Title: Welcome to Smallville

Characters: Original Character (Nicola Lively), and in future chapters, all Season One characters.

Rating: PG-13 (or, T)

Summary: A new girl moves to Smallville, Kansas and Clark discovers he is not the only person on earth who isn't "normal."

Disclaimer: I do not, have never, and will never own the TV shows Smallville or Roswell, nor the book series Roswell High. I'm just using their likeness for my own entertainment which will acquire me no financial benefits.

Author's Notes: I started writing this fanfic in November of 2001 when I was a junior in high school and originally it began as a very lame Roswell fanfic before transforming into a sort-of crossover with Smallville. I've had writer's block on this story since January of 2005. My friend started reading it when she was bored at her job as a receptionist, so I'm trying to at the very least finish the newest chapter for her. I thought if I went back and re-wrote the awful stuff I produced back then it would inspire me to finish my story. Some important notes before you read it if you're a new reader:

1. Timeline: This takes place during season one. For the most part, each chapter revolves around one episode from the season, starting with episode 1.7 "Craving".

2. I realize now that my OC sometimes, as many OCs do, enters Mary Sue territory. But I promise, overall, I try to make her a fallible character. I mean, look how many quotations marks she uses in her journal.

3. Future chapters will be long. When I saw "long", I'm talking over 40 pages in a word processor long.

4. Eventually, a Lex/OC pairing will play heavily into the storyline.

Dear Journal,

Man, I can't believe I'm doing this. In all 17 years of my life, I have never, ever written the words "dear journal". To now be able to is a strange, strange thing. It's weird, most girls my age probably have at least one of those little diaries with the cheap locks that any bratty brother can open in their past, but me, well, even the thought to have one only crossed my mind once. Then again, I'm not like most girls my age and I come from a family that's anything but normal. For godsakes, my parents' names are Romeo and Juliet, what are the chances of that? Well, I suppose they're pretty damn good when you name yourselves that. Okay, so now, if you were an entity that could form a thought, you'd be confused about what the hell I'm talking about. For the sake of my own sanity, I'm going to pretend you are exactly that and explain it to you.

Let me begin by saying my family isn't from around here. When I say "around here" I'm not talking about Kansas or the States, I'm talking bigger than that. My parents are from Alcyone…well, that's the closet translation to English anyway. And where is Alcyone located, you ask? I can't give the exact location, but I can tell you it's over a billion light-years away. That's right, folks, I come from a family of aliens.

Now, before you bring out the straight jacket, I assure you I'm being dead serious. There are others out there on this planet that also come from Alcyone- one is even an author. In the late 90s she wrote young adult book series called Roswell High about a group of teenage aliens who crashed on Earth as children and were raised by humans as humans in Roswell, New Mexico. The books were subsequently turned in a television series that many people watched on the WB. For one reason or another, the author decided to base the aliens' powers and home planet on our own. If you had read the books then you would now know all you need to about my parent's home planet, but since you're just bunch of pieces of paper held together by a hard cover, I'll explain. Alcyone is a planet ruled by something called the collective consciousness. Basically, as it was written in the books, "it's like psychic Internet. All the knowledge, all the life experience, all the emotions of all our people are there in the consciousness. When a young person from our planet reaches maturity, he or she is able to make a connection to the consciousness for the first time. This right of passage is called the akino." When you go through your akino, you experience bursts of heightened sensation and fatigue, which signals it's time for the connection.

Everyone on our planet is told that if you don't make the connection, then you'll die, but that's just some bullshit propaganda the consciousness wants you to believe to scare you. They just want you to connect to it so they can use and control you. The Kindred is a group that opposes the consciousness and believes it's evil. People in the Kindred don't want to lose their identity. Besides having to connect to the consciousness, another belief held by the ruling authority is that you can only have one child. Many people join the Kindred because they want to have more than one child.

So, now that I've explained the history of my planet, let me talk about the history of my family and how we ended up living in the United States. My parent's story is a familiar one, one of two young people from different worlds who meet, fall in love, and are unsuccessfully kept apart by their families. My mother's family belonged to a long line of those who belong to the consciousness. My father's family had been apart of the Kindred for generations. A chance meeting brought them together, but once their parents found out they were seeing each other they pulled out all the stops to keep them separated. Fortunately for me, my parents found ways to get together despite their families wishes and eventually produced a child together. Instead of bringing the families together, this just really pissed off both sides, and everyone did everything their power to keep my parents apart. At the same time, my mother had begun to read a book of Shakespeare plays which my father had given to her, and guess which one she grew an affinity towards? That's right, Romeo & Juliet. The similarities were uncanny to her, but the ending was extremely unappealing. Being together just in death was not an option, so they decided to run away together and get as far away from the consciousness and the Kindred as they could.

My father had a friend who was part of a research team that was traveling to Earth to do some more studies, and he helped sneak them onto the ship with my pod in tow. The destination was the United States. My father knew that when they arrived to the U.S. they would have to blend in, so he brought with him everything he had on country and planet- the customs, the history, the language, etc. On the flight over my parents learned everything they could on the country and gave themselves new names- Romeo and Juliet. Too bad Pops didn't realize that in the 20th Century, no one really names their son Romeo anymore.

Now, my name they did a little better on, but not by much. My full name is Nicola Cordelia Lively. It's not overtly unusual, but my first and middle name weren't exactly commonplace growing up, which isn't great for a girl who belongs to a family that wants to blend in and not stand out. One of the worst things about my name growing up is trying to figure out how to explain why my parents decided to name me as they did. Eventually, I learned that to say that the name was passed down from my father's Italian side of the family, because I knew I sure as hell couldn't tell anyone the actual story. My parents arrived on Earth on October 13th, 1984, landing in Savanna, Georgia. The ship they had traveled in landed on the farm of an elderly couple, Nicole and Harold Johnson. Harold had an affinity for astrology and had happened to be stargazing in his telescope that night, allowing him to witness the ship touchdown on earth to unceremoniously drop off my stowaway parents and my incubation pod.

As my pod hatched, so to speak, and they pulled my newborn human form out, Harold, shotgun in hand, arrived on the scene. Expecting to find little green aliens itching to enslave the human race and take over the world, Harold instead found a couple who looked ever bit as human as him and their newborn baby. Harold reevaluated his initial idea of capturing the probably hostile aliens to turn them over to the government and alternatively decided to bring them back to the house to meet his wife.

Nicole Johnson did not believe her husband had truly discovered real aliens from outer space, but rather that Harold and this couple were confused, rationalizing that this family was just unfortunate illegal aliens from another country trying to find amnesty in the United States and things were being lost in translation. The always-empathetic Nicole Johnson went along with her husband's hospitality of complete strangers, as she did not want to turn away a young couple and their newborn daughter who had nowhere else to go at the moment. Over a late-night dinner my parents explained their "situation" to Harold and Nicole, and the Johnsons decided to allow my parents to stay at their farm until they were able to get a hold of a contact of my father's friend who specialized in helping runaway Alcyonians create a new life for themselves in the United States.

Okay, so after that long-ass origins story, you're wondering where the hell my name falls into the tale. Well, that night at dinner my parents were introduced to the delicious, yet altogether unhealthy beverage known as Coca-Cola, and they instantly loved the drink. My father especially loved how the word "cola" rolled off the tongue. When questioned by Nicole of what their newborn baby's name was going to be, he realized the one thing they hadn't thought about during their journey to Earth was possible names for their child. He and my mother were grateful to Nicole and Harold for the instant hospitality, so my father decided that in honor of this couple his daughter would be named after Nicole. But as he took a sip of that cola, he realized that the ending of her name had the same sound as the beginning of the name of their first taste of human sustenance, so he decided to merge the two to form my name. I know, completely ridiculous, right? Yet, sadly, it is a true story.

Fortunately, while also as uncommon as my first name, my middle one I am actually able to explain easily and truthfully. As I mentioned before, my parents had read some of Shakespeare's plays before coming to Earth. One play he recalled as my parents and the Johnsons were trying to think of possible middle names was King Lear, because it too deals with issue of daughters. Cordelia was the good, loyal daughter, and my father thought the name would reflect that ideal qualities he would wish for a daughter. Granted, she died at the end of the play, but as far as naming me after Shakespearean heroines who faced tragic endings, it could have been worse, I mean, he could have named me Ophelia or Desdemona. Anyway…so there you have it; that's how I got my name.

Now, if you were an actual person and not a journal, at one point after learning I was an alien from outer space, you would probably be wondering what the hell my family and I look like. I know I briefly mentioned it in the tale of how my family met the Johnsons, but let me give you better details. You know the whole green men with big ole eyes that you see in the really cheesy sci-fi movies? Well that my friend is our traveling form. As I hinted at earlier, on Earth we look like your average humans. See, our bodies are highly adaptable. They adjust to whatever environment we are in. Not only do they adapt to the physical environment, they adapt to the social environment. Since humans are the dominant species, we turn into them when we come to Earth instead of whatever animal would be better suited to survive the physical aspect of whatever area we land. On a normal day, I look like your average teenage female. Okay, so I'm a little taller than the average 17-year-old female at 5 foot 8 inches, but other than that there's nothing overtly special about how I look. I have dark brown hair that goes just past my shoulders with bangs that sweep across over my greenish-blue eyes, and an athletic build that I got from years of playing sports. On the ethnicity side, for some reason we naturally adapted to be an unidentifiable appearance of a mix of ethnicities. On any given day, I could be mistaken for being part Asian, or Hispanic, or Greek, or…well, you get the point.

Okay, now to the more exciting stuff: powers. The previously mentioned book revealed most of our powers. When we become human, we are able to utilize a much higher percentage of the brain than normally used. Because of this, we have certain abilities that some people believe can be ascertained if you only had access to certain parts of your brain. For instance, we can read minds, shapeshift, teleport, heal, connect with other people to see inside their head, go into people's dreams, produce holographic memories, and manipulate molecules. We also can see auras and read the colors to determine a person's temperament. There are a couple of abilities I have obtained which my parents and other people on Earth from Alcyone have not. One of those powers is telekinesis, which comes in handy when it's time for spring-cleaning. My parents are not sure why this happened, or why they can't ascertain the abilities, but my guess is something mutated when I was in my pod some time between riding in the spaceship and hatching on Earth, allowing me to access parts of the brain that others cannot. The only thing that was exaggerated in the books is our ability to run on one to two hours sleep. Trust me, if I don't get at least four to five hours a night, I get pretty cranky.

Well, let me get back to my family. For the first nine years my life my family and I moved around a lot, mainly to keep safe because my parents were afraid someone would find out about us, and the government would capture us. During this time my parents taught me how to control my powers, and told me to never use them in public.

One day my world came tumbling down, and it had nothing to do with the government capturing my family for experiments. What happened wasn't alien related. A little over six years ago, April 15, 1995 to be more exact, my father was killed in a car crash when we were staying in Metropolis. My mom found a job as a receptionist at a law firm, and she, my little sister Lindsay, and I made Metropolis our permanent home. I turned 11 a few months after he died. Poor Lindsay had turned four just a couple of months earlier. The only clear memories she has of him are through old pictures and holographic memories we have shown her.

Less than a year after my Dad died my mom met a Mr. Brad Tompkins. Mr. Tompkins was my 5th grade teacher. Fortunately for me, they didn't start dating till the summer following my 5th grade year. They fell in love, dated for about 6 months before they married in early '97. So much for soulmates, huh? I still can't believe she told him the secret, but then again, you shouldn't keep your origins a secret to the man you're probably going to have to explain to why their children can do "special" things. Anyways, 7 months later my half brother Joey was born, which means that Brad and my mom were obviously okay with premarital sex but that's something I don't like to think about, so let's move on.

So now it's November 25th, 2001, and I am in a car that is nearing Smallville, Kansas. Smallville? They might as well call it Nowheresville. Why am I writing to you now journal, and not before after all those other "life-changing experiences"? Well, I was always afraid that if I wrote in a journal, someone might "accidentally" read it, then learn my family's secret and expose us. But now that we're moving to the middle of nowhere, I feel I don't have to worry.

The reason we're moving to Smallville is Brad's dad died a few weeks ago and Brad inherited the small ranch his dad owned. Instead of doing the smart thing and selling the land so we could stay in Metropolis, Brad and my mom thought it would be better, and safer, if we moved out here back to his hometown.

Personally, I really wish I had just been around to heal Brad's dad before he died so we wouldn't have to move to this Podunk town. I wonder what to they do to entertain themselves here. I bet all they do is relish on football games and watch the grass grow for fun. This is going to be the most boring town to live in. Well, at least I have my powers to keep me entertained.

Alright, apparently we're pulling up to the house now, so that's all for now.

Until next time, Journal,
