Chapter 38

Graduation had came for Vegeta and Goku. Bulma and Vegeta had another week before they had to be at the court for Aiden. Last month had been a lot more relaxed and comfortable for Bulma since Aiden was in jail. A lot of people at the school had asked Bulma what had happened but she decided it was best to keep it to herself, but she did tell her closest friends being Juu and Chichi knowing they would tell their boyfriends but it did stay in their circle.

Bulma had noticed of lately that Chichi had been more moody than herself. She had tried talking to her, but Chichi would just assure her that she was dealing with her female hormones. Bulma had talked to Juu about it thinking she might have known something but she had said that Chichi had told her the same thing. Bulma made a note to herself to keep an eye on Chichi and her mood. There was more to the story than what Chichi was leading on.

Bulma was at home getting ready to go to the graduation. Vegeta was to pick her and meeting up with their friends at the school. Vegeta had still not told her what college he decided to go to. She did hear that Goku was going to go to East City University, one of the best basketball program but she knew that Chichi was not that happy with the university being over 200 miles away. She had thought that maybe that was what was bothering Chichi. Bulma had hoped that Vegeta would pick a university that was more close to home but she knew that whatever choice he made she would stand by himself. She had only one more year left with high school thinking that she could go to the same university as Vegeta depending on their science program.

She heard the doorbell ringing, running downstairs to meet Vegeta. "Hey Vegeta."

Vegeta looked over at the staircase to see Bulma descending to join him by his side. Once saying goodbye to Bunni, they went on their way. Once arriving to the school, Bulma could see the crowd of people. The graduation was going to be held at the field with the parents and family to sit in the stands with the students down below in the field.

Once Vegeta had found a spot they sent to meet their friends, but Vegeta and Goku had to leave to meet with their class to line up and get ready. Bulma found this to be her chance to talk to Chichi.

"Chichi would you mind walking with me to the bathroom?" Chichi nodded following her friends.

"Listen, Chi. There is something going on. You haven't really talked to me a lot and when you do, well no offense but you are a little moody. What is going on? I am your best friend, you can talk to me."

Chichi stopped in mid step with her head falling, Chichi needed to talk to someone. "Bulma, please keep this between us. I still haven't told Goku yet."

Bulma felt her mouth drop, she had an idea what it could be, "Are you…?"

Chichi took a deep breath, "Yea, I am pregnant. I hadn't had my period for almost 2 months and decided to take the test. Bulma I took it like 5 times and it was positive all 5 times. I don't know what to do, I haven't even told my dad yet. I know he won't be upset, but it is still hard. And Goku going off to college so far away. On top of me being a senior next year, I am going to be showing and everything." Chichi was talking so fast that Bulma was finding it hard to understand her, Chichi started to panic.

"Chi, breath. Listen you need to tell Goku and like you said your dad won't be upset. I am sure your dad would be excited. Beside me, Juu and Krillin will be here for you?"

"Thanks, B. I am going to talk to Goku after the graduation."

The graduation ceremony took place with Bulma, Chichi, Krillin, and Juu sitting in the stands watching the ceremony take place. As the guys had walked across the stage the friends screamed and rooted for them. There was a party for the graduating classmates at Keisha's house with her graduating also. Chichi had mentioned to her friends that she wanted to ride alone with Goku so she could talk to him.

On the car ride over Chichi decided to talk to Goku about their situation. "Goku, there is something I need to tell you. I don't want you to freak out or anything." Once she knew she had his attention, she continued. "I am…pregnant." She waited for his response, but nothing came. Chichi started to worry, "Goku?"

"What are we going to do? Chi, I am going to go university this fall, I am not going to be around much. Oh I know I can change colleges and come to the one here so that way I am close…"

"No Goku. I want you to go to that university you want. Get the career you want, join basketball. Then when I am graduating and move out we would be ready and able to do it. I, I mean we will come visit you. I will call you everyday." Chichi had a lot of thought over this during the ceremony and what she wanted to do. She had called her father telling him she was pregnant. Luckily and of course her father wasn't upset, if anything he was excited. He wanted another baby in the house especially since he would be becoming a grandfather.

"Alright, Chi. I will be there for you. I love you." Goku turned to look at Chichi. Now that she had said something he noticed that her stomach was slightly bigger, but he knew not to say anything.

"Love you, too Goku." Chichi grabbed Goku's free hand on his leg giving it a tight squeeze.

Bulma had rode with Vegeta to the party together to get alone time with him as well. "Vegeta, I am going to miss you when you are gone, I mean…" Vegeta had told her he planned to go to the same university as Goku.

"Woman, you will be alright. You are always welcome to visit me and I will come back to visit, too."

Bulma knew he would, she trusted Vegeta but she still had that small part of her that made her wonder. Looking out the window watching as the houses pasted by, but then noticed they were slowing down knowing that they weren't at Keisha's house yet. Vegeta pulled over on the side of the road to give Bulma his full attention.

"What is it? There is something else." Vegeta wasn't in any mood to play any games with her.

"Nothing, I don't want to say." Bulma turned to look back outside.

Vegeta already knew, "Woman, I am not going to mess around. I know we will be apart. If anything you should have learned that I have become faithful to you and waited a long time. Woman, I haven't changed for anyone in the past and then when I met you, I started to really change. I made mistakes but I am making them up to you."

Bulma was at complete aw, she wasn't use to Vegeta opening up to her. "I know. I am sorry, I shouldn't even second guess your faithfulness to me." Bulma leaned over to give Vegeta a quick kiss on the lips but Vegeta turned it into a heated kiss.

The guys ended up going to college while the rest of the friends finished their high school year. Aiden was convicted of rape and was sentenced to jail time for 15 years. Bulma didn't have to worry about him anymore. Chichi had given birth to a healthy little boy, named Gohan. Once Krillin and Juu had graduated they married. A year after Chichi graduated Goku was accepted to a big basketball team then asking Chichi to marry him. Once Bulma graduated from her college she took over her father's company. Vegeta became a quarterback for a famous football team. Vegeta and Bulma then married then shortly later Bulma became pregnant with their first child.

Author note: Sorry if it seemed rushed, I hope it wasn't. I knew my story was coming to an end but I still wanted to give an idea what happened in the future without doing another 10 chapters dragging it out. I am working on my next story. I am pretty much done with the first chapter. Let me know if it looks like something you all will enjoy. Thanks! Review review review!