LAST TIME: As we entered the house we heard Esme and Carlisle speak in hushed sombre tones.

"where do we go?" Esme murmured "Her family are searching for her with the police, it wouldn't be fair on her-" she stopped suddenly hearing us. Rosalie glanced at me, seeing the smile fall from my face as realisation took over.

"we're home!" she called out in an attempt to be cheerful. Esme came out and began to chat happily with her "children", I wasn't listening. There was a police search on, I found Carlisle's caring eyes and I knew, it was my family desperately trying to find me.

Her eyes met mine and held onto my gaze. I looked sadly back, knowing that I was the cause if her and her families grief.

"I need to talk to you" she said solemnly. I nodded and sat at the table, and was joined by Edward and Emmett; they sat either side of me, conscious of the fact that I would be Angela's target should she lose her temper. Angela shook her head,

"I would rather it just be Carlisle and Jasper, no offense" she whispered. The family nodded and left the room.

We informed Angela on everything we could and answered all her questions to the best of our ability. She asked about us- our lives as vampires, she asked about Bella- how long had she known, had she wanted to become a vampire?

Once she had ran out of questions we sat there in a tense silence, although the heavy atmosphere seemed to be lost on Angela, who sat staring intently at the roses on the table. Her eyes became focused again but kept her gaze on the flowers.

"What's going to happen with Ben?" she asked quietly, I could tell from her emotions she didn't want to hear the answer; resignation, defeat, and a small piece of hope.

"I think you already know the answer to that Angela" Carlisle spoke in a calm and soothing voice "You won't be able to go near him, and we're not able to change him"

"No, no, no. No. NO." She shook her head, the feeling of hope faltered. She lifted her head up angrily and looked at us both. "Why can't we continue our relationship? Edward was with Bella when she was still a human, why is it different rules for them?" she was yelling now

"They were in love and they were allowed to carry on, Edward didn't kill her, and I won't kill Ben!"

I sent a few calming waves towards the new born as Carlisle spoke

"You're a new born, Edward was over 100 years old, he could control his thirst and-"

Carlisle was cut off by an angry snort.

"I see. So because I'm a new vampire our love has to end?" She shouted standing up and walking over to the door, pausing underneath the door frame "This is so unfair, I can't believe this! We were going to stay together forever, and now we'll never be able to!" She slammed her fist into the wooden frame causing splinters and chunks of wood to rain down onto the floor.

"I think I need to get out of here" she said choking back a sob.

She ran off into the woods as Alice came running downstairs. My wife stopped in front of me and gave me a quick hug.

"You need to go after her"

I ran out of the house and into the dense woods, her figure had long disappeared but I followed Angela's tracks.

Back at the house my family sat in silence hjoping everything would turn out okay.


Trees, plants, shrubs, logs all blurred past me as I ran after the newest addition to our family. I followed her tracks into a patch of trees. It looked unfriendly, cold and intimidating for a human. Tall trees, knobbly and knarled blocked out sunlight whilst standing impressively and imposing. The leaves seemed to be mourning Angela's loss as they waltzed forlornly from the branches to the cold ground. Angela was high up in a tree sitting on a thick branch, I climed up quickly and silently joined her, waiting for her to talk. It was a long wait and dawn had woken and its tendrils of light oranges were stretching across the light blue sky.

"Ben made me happier than anyone else." She looked over at me and shifted her body so we were facing each other "he always knew how I felt, probably better than you because he knew when I needed comforting or cheering up but also when I wanted to be alone. He didn't just know what I was feeling but also how I needed to be, dealt with for want of a better word"

She spoke passionately, twirling a leaf in her fingers and smiling softly. Her love for Ben, and his reciprocated love was obvious to all, and so true. Guilt squeezed my insides for stealing this love from her and I looked away from her eyes, it didn't help. I could still feel her sadness, I tried to send some neutral feelings towards her but she shook her head and placed her hand on my knee.

"Please Jasper; I need to feel how I feel. And you shouldn't feel guilty about anything. If you try to 'apologise I will neither listen nor accept." She said calmly. I nodded, confused at Angela's control. She lets out a sombre chuckle.

"What's up with Bella? She's not normally so uptight and grumpy"

I paused, obviously I was going to tell the truth, but I didn't want it to sound like I was trying to set Angela against Bella.

"Her and the family had a" I hesitated again searching for the right words "difference of opinions about something very important to her and wasn't able to get her way"

Angela snorted in an un-ladylike manner "So Bella had an argument, why with? And why?"

"Mostly with me but when the family defended me she argued with them as well. Rosalie and Bella's relationship has regressed back to how it was before Bella was changed; only this time it;' worse because Bella isn't afraid of Rose and is fighting back." I saw Angela's confused expression and I quickly explained the reasons for Rose's dislike of Bella.

"Oh, so I can kinda understand why she's arguing with Rose, but why is she having a go at you?"

I stare at her disbelievingly

"I would've thought that would have been obvious…" I say trailing off wondering if she'll get the hint. She looks back at me.

"Because I turned you into a vampire!"

"Oh." Angela leans back so that she is lying on the thick branch. After a while she pulls herself back up to her sitting position. "That's a stupid idiotic reason to be angry at you. You've told me already that you didn't want or mean to change me; and I'm guessing that once you'd bit me it was hard to not drink my blood."

She shrugged her shoulders "If you'd killed me then yeah, I would understand why but really, it's just silly."

"You really are one of the most surprising new borns I've ever met Angela" I smile, relieved she isn't attempting to rip me apart. She looks at me enquiringly.

"Well, for started you laughed when you found out you'd been turned into a vampire, you've been surprisingly well at controlling you emotions and blood lust and now you say it's silly for your best friend to be mad at me because I turned you into what you are."

"It's not that strange really" she shrugged "I mean the vampire thing is irreversible so there's no point wallowing in self-pity, and to tell you the truth, ever since I read Dracula and other vampire stories a little part or me has always secretly wanted to be a vampire" she laughs. "And even if I was angry with you, I'd avoid confronting you about it because it just creates a horrible awkward tense atmosphere that's unpleasant for everyone."

We fell into a comfortable silence again and watched at the sun began its steady clamber up into the sky. Once the whole sky was blanketed in a dusty blue Angela suggested we make our way back and we ran back, side by side in our new understanding and friendship.

So, there we have it. An actual update from me! :) Thank you to anyone reading this, whether you are an old reader or a newcomer to this story it's greatly appreciated and I'd love it if you'd leave some feedback. I promise I will finish this! :) should be more action and interesting stuff appearing in the next couple of chapters :)