Disclaimer: I own nothing…except for a crappy Toyota


"You've got a letter from Jaime." Darce said as he walked into the apartment.

It has been a year since I met Darce in the gazebo a second time. I showed him that yes, my feelings had changed and we've been together ever since. I moved off campus to an apartment and he followed me. We lived together in a two bedroom apartment. It was the way he'd wanted it. He had transferred to NYU to be with has been a great year. I love Darce more than I could have ever imagined and I am pretty sure he loves me just as much.

I stood up from the couch, stretching and walked into the kitchen where I heard his voice coming from. He was at the stove, making tea.

"Where's it at?" I asked him. He gestured towards the counter not saying anything. I walked over to the counter and grabbed the envelope with my sister's handwriting on it. I began to read the letter:

Hey little sis!

My wedding date has been set. This letter is to remind you and Darce about your duties as best man/ maid of honor. Kye sends his best to both of you…

She continued on for a page and a half about her wedding and the minor details it entailed. The letter finally ended with this:

I can't wait to see you and the family again. I love and miss you guys!



P.S. Tell Darce I said congratulations

"Darce? What am I supposed to con…" I turned towards him and found him kneeling on one knee in front of me. He grabbed my hand, kissing it and slipped a box out of his pocket. He opened the box, revealing a diamond ring.

"Alexandria Benne?" he began slipping the ring out of the box and onto my ring finger. "Will you marry me?" I looked down at my left hand, cradled in his hand with the ring weighing slightly on my finger and then looked back at him with tears starting to well up in my eyes.

I pulled him up and gave him the same answer I had a year ago. I kissed him.

A/N: Again..Thank you so much for reading and staying with this story. I know it took a while and I appreciate you continuing to read it. I hope you somewhat enjoyed it. I know I enjoyed writing it. Please review and let me know what you thought of it. Happy reading =]