
I'm sorry this took forever but my USB died on me, and it had everything I had written on it! And so I got depressed and couldn't write this chapter from memory. If anyone knows how to revive USB keys long enough for me to get my stories of it could you please review and tell me?

Disclaimer: the only thing I own is Edward's age and humanity! Take note of that!

Alice's POV

I glared at the clock in the kitchen, waiting for seven o'clock; I swear that the clock was going several minuets slow, just to annoy the hell out of me.

I was waiting for seven o'clock, so that I could go and wake up my baby brother Edward. Esme was stern about the amount of sleep he had to have.

"Alice calm down" Jasper said sending a wave of calm at me "Esme will be furious at you, if you wake him before seven o'clock. Besides there are only three minuets left to go."

And that should tell you how strict Esme was concerning Edward.

It was Edward's fifth birthday, and I wanted to get started. I had started planning his birthday a month ago.

It was only small, but the decorations looked fantastic and the presents that we had got him were really good. Though mine would be the best present he ever got.

I glanced at the clock and raced up the stairs to Edward's room. He smiled at me as I bounded through the door, "morning Aly" he was the only one who was allowed to call me Aly.

"Happy Birthday Edward!" I shouted jumping onto his bed. Esme had always thought that the bed was a bit much for a four year old, but I had to disagree. The bed was a blue four-poster and Edward loved it!

"Hey Alice, could've waited for us ya know!" Emmett shouted from downstairs. I rolled my eyes, and Edward giggled.

I grinned at him. "We are going to have so much fun today" I whispered to him, exaggerating the so.

"Happy birthday Edward" Came to random chorus from behind me. Edward grinned at our family. "Hi guys" he yawned.

"Come on Eddie! lets go open your pressie!" Emmett said, giant smile on his face. He swung Edward up on his shoulders, Edward promptly hitting Emmett on the head.

"Ow, what?"

"Don't call me Eddie!" Edward screeched. We all flinch; Edward was probably the only human who could hit that particular pitch that really drove vampires mad.

Emmett ran Edward down stairs, Esme calling from behind them "be careful Emmett, we want Edward to last through his fifth birthday, or even better reach his sixth!"

It was an ongoing joke in our family that we would end up turning Edward when he was really little just so that he could stay cute.

"Okay how about we start with the presents first?" Esme asked

"Oh me first!" shouted Emmett, bouncing around like he was five instead of Edward. I always did think that Emmett was the baby of the family before Edward came along.

Emmett handed Edward a wrapped box, saying "don't shake it."

Edward sat cross-legged on the floor, the big box in his lap. He ripped the paper from the present, his fingernails making a sound as they grazed the top of what seemed to be cardboard.

"A Wii!" shouted Edward.

"A what?" my sweet Jasper asked

"Wii" Jasper looked to Emmett for an explanation.

"You know Jazz, it's like Playstation but it's more interactive!"

"Right…" Jasper said slowly nodding his head, in that way that tells people that you think you're insane.

Emmett bent over Edward and whispered in his ear "how 'bout we set it up and show him, little bro."

Edward handed him the box, and Emmett got busy ducking behind the TV to set it up.

"Rose, how about you give Edward your present while we wait for Emmett to set his up" Carlisle suggested, sitting down on the floor and pulling Edward into his lap.

I grinned at Rosalie and gave her the thumbs up; Edward was going to love the present she gave him.

Rose ducked into the hallway, and brought out an oddly shaped gift wrapped in blue paper, Edward squeal happily.

"Wow Rose" Jasper muttered "how's did you wrap that bike?"

"Don't ask!" she muttered glaring at the bike. I giggled, I had told her not to wrap the bike as it wouldn't end well but she hadn't listened to me, and well…

"Hey Rose" I whispered leaning over towards my sister "I think you've got a piece of sticky tape in your hair!"

Rose merely glared at me, but I saw her standing in front of her bedroom, slowly picking thread by thread of her hair apart later. She was going to kill me for panicking her!

Edward squatted down by his unwrapped bike, little mouth open wide. He jumped up, and threw his arms round Rose "thankyou Rosie!"

He climbed on the bike, with Carlisle holding his waist. "Hey" Rose laughed, "you forgot this." She handed Jasper a blue helmet, which he put on Edward's head.

"Chin up Edward, I need to fasten this"

"be careful you don't pinch his chin, Jazz" I giggled (AN when ever my dad helped me put my helmet on when I was little he always managed to pinch the skin, I finally decided to put on my own helmet when ever we went bike riding.)

Jasper clipped the helmet on and gave Edward the thumbs up.

"Can I have a go daddy? Please?" Edward begged Carlisle

"Don't you want the rest of our presents?" I asked sadly, dropping our head, Edward giggled at my acting and shook his head; Rose grinned behind her hand and stuck her tongue out at me.

I gave Edward an over exaggerated version of my pout, he decided to take pity on me "ok Aly." He patted me on the head much like you would a dog. (AN I do that all the time to my best friend, she say that I belittle her.)

Jasper handed Edward a long box, and a package, which turned out to be a baseball bat (AN hope I got that right!) and a cap and baseball.

Edward grinned and lobed the ball at Jasper, "we'll have to have a game soon huh bro."

Carlisle gave Edward a keyboard, (AN well it's one step closer to a piano!) which he promised to set up in Edward's room.

Esme gave Edward soccer ball, which she said had to stay out side while glaring at the three boys. The last soccer ball Edward had, knocked over a vase, smashed a glass cabinet before somehow flying through two windows, one which was on the second floor.

None of us knew who was responsible for that, but I frankly had put my money on Emmett. I doubted that Edward had anything to do with it, though I guess you never know.

Finally Esme turned to me. "Alice do you want to get your present for Edward?"

"Sure! Just hang on it's in the garage."

"Oh no" Emmett laughed, "She's probably brought him a whole new wardrobe!"

I heard a thump and an "ow! Rosie!" from Emmett.

"Oh stop it you big baby!"

I carefully picked up the present, and brought it into the living room.

"Be careful when you open this Edward" I warned him "it's breakable."

Edward ripped the paper right down the middle revealing a pet carrier. My family gave me looks that 'you're kidding me!'

Barking came from inside the carrier, Jasper whispering to me "please tell me that it's just a toy!"

Edward opened the cage door and a husky puppy bounded out.

"A puppy!" Edward scooped up the puppy and hugged it to him. Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper just stared at me. I grinned back at them.

Slowly they started to move again, Esme turned to watch Edward and his new puppy and slight smile on her face.

Carlisle took a deep breath, and sank back onto the couch "you had better help him take care of that puppy Alice!"

I grinned at him; the puppy was winning them over.

Emmett plopped himself down besides Edward staring at the puppy in fascination. What did I say about him sometimes seeming younger then Edward?

"Alice if that mangy mutt gets fur on me, I will burn all your clothes!" Rosalie hissed.

"Hey!" Edward protested "Scooby isn't mangy!"

"Scooby?" Emmett asked from besides him.

Edward nodded seriously, Emmett looked at him in amazement, "what no Rover, or Lassie, you chose Scooby for a name?"

Esme chuckled; Edward had an obsession with Scooby Doo. What else did Emmett expect?

"I like Scooby!"

"Well how about we take Scooby outside Edward?" I asked holding out my hand and helping Edward to his feet.

Edward clutched Scooby to his chest and followed me outside.

"Oh and Jasper!"

"Yes sweetie?"

"Will you and Emmett help build the dog house?"

"Sure Alice."

A vision came to me. Oh having a puppy around was going to be so much fun!

Someone's asked me how Edward lost his parents and I promise that you will learn that fact, when I do Edward's first night with the Cullens. It's going to be from all their POVs. Anyway, I need to think of something funny that could happen with Edward and Scooby that I can do from Jasper's point of view. Edward will be twelve.

Also I need help with Rosalie's POV, there is a poll up with my ideas, please vote I won't be able to do Rose's POV until I have some idea of what to do.

Esme's will be Edward's first word. And Leighta Greenleaf gave me the idea for Emmett's POV which I love.