed. "Only a burglary" Ed said and sighed too, "Things aren't good for you Ed" the man said and hanged up as Ed looked strange on the phone. "What the hell is his problem?" Ed asked and threw the phone on the wardrobe as it opened and Ed saw a corpse inside there. "What the!?" Ed screamed and opened the door to the wardrobe. "Man the burglar wasn't only a burglar but a murderer too" Ed said and took his shirt over his face to not breathe the smell in. Ed took the phone up and called another colleague, "Ed?" the person asked, "Yeah, it was a burglary in my apartment and I just found a corpse" Ed said and tried not to breathe the smell in. "We will come Ed" The person said and hanged up as Ed went outside where someone pulled Ed into another apartment as Ed dropped his mobile phone too. "Hey!" Ed screamed as he was thrown on a bed. "Welcome back O'chibi-san" Ed heard a voice say. "Who is it?" Ed asked and looked around himself. "Well that's depends I can be whoever you wants. So who would you like Mr. Fullmetal Pipsqueak? Huh, maybe a taller version of you?" Ed heard the voice ask as he got a bit bothered over the short comment. "Who did you call a shorty that has to be looked at through a magnifying glass to actually be seen!?" Ed asked and stood up for searching after the person as Envy went inside the room. Ed glared at the person. He looked at the person carefully but didn't know what gender it actually was. "Why the confused look?" Envy asked as Ed still couldn't tell if it was a girl or a boy. "I'm actually androgynous, but prefer to be called a guy" Envy said and laid his hand under Ed's chin which Ed automatically pushes away. "O'chibi-san" Envy said a bit sad and looked at Ed, "Your brother have searched for you all this 8 years not even given up" Envy said a bit serious and looked at Ed that got chocked, he knew who Al was. "How do you know Al?" Ed asked and looked at Envy, "You have really lost your memory about me haven't you?" Envy asked a bit sad as he went to Ed's side and took his hand around Ed's neck. "You gonna get it back when you are in a life threatening situation, I've killed plenty of ants, my little butterfly" Envy said in Ed's ear before throwing him into a wall. "It will be hard to not kill you, it's too easy to kill you" Envy said and was ready to stomp Ed on the chest when some military men came inside the room. Envy looked back at them and smiled as he cut the head of every single person from the military there except Ed. Ed glared at the corpses and then Envy that smiled wildly, "It's rude to interrupt people" he said and kicked one of the corpses, "Hey excuse!" Envy said and kicked it harder, "You killed him!" Ed screamed at Envy as he transmuted his arm into a blade. Envy looked at Ed that attacked him, "Yeah I told you we had to fight but I didn't thought it would be our first meeting after 8years" he said and smiled a bit as he heard Dante scream on him. "What hag?" Envy asked and looked at her, "You killed Pride know someone who can take his place?" she asked a bit pissed off. "Him" Envy said and pointed at Ed with his thumb. "One more of the Elric family?" she asked and looked at Envy, "Yeah why not?" Envy asked smiling. Dante sighed as Ed didn't understand a thing about what they talked about. "Take him to the underground city then" Dante said before leaving. "Old bitch" Envy mumbled and looked bothered at her as he sighed. Envy took Ed on his shoulder and walked back to Central with him.

When they arrived in Central Envy looked around to see thousands of military men running on the streets, "Who are they after?" Ed asked and looked around and saw that Havoc was one of them and that he had a silver ring on his left hand on the ring finger. Havoc looked at his right and saw Ed on Envy's shoulder, "Ed" he said low and dismissed from the group and walked to them. "Who are you after?" Ed asked and looked up at Havoc, "Envy" he said and sighed. "You married?" Ed asked and looked at the ring, "Huh, yeah" he said and took up the hand smiling a bit. "Who?" he asked afterwards, "Your brother actually" Havoc said and laid his right hand behind his head near the neck. Ed glared at Havoc remembering that he never got disgusted when he saw him and Envy. Ed got wide eyes as he started to remember his and Envy's relationship. "Something hit you Ed?" Havoc asked and looked at Ed, "I just remembered mine and Envy's relationship, after 8years when I heard my friend was married with my brother" Ed said a bit confused but chocked. "Crazy way to remember?" Havoc asked and smiled a bit. Ed looked at Havoc a bit happy about that his brother found someone to share his life with, the same for Havoc that had searched after it. "Where are we going anyway Envy?" Ed asked and looked at him, "The underground city" he said and sighed a bit. "That is?" Roy asked behind them, "The city that disappeared under one night, and the legendary city that is believed to be under Central" Envy said smiling a bit. "Married?" Roy asked a bit chocked and pointed at Havoc's ring. "Ehm yeah" he said sighing. "He got one to be with permanent, so why not you Roy?" Hughes asked as he got there. "Who is it anyway Havoc?" Roy asked and looked at Havoc that turned a bit slight red in his face. "A guy?" Roy asked as a tease as Havoc nodded which made Roy glare. "Who?" Hughes asked a bit interested, "Actually Al" Havoc said and looked at Roy that dropped his chin and Hughes only smiled a bit surprised. Ed only smiled as he heard that someone came running before he saw his brother embrace Havoc and kiss. Ed nearly glared his eyes out but was still happy, it came as a chock for him to see his brother kiss one of his best friends. Envy smiled over the sight, he knew how happy Ed would be now because he had leaved his brother alone and sad, even worried. "Hi Al" Ed said smiling at his brother that had grew plenty much. "Nii-san" Al said and got big eyes before got a relieved smile and tears of happiness on his cheeks. Envy placed Ed standing on the ground before they hugged each other smiling both of them. "Why didn't you come back?" Al asked still happy. "I don't know I just didn't want to, a part of me said that I couldn't come home again but the other part never said against it" Ed said a bit sad. Al hugged his brother harder, "Don't leave me again like that!" Al nearly screamed. "He has to Al" Envy said and looked at him, "Why?" Al asked and looked worried. "I said that he would be the new Pride to Dante and if she knows that I change that she is going to kill me" Envy said and sighed. "You mean, doing nii-san into a homunculus!?" Al screamed, "Yeah" Envy said and looked at Ed. Ed got out of the hug and to Envy that embraced him, Ed looked at Envy and embraced him back, it was 8years ago Ed felt like he really had something to live for. "It's nearly as I missed your cold skin" Ed said and looked into Envy's violet cat eyes. Envy smiled, "Soon you won't be able to feel heat or cold" Envy said and kissed Ed, Envy hadn't bothered himself with doing himself longer so he was standing on his toes and had his arms around Ed's neck as Ed bended down a bit and had his arms around Envy's waist. "Ed is the longest for the first time" Roy said and smiled over how the kiss looked. Ed and Envy broke the kiss and smiled at each other, "I can feel now that I missed you" Ed said and laid his head on Envy's shoulder. Envy looked a bit sad over Ed, he looked quick on Al that looked a bit sad, his brother had missed his boyfriend but not his own brother. "Maybe we should go before the old hag will kill me" Envy said and looked up at Ed. Ed nodded a bit, not happy but understood what Envy wanted as they walked away not saying good bye. Al got tears on his cheeks which made Havoc embrace him from behind a bit sad by himself.

Ed looked around where he and Envy had come. It was a big old city right under Central. Envy placed Ed on the shoulder as he jumped directly down, it was a long way down but Envy landed as he only had jumped down from a tree or something. Ed looked at Envy then the height he had jumped down from and glared. Envy walked to a big house where he looked after Dante in the room but didn't find her. "Wrath where is Dante?" he asked bothered, "She haven't come back" he said as Ed turned around to see that Wrath looked exactly the same as for 8years ago. "Yeah we don't age" Wrath said and smiled a bit. "Envy can age if he wants to but that is exactly what he dislikes, I wonder how he would look like if he had aged" Wrath said and looked at Envy. "Dust" he said and looked at Wrath. "How old are you actually?" Ed heard Greed ask, "250years more than you" he said and smiled. "400years?" Greed asked a bit chocked. "Yeah, the old hag is even older, I've no idea if she was in her first body or something like that when she got little William" he said sighing. Ed looked a bit chocked at Envy. He knew that they had the same father, that was what didn't match in Ed's head. "Even the old bastard changed body Ed" Envy said and looked at Ed. "How?" he asked a bit confused. "The philosopher stone" Envy said smiling, "It was this city that was sacrificed" Envy said and smiled afterwards. "Who are William then Envy?" Greed asked a bit curious. "Me as human" he said and sighed, "I heard that Dante likes your original look better" they heard another voice said, a voice Ed felt familiar from the military. "It's because I looked so freaky alike the bastard" Envy said and turned around and saw Sloth then placed Ed standing on the ground. "Why did you bring a human here?" she asked, "I accidently killed Pride and he is going to take his place instead" Envy said and looked at her. "That is why the military is after you" she said and sighed. "We need to have someone on that position that Pride had" she said afterwards and looked at Envy, "Do you think I know someone?" he asked a bit chocked. "Look at Ed's shoulders" she said and sighed. Envy looked at Ed's shoulders and saw that he had a very high position, "How many promotions did you get?" Envy asked a bit chocked, "Why do you ask?" Ed asked back a bit confused at Envy. "You have nearly more control over the military than what Sloth can have" Envy said and looked at Ed. "And so?" Ed asked and looked strange at Envy, "You will have a quite a change to be taken as the new Führer" Sloth said and looked at Ed that nearly glared at her. "You mean I can be taken as the new ruler over the country?" Ed asked and looked at her a bit chocked. "Yeah but wasn't you meant to be send out to war?" she asked and looked at Ed that laid a hand on his forehead. "Envy you will have to take Ed's place then" she said and looked at the sighing Envy. "Yeah yeah" he said and transformed himself into Ed, "See you" he said and walked away. Ed looked after Envy then on the people he had left him with, before hearing a female voice, "So the Elric kid is here but not Envy?" the voice said. "He had to take Ed's place in a war" Sloth said and looked at the woman that walked inside. "Well let's start then, but we will do it in Father's way not mine because I've nothing to sacrifice" she said as Wrath cut a wound on Ed's arm. Ed holds his hand over the wound, used to get hurt so he didn't show any reaction over pain. Greed took Ed's hands behind his back as Ed struggled to get out of the grip that was impossible. Dante had something red in her hand and took it inside Ed's wound which made him scream, "An Elric brother are meant to be strong because of Hohenheim, you should survive" she said and looked at Ed that fell to the ground with the hand over his wound. Ed glared out of nowhere as his eyes became violet cat eyes. "I think the transform soon is over" Dante said and walked away. Wrath was left with Ed to keep an eye on him.

Ed sat up some hour later and looked at Wrath a bit tired. "How do you feel?" Wrath asked and looked at Ed, "I'm fine I think" Ed said and looked at Wrath that offered him some red stones. Ed took one of the stones and tried to eat it, he didn't think it tasted hell, he liked it a bit. Ed took some more stones and felt like a part of him took over the body, "Ed?" Wrath asked and looked a bit worried at him. "Ed? I'm Pride" the Ed that has become Pride said. "Transformation complete" Greed said as he stood in some stairs. "Looks like it" Wrath said and looked at Pride that stood up, "Do you like your new body Pride?" Greed asked smiling. "An Elric is fun to have as body, I can nearly understand why Envy likes his body so much" Pride said and looked at Greed. "I think you will have to quit in the military as a state alchemist now" Greed said and sighed. Wrath looked at his right arm then his left leg, "What's with you Wrath?" Pride asked and looked at the little homunculus. "I can actually do alchemy due to this arm and my left leg" he said and looked at Pride. "Do you mean he should take body parts of alchemists?" Greed asked and looked at Wrath. "That arm and leg belonged to Ed" Pride said and looked at Wrath that stood a bit chocked. "You took them in the Gate when Ed and Al tried to bring their mother back" Pride said and went to Wrath. Greed glared a bit but didn't do anything. "But how do you use your alchemy then?" Pride asked and took a good grip on Wrath's right arm. "I fuse together with something like the ground" Wrath said and looked strange at Pride, that sighed and before walking away.

Well, that's the first chapter, the next maybe is up tomorrow, I dunno
It's soon holiday so soon I can upload every day in a week(if I don't start to play WoW again x_x')
Oh, and it was two quotation(just that one is changed but remembers of the one when Ed meets Envy for the first time in the manga, the other one is from when Ed meets Envy for the first time in the anime)