Disclaimer: No own Sailor Moon nor characters.

Warning: Will contain shoujo ai.

And on with story! Enjoy.

"Class. Class. Settle down now, class. I have an announcement to make." Rapping her fingers against her desk, Haruna-Sensei waited for all eyes to look in her direction. When she was satisfied, the young teacher held up a sheaf of paper. "I just had a meeting with the principal this morning. For a couple of weeks now, we've been in talks with the school administration and other junior highs and high schools in this area."

Taking a soft seat on her desk, leaning her hips against the wood, Haruna could see her homeroom students look curiously around at each other. "I know I haven't mentioned this earlier, but I didn't want to get your hopes up. As the go ahead has been given, I think now is a good enough time as any to give you head's up."

Straightening, and passing out the flyers one by one, walking down the aisles of desks and students, she smiled to herself. This would be a good chance for the kids to learn what their interests were, she thought, pausing momentarily by Tsukino Usagi's desk. Oh yes. Definitely for Tsukino.

She got back to the front of the room, lacing her hands together, her gaze travelling slowly around the faces of her students. "Alright, as you start to look over this, I know you'll have some questions, so let me start at the beginning.

"What we're proposing is an exchange program. A… Merging of schools, of a sort. For about a two week rotation, all of the junior highs will send their students to a local high school for some… Mmm… Prepatory experience. A chance to prepare you all for high school, and maybe as a way to discover what will interest you in the future."

Haruna smiled. "Just think of it as a kind of vacation. Albeit with homework, as," she raised her voice to be heard over the groans, "as you will be expected to present a report or presentation at the end of those two weeks. You will be split into groups of threes, and everyone will be assigned a high school student as well. This is to ensure that you get the full support and experience you need."

Tsukino raised her hand. Nodding at her to go ahead, Haruna absently crossed her arms. The blonde's eyes flicked over at her friends Osaka, Kino, and Mizuno. "Will we be able to pick our groups?" she asked.

"Up to a point," Haruna replied, looking down at the flyer she had left for herself. "If it's decided that one student's interest would be better suited to be in another group for another subject, you could be split up. But I don't really see that happening. Any other questions?"

One of the boys raised his hand, and Haruna answered his question. "The date planned for this is the beginning of next month. It'll be just after midterms, and before finals, so no educational problems are predicted. Anyone else?"

As no one else had any questions off the top of their heads, too busy whispering furiously back and forth among themselves, Haruna decided that it was time for the English lesson she had planned. She knew that the students would have questions later, but she could always answer them then.

"Alright, class. Open your books to page 187."


"So what do you think about this new program?" Ami asked, picking up her bento and opening it, arranging it on her knees. "Seems very ambitious to me."

"Yeah," Makoto agreed, taking a bite of her octopus sashimi, chewing and swallowing before continuing, "There weren't a lot of details, either."

"Well I think it's exciting!"

Looking up, Makoto smiled to see Usagi standing in front of her, Naru just appearing at the top of the stairs that led back down into the building. Sweeping one of her ponytails off of her shoulder and taking a seat next to the brunette, Usagi brought up her own lunch bag. Exchanging smiles and soft greetings, the blonde took no time in starting to engulf her lunch.

Giggling a little at her friend's behavior, Naru took the spot next to Ami, "Are you guys talking about the high school program?"

"Yep." At nowhere near Usagi's speed, Makoto just kept on steadily eating her food, hoping to at least eat half before the blonde appropriated it for herself. Looking out of the corner of her eye, she realized she would have to speed up a little; Usagi was already almost done.

Hiding her lunch behind her knees by hunching, Ami slowly took a bite of her cold turkey cut sandwich. It was one of her favorites, and she wanted it all to herself. "I wonder about the timing of this, though. It seems to coincide too closely with Jedite's…" Catching herself at the almost slip as Naru looked on curiously, Ami started again, "Uhm, I mean, it just seems very weird."

Makoto shrugged. "Well, I guess it's just because it's the first year for it." Feeling a prickly feeling on the back of her neck, the brunette slowly turned her head, chopsticks still slipped between her lips. Perched right next to her, hands on her cheeks and face made up predominately by huge, glistening eyes, Usagi was drooling at her. Makoto choked, spitting out her mouthful of rice.

Usagi ducked the onslaught of food, wrapping her arms around her friend's waist, "Mako-chan… That's disgusting! Feed me, please? Feed me feed me feed me!" She gently clawed at Makoto's arms as the girl held her bento high above her head.

"Aiee… Usagi-chan…" Naru shook her head, embarrassed a little. Taking a bite of her teriyaki chicken, she realized her mistake when wide blue eyes centered on her. "Oh, no no no!" Picking up her lunch and taking off across the rooftop, she barely kept ahead of the blonde.

Ami giggled. Looking over at Makoto who was looking a little worse for the wear from Usagi's impromptu glomp, she took out her handkerchief and gently patted a piece of rice from the brunette's cheek. Glancing up, she froze for a second as Makoto's green eyes met hers. Blushing, she pulled back. "You, uhm, had some rice…"

"Oh. Okay." Makoto cleared her throat and smiled at her, a blush high on her cheeks.

There was silence for a few moments as both girls ate quietly to themselves, safe from Usagi's reach, as she was still chasing after Naru and her highly desirable lunch. Finally, as Naru gave in to her oldest friend, allowing Usagi to eat half of her remaining chicken, out of compassion or sheer exhaustion (Usagi's energy knew no bounds), the two girls flopped down again. They leaned against each other, panting a little.

"Boys!" Naru suddenly yelled out, startling the other three. Eyes shining, the redhead repeated herself. "Boys! High school boys!"

"Eh? Ehhh!"

And suddenly the quartet was swept up into a whirlwind of discussion.


Meioh Setsuna personally thought it was stupid. Why did she have to babysit some junior high students? She had left junior high two years ago, and she had much better things to do than take care of immature girls and boys. Crossing her arms, the dark haired girl stared down her nose at the student body president and said as much.

"It doesn't matter if you object," Takahashi Furiko said, "You still have to do it." Furiko, a small black haired senior that exuded energy and charm, smiled at the taller girl. "It doesn't seem to be a popular idea among the students – well, except for the boys, of course,"

"Perverts," Setsuna rolled her eyes.

"But the school administration really wants to give this a try. Believe me, I argued against it,"

Setsuna raised an eyebrow. That surprised her.

"But was overruled. We can't be the only high school that doesn't participate." Furiko crossed her arms as well. Secretly, she was kind of excited at the idea. Junior high students were so cute and small! Hopefully, some would be shorter than her.

Setsuna turned away, dark green hair falling in front of her eyes. "Fine," she grumbled, grabbing up her bookbag and slinging it over her shoulder, her movements so elegant Furiko felt jealous, "But don't you dare sign me up with someone stupid!"


The girls at that afternoon's Senshi meeting were abuzz with news of the program. Rei, who hadn't been informed yet, was eagerly being filled in by Usagi, who had taken it upon herself to be the fount of information.

"Huh," she said, crossing her arms in front of her legs. "That sounds fun."

"Doesn't it, though?" Usagi cried, nodding her head enthusiastically up and down.

Rei looked at her askance, then rolled her eyes. "But! I'm not even sure my school would take part. We are an escalator school, you know. I already have a high school attached."

"You'd probably just go to another school. It seems like they really want to mix us up," Ami noted.

Makoto nodded. "I wonder if they'll provide transportation?" she mused. Living alone, it was sometimes a hassle getting places.

Usagi hummed softly to herself. Glancing at her watch, she smoothed the hem of her skirt down and nodded at Makoto's question. "That would be nice. I wouldn't want to run everywhere. And I couldn't be late, either!"