Disclaimer: All characters and plotlines of the Twilight Saga belong solely to Stephenie Meyer. I am just thankful for her wonderful stories to create my own.

We had arrived at a beautiful meadow. Trees bordered the area, with wildflowers dotting the ground. It reminded me of a night club. The grass and wildflowers were the lit up dance floor, the trees were the walls, and the sun was the disco ball. Jasper talking was the music, and I was the dancer.

"This is the reason we can't come to school in the sun, or any other place, for that matter," he explained.

We were standing in the line of trees around the meadow. Jasper gulped, then stepped out into the sunlight. I was instantly blinded. His face and hands were shimmering like a thousand diamonds were encrusted into his skin.

"You're beautiful," I gasped. Jasper held out his had to me. I took it.

"Alice, no, I'm not. This is the skin of a killer, Alice," he said seriously.

"I don't care," I said, still gazing at his beauty.

I wanted to stare at him forever: his diamond skin; his flawless face; and his smile. Oh my God, it was devastating.

Everything about this moment was beautiful. The place, the person...the only flawed thing here was me. I started to run. I took his hand and started running, backpedaling, not taking my eyes off of him for one minute. It was almost as if the sun was standing right next to me.

"I love you, Jasper," I whispered, laying down in the grass.

"I love you, Alice, more than you will ever know," he told me, laying down next to me.

He took me in his arms and I laid there, for hours and hours, staring at his face. This moment was so perfect, I didn't want any part of it to change. At this point in our life together, I couldn't imagine life without him. He was a vampire, and I was mortal. He was forever frozen in time, and I would continue aging, unless of course, he would bite me. Then, I would be with him forever.

"Bite me, Jasper," I said suddenly and without warning .

He pulled his arms back and sat up. His face bore an expression a anger and pain. "Alice, I cannot do that for several reasons," he began. "The first three days are extremely torturous. Its almost as if somebody is injecting liquid fire into your veins, and they won't stop. I could never sit there and watch you writhe in pain just so that you could be with me forever. It would be too selfish."

Selfish. He thought he was being selfish.

"Also, I will always love you, and you don't need to be a vampire for me to love you. I love you now, I will love you when you are forty, and I will love you when you are eighty. And then, when you die, I will find a way to end my mere existence. I don't know how, but I will. You see, you have entered my life, and opened doors. Doors that I thought could never be opened. But, now that you are in my life, I have fallen in love with you, thus, I cannot comprehend the idea of a world in which you don't exist."

"You won't love me when I'm eighty, because I won't reach that age. I will be forever frozen in immortality as a vampire, with you. Now, bite me," I said feistily.

Jasper sighed a sigh of defeat. He took his hand and brushed away a strand of my hair, revealing my bare neck. I started to shiver. This was it. I was going to be with him forever. I could feel his cool skin drawing toward me, and I could feel myself drawing toward him in terms of immortality. His cold breath touched me, and his icy lips brushed my neck. He pulled away, then held my face in his hands. "There's always one thing that I have been dying to try," he said as he put his lips to mine.

They worked with mine, not to hard, and not to soft. His tongue traced against my bottom lip, as he lips started to descend on my neck, giving me quick kisses along my jawline. He suddenly jerked away, as if ten vampires were pushing him back away from me. I touched my lips. "Is something wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"No, its just...my self control. Believe it or not, I had to fight myself not to drink your blood right there," he said in a disappointed tone.

He stood up and took my hand. "Time to go home," he said. I pouted. He crouched and I reluctantly climbed onto his back, not wanting to leave this place.

We arrived back at his house quarter to five. I never wanted those few hours that we spent at the meadow never to end. They were too good. Now, all I had was memories.

"I'm home, Elle!" I shouted as I walked through the door, taking my shoes off and hanging my fleece jacket on the hook in the wall.

"Hey! How was your day?" she asked, coming downstairs looking nicer than usual.

"It was good. Where are you off too?"

"Oh, Chief Swan invited me out to dinner with him. I've liked him for a while, plus, its the first date I've had in years," she told me.

I was happy for my mom. She hadn't been this happy in a really long time. "Have fun," I said.

It looked as if I would be eating dinner alone. I didn't mind. Jasper would come over and keep me company.

Chief Swan pulled up in front of our house. He casually got out of his car and came up and rang the doorbell. I answered the door while my mom was still in the kitchen. "Hey, Chief Swan!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Alice! I haven't seen you in so long! Good to know that you're finally five feet tall," he joked.

"Yeah, it only took me seventeen years," I kidded back. (We had a lifetime joke about my height.)

He was a close family friend, kind of like Billy Black and Jacob. My mom was just the type of girl who was best friends with guys. I was fine with it, and there was nothing wrong with that.

My mom came out of the kitchen to meet Chief Swan. "Hi," she said shyly.

"Hey," he said. "I made us reservations at this really good restaurant out in Port Angeles. The food is fantastic!"

"Great," replied Elle, grabbing her purse and jacket from the bench inside the door. "See you later, Alice," Elle replied.

As soon as they pulled out, Jasper pulled in. It was almost as if he could read minds, but I knew that that was his brother, Edward. Jasper's special talent was feeling emotions.

"I felt loneliness so I came over as fast as I could," he said smiling as he walked though the front door.

"Not really. Maybe Edward just told you," I said. "C'mon in."

He pulled me into a tight hug, kissing the top of my head as we wandered into the kitchen. "What do you want for dinner?" he asked me.

"I don't know. I was just gonna reheat some spaghetti, but you can make me anything that you want," I told him.

He looked into the fridge. "Hmm," he said thoughtfully. "Spaghetti it is."

I guessed that we had nothing worth cooking in our fridge. Jasper got a plate out of the cabinet, then began scooping the spaghetti onto it. He put the meal into the microwave and pressed start. He watched it revolve around until finally my food was adequately heated.

"Here you go," he said, serving it like a waiter at a fancy restaurant.

I giggled as I began to eat. "Since when do you know how to use a microwave. I thought vampires couldn't eat human food."

"Well, Alice Brandon! I'm am offended. Just because I am a vampire I can't figure out how to work a microwave?! That's low," he said, pretending to be hurt. I got up and hugged him, telling him that I was sorry.

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" he asked me.

"I don't know, maybe just hang out, catch up on some homework. We have an essay due on Romeo and Juliet next week," I said.

"Ugh, I hate that book. Its so typical teenager," he scoffed. "She wants him, he wants her but he has another, and then in the end they die for each other because of some misconception of facts."

"Well, I am a typical teenager and its just o inter---"

"Alice, don't say that, you're so far from typical. You are beautiful, and smart, and you have dreams in which you see the future," he told me, taking my face in his hands.

"Okay, first of all, how do you know that I have dreams like that? Before you were actually there that night, how long had you been watching me sleep?"

"Oh, well, a few months. You always mumble in your sleep."

I clamped my hand over my mouth, embarrased. "Well, what exactly do I say?"

"Normal teenage drama, you know, I hope this boy likes my shoes. But then, then it changed. You started to toss and turn and say 'Don't leave, please stay,' and then you would stop, and...and....you said that you loved me," he said happily.

"Jasper, I do love you, more than anything in the world," I promised him as I crawled into his lap.

He kissed the top of my head as we sat there. Then, a thought popped into my mind. "Jasper, if you had the chance to become human again, would you?"

He pondered for a moment, his face knowing, yet, somehow, he didn't know. "If it meant that I could save you from myself, then I would do it in a heartbeat. But, if I did, who would protect you? Not all vampires are like us, you know. My friends from the Confederate Army are not like me. They live off of human blood, and that's the way a lot of trackers are too. But, if it was better for you, I would do it. If anything was better for your well-being, I would do it, no matter the cost," he explained.

I nodded, resting my head against his chest. "In my dream, you were leaving me. You said you couldn't hurt me if you were gone, and then you were leaving. And then everything stopped. I was having a nightmare, and I couldn't wake up. When I said I loved you, in my dream, I was crumpled on the ground, sobbing, feeling dead."

"Alice Brandon," he said, taking my face in his hands. "I will never leave you. I will stay by your side forever and always."

I hope you like it. I haven't written in forever but we have a snow day so I'll maybe post another one today. You might get lucky and I might post two:). Please R&R. The more reviews I get, the more I will post. I'm doing this for you guys, so please review! It makes my day to see what you have to think!

Always, animanga128