Just a short little drabble-ish story.
I can't write much lately with me starting high school and all, so...yeah.

enjoy (: this isn't new, just re-posted onto this account.

It's not just that sexy smirk. It's not the devilish glint in his smoldering eyes, either. It isn't even the deep, sultry voice pronouncing that he is, indeed, Chuck Bass, that is driving her crazy. It's the fact that it has been a year since either of them had made verbal (or physical) contact with each other that makes her want to rip his precious scarf to bite-size pieces and feed it to a hungry, stray dog. She slowly drags her mind back to Nathaniel Archibald, her boyfriend. Her loyal, loving, boring boyfriend.

Every time she gets the nerve to walk over to him and make some blasé comment, he manages to disappear before she gains confidence to actually look up at him. Maybe today will be different. There's no one else here. Sure, its New York's busiest bar, but all she can see is him.

He sits sullenly in the corner, smoking a cigarette, a nasty habit he hasn't even attempted to break. She skillfully maneuvers her way through the thick, sweaty crowd until she is about three feet away from him. Though he doesn't even notice her yet, she's sweating bullets and her heart is pounding so fast, it sounds like it's ready to take off.

"Um, Chuck?" great job sounding confident, she silently scolds herself.

He doesn't answer, but to her surprise, he's still standing there. She decides to take a chance.

"Got a cigarette to share?" she asks calmly, even though she can hear her heart throbbing rhythmically in her ears.

Without a word, head down, he passes her a box of cigarettes and a lighter. She doesn't actually want to smoke; the smell is disgusting and it rots teeth, but nevertheless she picks one up, lights it, and inhales slowly.

"Chuck…" she begins.

He grunts so quietly, she thinks she's only imagined it.

"Why won't you even look at me?!" she asks sharply.

"I…can't," he mutters.

"Why won't you look at me?" she repeats, more indignant.

She grabs his arm and pulls his body to face hers. She meets his eyes and inhales sharply. Her breath is caught in her throat and she feels like her heart has literally stopped beating. She had forgotten what it was like to look into those eyes. He almost pulls away but she holds him firm. As he is about to speak, she pulls herself up to him, lips crashing firmly against his. That's all it takes. She nibbles on his bottom lip and she hears the soft moan in his throat. Fireworks erupt in the pit of her stomach.


He wakes up next to her. His arms are wrapped around her, bodies intertwined like they were made together. He knows how wrong this is. He knows that Satan has definitely reserved him a room in Hell. Running his hands over her smooth porcelain skin, he knows it's the last time. It's the last time he can betray his best friend like this, it's the last time he can hold the girl that stole his near-nonexistent heart like this. 'Why won't you even look at me?' she had desperately asked last night. As he climbs out of the bed and picks up his clothes, he brushes the hair off her serene, sleeping face and whispers into her ear.

"Because, Blair, this happens."

I hope the ending didn't seem confusing...?

Anyways, I love all of you (: but if you leave me a review... -nudgehintwink-