"Gaara, get up!"

"I'm up, I'm up!"

I opened my eyes, and I was greeted with the black ceiling. I yawned as I sat up, then stretched out my limbs.

Time for the first day of junior year, at a new school…Goddamn! Sakura better be at this school! I'm tired of looking for her at every single damn school I go to.

So, the new family of mine is pretty awesome, I'll admit. For one, they're Hell nicer, two, they actually have cash, and three, they don't give up on me.

I got into my Corvette, and headed out to the new school. My fashion really hasn't changed all that much; today I was wearing a black t-shirt, black ripped jeans, and black vans. Nothing special.

The school was only ten minutes from the house, so when I got there, I was semi-early. There were quite the many students, but still not close enough for school to be starting. As I parked my car, I first noticed a group of students wearing all black. Guess I know who I'll be hangin' out with.

Then, as I walked out of the parking lot, I saw a Ducati. Prettiest one I had ever seen probably; it was purely black, even the rims were black. The person on top of the bike parked next to my car; he had on a black helmet, a black biker's jacket, and skinny pants with boots. But that's when I realized something…his body looked a little too feminine to be a man's body. Could it be a chick?

That's when she took off her helmet. The first thing I noticed about her was her lucsious pink her, streaked with black. Then I noticed her beautiful emerald eyes; those eyes I could get lost in forever and ever, never finding my way out. Her face hadn't changed much, only looked more mature, but that was probably due to age; she had to be sixteen now, since she could drive.

She walked over to the guys in black, and I was about to go over to her, but then…she looked at me. She looked at me for a quick second, then looked back at them, smiling.

She's forgotten.

She doesn't remember our past life together. She probably doesn't remember a single thing, which means I'll have to lay low. I have to get her memory back of course, but it'll take time, most likely.

I walked to a bench and sat down, listening intently to her and the guy's conversation.

"Hey Saku! What up girl?" a scrawny guy with a black mohawk and piercings on both his ears asked her.

"Hey Kyle," she smiled. "How was your summer, boys?"

"It was fucking awesome!" a dude with more piercings I had ever seen answered. "I got laid at least twice a weak!"

Sakura and them all laughed, "Nice Randy!" the guy named Kyle responded. "What about you, Max?"

A guy with normal looking hair-brown and shaggy-answered, "Pretty boring, actually. That bitch broke up with me, so I had nothing to do."

"Aw, poor baby," Sakura said sarcastically, and they all laughed.

"What about you, Saku? What'd you do?" Max asked, grinning.

"Tch, nothing. Since Ash went on that fucking cruise, there was effing nothing to do. So I ended up playing video games with Mikey and Matt."

"Oh yeah!" two guys that were twins high-fived. "The hot chick hung out with us!" they both laughed.

"Haha, too bad none of you can have her," Randy grinned.

"No one can," Max chimed in.

"Not true," she disagreed. "Someone can have me," and she grinned, skipping away from them, and then yelled. "Ashley!"

I turned, and saw a beautiful-though not as beautiful as my Sakura-girl. She had black hair reaching to her mid-back, dark purple eyes, and light skin. She was wearing a black tanktop, a black and red plaid skirt with some black leggings, and then some of those black ballet shoes.

The girl smiled at Sakura, and then playfully ran to her. "Sakura!"

Obviously they were close, probably best frie-

Then they kissed.

Not just a friendly kiss on the cheak either, but a full on kiss to the mouth. Sakura wrapped her arms around the girl's waist loosely but protectively, as she wrapped her arms around Sakura's neck, stashing them in her glorious pink and black hair. After maybe two minutes, one of Sakura's hands moved lower, grasping Ashley's ass, and pulling her closer to her. Then-maybe I was imagining it, who knows-Sakura's tongue visibly went into Ashley's mouth, and I could swear I heard her moan.

Watching that hurt. It hurt me so deeply inside, I felt myself loosing control. All I wanted to do was tear them apart, and kiss Sakura like a man. Jealousy was boiling to the top of me, and it took all that I had to not come in between them.

Finally, about five minutes later, they pulled apart, and were smiling at each other. Then, they removed their arms and linked hands, walking to the guys.

"Dayuum! Have I ever told ya' you guys making out is fucking hot?" Kyle excaimed.

Ashley and Sakura laughed at this. "You might've mentioned it," Ashley grinned.

"A couple dozen times," Sakura finished, grinning as well.

They all laughed.

Ashley removed her hand from Sakura's for a moment, then pulled it around her waist, letting it rest on her hip while she cuddled into Sakura's side and Sakura clutched her closer.

"So, any new students?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, most of em' guys, again."

"Damn!" Sakura cursed. "That means more of them hitting on her."

Ashley sighed, "Saku, it's not like I'm gonna' do anything. No need to get jealous, I'm les, not bi."

Sakura sighed as well, "Yeah, I know, but still. You know me, Ash, I get jealous too easily." She stuck her tongue out at her.

Ashley giggled, "But shouldn't. Hell, I'm the one who has to worry, since you're into both."

Sakura laughed too, putting her face into Ashley's neck, then whispered something that made Ashley blush.

Then I left.

I couldn't take it anymore. My girl…with another girl?! Ugh! It just makes me so mad! Angry! More than angry! Kami!

I walked into my homeroom class and sat down in the back.

What am I gonna' do?