
It has been a while. I tried to make this chapter extra everything for you as a apology and thanks to the new alerters and loyal people reading this (don't really think it's appropriate to call you fans.) even during my absence.

So thank-you from the bottom of my heart.

And to all of you who wanted an explanation for where I've been, honestly I don't wanna make any excuses.

Grammar errors and all!!

Disclaimer - I do not own twilight, but Seth and Emmett share me! Edward just doesn't care anymore now that he's some big hot-shot.

A girl.

I was going to be living with a girl.

It's not that I had anything against woman. No trust me I'm pretty sure I love them.

It's just I had never lived with a woman. Well I had but that one baked cookies, had the power to ground me, and carried me in her whom for 9 months.

In my book that doesn't really count.

So, sue me if I was a little unenthusiastic about having to wear a shirt; all the time, clean up after myself, and put the toilet seat up let alone back down after I was finished.

I wasn't exactly doing back flips.

But I would much rather have my room smelling like candles than tell Emmett that.

The poor guy has been so out of whack since his sister called him that night.

He was angry, sad, frustrated, panicking, did I say angry.

Since I've known him he's never been an emotional person, so it didn't really surprise me that every comment and emotion was out of worry for his sister.

How could they do that to Bella.

Poor Bella.

What's going to happen to Bella.

I knew Emmett was really close to his sister.

He never stopped talking about her. He had told me pretty much every embarrassing story, every time that chick was on the honor-role, how clumsy she was, how sweet she was.

It was sort of funny I didn't even know his dad's first name but I knew Bella's favorite color was orange.

I had never met any one in Emmett's family but I had seen a picture of Em and his sister at the beach with a bunch of friends.

She looked alright from what I could see. What with Emmett's huge body blocking her obviously smaller one, in a joking manner.

I could tell that she had brown hair, and- yeah that's it.

A slightly blurry picture did not tell me anything about her or her personality and I didn't know if I could believe Emmett. I mean he's always been brutally honest about everything to everyone. But we all saw the ones we loved in a different light than everyone else, right?

So I was fully bracing myself to live with a bitchy complaining, high maintenance brat for the next who knows-how-long.

I didn't know exactly what I was going up against but all I knew was that I would much rather put up with her girly tendencies than mess with her, or get into an argument with the poor girl.

For one her parent's had just died. Than she comes to stay with pretty much the only person she has left in the world, leaving behind all her friends, her memories- practically her life, and she has to deal with her brother's unwelcoming, whiny roommate?

I think not.

I wouldn't do that to her, or anyone for that matter. There was a time to be and insensitive ass-face and a time to swallow your pride and shut your mouth.

Plus I didn't want Emmett to kick my ass for upsetting her.

Cause you all know he could.

"Eddie-kins it's time to go." You would think the death of his parent's would make him forget about that damn nickname!

"Coming dick-face." I belted back in a lovey dovey voice.

"That's what she said."

"Your, a sick fuck."

"You better watch the swearing around Bella, or I swear I will shank you. And she said that too." He screamed through the door.

"Yes, ma'am."

I grabbed my wallet, just in case, and walked out the door and into the living room.

"Finally, I thought I was going have to pull you away from the god damn mirror." He said as soon as I walked out, tying his shoes.

"I wasn't looking in the mirror."

"Sure, you weren't, ya fag."

We walked out of the door and got into Emmett's jeep. I can't wait till it snow's in on that fucker and ruin's his interior.

We were surprisingly silent with just the radio on as we made our way to the air-port. He was nervous, and antsy to have his sister come live with us and I was just nervous to see who I would be stuck with.

He parked the car in one of the under ground parking area's and we make our way to one of the elevator's leading up to the ground floor. For flight pick-up and drop-off.

We waited by the door's where her flight would be coming off and waited, and wait- it took a fucking long ass time.

Than the little light above turned on and she walked out.

And ran into Em's arms. And she cried. And my heart broke a little.

Beautiful girls shouldn't cry.

She had long brown hair, that didn't surprise me I knew what color the top off her head was.

What I loved was her eyes she was the true definition of a Brown Eyed Girl. They were deep and meaningful, if that makes sense, which it doesn't.

Another thing that grabbed by attention and my balls was that she was… innocent. Not in that pout-ing trying to be a tease type of way but in a come-corrupt-me-because-I'm-naïve-and-I'll-trust-you type of way.

Which was deadly and amazing at the same time.

I didn't really get to look at her for as long as I would have liked but when she walked up to Em I could tell that she was… just wow.

For one she walked towards us slowly weakly, sadly. Which gave me time to get a short look at her and long to ask her how I could make things better.

She didn't notice us not paying attention to anything really until Emmett pulled her into a hug.

I half expected a song to start.

A sad one.

They held each other until she pulled together her silent tears.

If I didn't know better I would have that Emmett had let a few tears fall as well.

Her eyes met mine and she gave me a sad, embarrassed smile, because she had cried in front of me. She even blushed.


We went over to the carriage carousel and got her bags.

Her four bags.

Just four small bags that carried everything she had left in the world.

Damn, I was getting more depressing by the moment.

We went to the jeep and I pulled back the front seat so I could hop in the back and leave her shot-gun.

She lightly grabbed my arm and stopped me before I could get fully into the seat.

"You take the front." She said in a small, shy voice. Blushing again.

"It's your's." I said simply afraid of my voice if I were to say more.

"No, I insist."

"So do I." I replied.

"No reall-."

"Someone take the front please." Emmett's amused voice said from the front seat.

He put the bags away fast. I thought to myself.

"I sat the rest of the way down in the back seat and pulled the front one in so she could sit, leaving her no choice.

"I don't feel like moving anymore so I guess your stuck with him." I said as coolly as I could.

"Thanks." She said cracking a smile at Emmett's offended scoff.

And we were on the road.

This was going to be a interesting year.

Hopefully many of them.


I swore I would update by this weekend and it's currently 10:37pm in Seattle and I canceled my plans for you people. But I wouldn't change that for any damn concert. Plus I have to study. ~shrug~

If you don't know what Edward's comment about Brown Eyed Girl's was go check out the song "Brown Eyed Girl By Van Morrison!" He is a legend!!