The Resident Star Fox Christmas Special

Hey guys it's ya boy ShadowFox0324. You know Christmas is coming up and I've seen a lot of good Holiday fics, so I figured why try my hand at one. This might not be done in time for Christmas so yeah. At the max this should only be about 3 or 4 chapters counting this one so get ready. Okay later. Also know that this will have nothing to do with the main story okay? So yeah.

Time: 2014 hrs

Date: Dec. 22, 3023

Location: Gen. McCloud's house

A black and white, silver haired lynx-nine sat on the porch of the mansion as the snowflake fell on his muzzle. He looked at a purple gem set in a silver band and it reflected his own violet eyes. "Only two days until Christmas." Axel said to himself.

Axel couldn't comprehend the significance of this Holiday but he'd take any chance to nab a gift for Skye. "So if I got her an awesome present...why am I so afraid?"

Just then the door opened and Axel stuffed the ring box into his hoodie pocket. A blue vixen sat down beside the hybrid. "So Axi how are you?" Skye asked. "I'm good, I guess. I just can't figure out the point of this holiday. What's the purpose?"

Skye laughed lightly and Axel said, "What?" "Nothing. Its very simple Axel, but you're gonna have to figure it out yourself." She licked the hybrid's cheek and walked away. "(Sighs) Oh great more secrets. This is going to be a looooong holiday."

Well that was the 1st chapter. Short I know but I had to start somewhere. SO yeah hope you liked it.