An Inkling of Faith

Horo found it difficult to believe in the existence of one God.

After all, she had once been considered a goddess herself for several hundred years that the existence of only one and almighty God seemed so far-fetched. She could not bring herself to be believe that only one entity could create something so vast and complex as mother nature. But above all, she could not believe that only one mind could conjure up the simple yet wondrous existence of human beings.

And yet, what was it that made her wish to hold out for so long in this flawed and lonely world? What was it that made her believe she could find a friend although it meant abandoning her home and birthplace? For the longest time, Horo wondered what it was that made her want totrust and believe in something that she could not put her finger on. Where were her hopes placed during those difficult times?

She knew it wasn't herself.

So when she finally set out into the world again with her newly found companion, Horo found it peculiar to see the outside world so reverent of this God. At first glance, she realized that the Church's lengthy sermons were only means of staying with the norm and to exert power and authority over its people. Horo played with the idea that if this God actually existed, would He be happy with how His followers used his greatness? Did He pity them? If so, did she, Horo the Wise, have any right to empathize with this Creator?


Simply because Horo was no savior. She was Horo the Wise Wolf of Yoitsu and nobody else. Human beings were all created selfish no matter what intentions they had and strangely, despite not being human herself, Horo was no different.

Could such a selfless being possibly exist?

If this justly and benevolent God was so wonderful, why would He forsake she with such a long and unbearably lonesome life? Horo could never understand.

And that was why she turned to question her merchant companion of the faith these humans held so deeply toward this God when it seemed He had left them. Horo watched her companion struggle for some kind of answer that they both knew he could never completely explain.

"If I requested you to fall into my arms without you hesitating or grabbing onto anything else while you did it, would you trust me to catch you?"

This kind of faith...was it alright to call it blind? Despite being a wise wolf, Horo could not fully wrap her mind around it. It was easy to believe this soft man would catch her because both knew the consequences for if he didn't.

"You are standing right before me. I know you will catch me because if you did not I would..." Then suddenly, a faint dawning came upon her. It was dim, but the several hundred-years-old wolf had a tiny inkling of the kind of answer she was searching for. A small smile crossed Horo's lips and found herself leaning her body towards Lawrence who now had 'oh-god-now-what-have-I-done?' look on his face.

"What if I were the one to catch you?" Horo cackled, "Would you trust me?"

Lawrence could only stare since he was rendered utterly speechless on the matter.

A devilish glint sparkled in her eyes, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

Watching the frustrated man bury his face into the palm of his hand, Horo couldn't help but wonder if it was God who sent this idiot her way.

Well, she thought. You've certainly outdone yourself.

Author's note: Sweet, Spice and Wolf finally gets its own section ,I had based this off episode 2 of Spice and Wolf after watching the scene where Horo implies she doesn't believe God exists...I think its because she's been called and worshipped as a goddess for so many centuries that she finds it hard to believe in God.

So this fic. is what I thought Horo would say to the Catholic church's God if she ever had the chance...

Oh yeah, can't wait for the second season! Really looking forward to it.