Quick note: Half of it is straight from the book. I copied it and all that jazz, but then I went "Seriously I want there to be more," so I added more. There is a line going through between what we all know and what I wrote. If you only want the stuff from the book stop there and review, if you want more, keep going.

The album Season of Poison by Shiny Toy Guns was playing so go put it on.
Along with Here comes the Night by Rob Thomas.

Just remember I don't own it or the poem and get reading. I don't want to hold it back anymore!

My sun was shinning again. My stars were twinkling again. My ocean was no longer frozen. I finally had meaning again.

I never noticed, but before Isabella Swan came into my life I didn't have a purpose. I had things that I enjoyed and I had my family but I had no need for existence. I tried my hardest not to be a monster but I never knew why.

Now I know. Now I know everything. I know why flowers opened in spring. I know why the sun rose each morning with bright colors and set each night with deep colors. I know why birds fly and fish swim. I know why songs followed the tunes they do. Everything does anything for love. And I do all things for Bella.

The world that Forks Washington lived in accepted the Cullens back with a little griping. The hospital was more than welcoming with Carlisle and the furniture stores were grateful to have Esme back and Emmett's clumsy body. The testosterone filled humans were glad to have Rosalie back. All the fashion stores from here to Portland were glad to have Alice back. Girls were glad to have Jasper's blonde beauty back. And Bella was elated to have me home.

Charlie was less enthused. He set strict rules for when I was to be with her, and we found every way around them. He entertained the thought of killing me for a month or so, but when he saw that Bella was eating and sleeping again he let it go. He still watched me like a hawk, but he was immensely relieved to have his Bella back and was grateful that I could do it even if he never said it out loud.

Music once again flowed from my fingers. Bella came over often just to sit next to me and listen to me play. The world just made so much more sense when I could put it into musical notes. I even started on a new verse for the Lullaby. It was a verse of courage and hope and love and eventually pride. Isabella was brave for coming after me and because of it we had hope and love and I was so proud of her.

I was there the day she pulled the books off her top shelf and placed them back where they belong next to her bed. She sighed a heavy, yet freeing sigh when she no longer had to look at them in contempt.

We visited our meadow together every chance that we could. She tried her best not to upset Charlie and I was happy to go along with her plans even if it kept us locked in the house. But that first day we went back was so…nice. To see Bella walk back into the field of flowers and soft grasses made my chest expand with love and freedom. This would always be the Bella that I loved, the one that no one saw but me. The one that could stand up for everything that she loved but could also sit back and let someone else protect her for once. The Bella that could recite all of Wuthering Heights and Pride & Prejudice but forgot important historical dates. The Bella that could fight with mythical creatures and humans all in the name of righteousness. I learned of the faces that she had put up while I was gone and each one tried to kill me a little more. But when we were laying in the grass together she got to be the one person that she always truly was. We would stare up at the changing sky for hours and sometimes she slept on my chest and other times she would play with my hands or my hair. Either way, any way, I was euphoric to be back in the place that had given me such peace with my one true love.

Bella's nightmares had mostly gone away. There were still a few nights that she cried out and they killed me, but I always called back. Countless hours went by in her waking and sleep when I would just hold her too my chest. I loved feeling her heartbeat flowing through my body as if we were physically joined. Every time she saw me, even if she was coming back from the other room, her face would shine with a heart-lifting smile. I would return with a 'dazzling' smile and would pull her into my arms.

I still ached like hell every time that I left her. I even pondered bringing her with me on my hunts, but Carlisle calmly reminded me that having my Bella around those wild animals wasn't safe for anyone. The beast within the man never thought of taking Bella's blood though. He was meant to protect her not kill her.

Bella and I never talked about why I left again. Life picked up as if I had never left. I was slowly coming to my senses about Bella becoming a vampire, it was a horrible disgusting idea, but I never told her that I also liked it. She only saw my adversity to it and my pleasure to her becoming my wife. But I made sure that I told her I loved her at least three times an hour in some form. I was never going to giver her the chance to begin thinking about doubting my bottomless adoration for her.

I hated the idea of taking Bella's life from her. I couldn't damn her to a Hell as deep as the dark shadow of night. It was so true that I wanted her with me eternally, but I could never steal her soul from her. It was a thought so terrible that I could hardly bear to think it around her. She was filled with so much pride that she had gone around me, but it only made me feel more disgusting and pathetic. If I really wanted to protect Bella then I wouldn't let her make me give in. But damn it I wanted it too deep within me. But I still hated it and myself like I hated all those murderers and rapists that I killed decades ago.

But in equal aversion I was elated that she had agreed to marrying me. I would soon be able to call the love of my entire universe by my last name. The world would know that she belonged with me and only me. We still hadn't quite worked up to telling anyone other than my family, but I knew that it was only a matter of time, and not much of it. I knew that she was still scared of the idea because of the marriage her parents held, but I knew that she held faith in us. Not even Death could separate our marriage. Not even God could separate our marriage.

My family was beyond overjoyed to have my Bella back. Alice had her best friend back. Emmett had his entertainment back. Jasper had the happiness back. Carlisle had his study subject back. Esme had her newest daughter and her son back. And Rosalie; Rosalie felt eternally indebted and awed by my Bella. She didn't like that Bella wanted to become one of us, but she was learning to love her like a sister. That was more than I could ever have asked for. I had seen my family grow and had been with them the entire time, and never had I seen them so happy.

Everything in the world seemed like it was falling perfectly back into place, except for one minor detail. Jacob Black.

"Billy said he didn't want to talk to me. That he was there, and wouldn't walk three steps to get to the phone! Usually Billy just says he's out or busy or sleeping or something. I mean, it's not like I didn't know he was lying to me, but at least it was a polite way to handle it. I guess Billy hates me now, too. It's not fair!" I was taking Bella home from work today, where she had tried calling Jacob Black to talk to him. Ever since she ran off to save me he hasn't said a word to her.

"It's not you, Bella. Nobody hates you," I replied calmly. I never let her see how much it killed me to know that she was thinking about him so much. I will forever have the fear that she will decide that my stone cold body isn't what she wants, and will run to him. It was my fault that she had to turn to him, and I knew that I was going to pay for it until we all died.

"Feels that way," she mumbled looking out her window.

"Jacob knows we're back, and I'm sure that he's ascertained that I'm with you. He won't come anywhere near me. The enmity is rooted too deeply." I felt horrible that Bella was sucked into a hatred that started almost a century ago. But leave it to my Bella who would want to be on both sides trying to make peace.

"That's stupid. He knows you're not…like other vampires." The whole world could know and the world wouldn't change a damn thing for her.

"There's still good reason to keep a safe distance." I just wanted to take the pain away from her. I also wanted to thank him, and then get rid of my competition. "Bella we are what we are. I can control myself, but I doubt he can. He's very young. It would most likely turn into a fight, and I don't know if I could stop it before I k—," I stopped quickly and restarted before she noticed my slip, "Before I hurt him. You would be unhappy. I don't want that to happen."

She turned to glare at me with her big doe eyes. I could hear her heart rate picking up and I flinched knowing the anger of my precious kitten. "Edward Cullen. Were you about to say 'killed him'? Were you?"

I looked away from her not wanting to hurt her feelings anymore. I pulled forward slowly trying to keep the situation calm. "I would try…very hard…not to do that."

"Well, nothing like that is ever going to happen, so there's no reason to worry about it. And you know Charlie's staring at the clock right now. You'd better get me home before I get in more trouble for being late." She was trying to diffuse the situation but I could hear her heart beating a little off because she was scared.

But we were close enough to her house that I knew that there was a somewhat probable reason for her to be intimidated. Charlie was screaming in his head at Bella and coming up with various punishments for when she would get home. I wasn't sure what had happened but I knew it wasn't good and that it involved Jacob Black.

"You're already in more trouble, Bella." My rage at Jacob Black was building again. This was a low I didn't know he was capable of. I could just begin to hear his mental voice and he was panicking about what he would say to us.

"What? What is it?" she distracted me by grabbing my arm. She was probably jumping to the worst possible scenario, but frankly this might not end out very good either.

"Charlie…" I started

"My dad?" I could hear the frantic panic in her voice and I looked down at her. She was scared beyond belief and was squeezing the life out of my arm, or something like it.

"I would never physically hurt my daughter, but this might be the exception! I thought she was smarter than this. I don't know who to hate more, Cullen for leaving her or Jacob for letting her ride a motorcycle" yelled Charlie in his mind as we pulled down the street.

"Charlie…is probably not going to kill you, but he's thinking about it."

"What did I do?" she asked shocked. I could see her wracking her brain through all of our actions the past few days and couldn't come up with anything.

I looked back up at the cherry colored motorcycle sitting next to Chief Swan's cruiser and she followed my line of sight. I watched her as all her muscles dropped in defeat. Seeing my sweet angel in this pain of betrayal only inspired more unadulterated rage in me.

"No! Why? Why would Jacob do this to me?" she breathed. I could see her tiny tear ducts produce extra saline tears to pour from her eyes. I didn't want to be the one to tell her why. I didn't want to hurt her even more, even if it wasn't directly my fault. Everything bad that happened to her since she moved here was somehow my fault, but this time it wasn't directly my fault. I still felt the guilt though.

She took a deep breath and said, "Is he still here?" in a hard unforgiving tone. I didn't like seeing Bella as cold as stone, but I knew that this had to play itself out. Jacob Black had something to say to me.

"Yes. He's waiting for us there," I nodded toward the break in the trees that made up the forest surround her house.

Suddenly she unlatched her seatbelt and jumped out of the car, sprinting towards the forest. Luckily I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to my chest before she made the situation even worse.

"Let me go! I'm going to murder him! Traitor!" she screamed at the trees and I knew he heard her. Who I didn't want to hear her was Charlie. I wanted to get this taken care of before she had to deal with her father. Preferably I would have rather given her to her father and then talked to Jacob, but things just didn't work out like that, not when my Bella is involved.

"Charlie will hear you. And once he gets you inside, he may brick over the doorway," I warned her with a very real threat from Charlie's mind. He was now creating clever ways to trap her inside until she graduated. One of them even involved a mote, but he didn't know where he could get crocodiles at a low cost. I guessed Emmett would get a kick out of that idea and I would have to tell him later.

She looked back at the house for a moment then back to the woods. "Just give me one round with Jacob, and then I'll deal with Charlie," she tried to break free of my grasp but I wasn't going to have that. Not with an angry volatile young werewolf nearby and an incoherent father fuming with anger and fear.

"Jacob Black wants to see me. That's why he's still here." I tried to clarify things for her hoping that she would calm down just a little. My own calmness was a complete joke being put on only for her sake. I knew that she still liked young Jacob Black and I didn't want to upset her by taking my jealousy out on his fur-ridden hide.

"Talk?" she asked and I could see the fear spark in her eyes again. Her body also stiffened as she looked squarely into my eyes.

"More or less." I avoided the answer not wanting to lie to her. I knew that if she weren't next to me that he would try to go a few rounds after he spat his venom at me. If only I could prove how deadly my venom is.

"How much more?" she asked with a breathy and shaky voice. It was then that his mental plan became peaceful again. He was trying to calm himself down and I appreciated it.

I cradled her face in my hands trying to calm her down again. "Don't worry, he's not here to fight me. He's acting as…spokesperson for the pack."

"Oh." Once again her mind began to work out possible scenarios for what was going to happen. None of us could be sure about what was coming but I had to hold onto the hope for the best or my rage would consume me.

"I swear if that girl doesn't walk through that door in five minutes I'm going out there guns ablaze to hunt her down," Charlie's hollow threats were getting annoying at this point. I did know that he had no problem getting in his car to hunt for us though.

"We should hurry. Charlie's getting impatient." I grabbed onto my peaceful anchor a little tighter and pulled her towards the forest. Jacob could now hear us walking in the woods and quieted his mind instantly, probably just to annoy the life out of me. I chuckled at my dark internal joke.

When we walked close enough to see the behemoth of a teen clearly I stopped and pushed Bella behind me to protect her. I was already regretting bringing her out here. I knew she would just rile him up further, and it wouldn't even be my angel's fault that he was more stressed with her there. I understood what it was like be without Isabella; I didn't even want to contemplate her being with another man.

Like she needs protecting from me you bloodsucking Hell-bound monstrous leech, he said mentally while sneering at me. It took great control to not show my hatred across my face.

But I won't scare or alienate Bella, not after I just got her back, I reminded myself.

"Bella." Jacob said looking at me, challenging me, and using her against me. He was almost saying that he was going to pull her from me. He was waiting to prove what a monster I really was to convince Bella to stay away from me and be with him.

"Why? How could you do this to me Jacob?" I could hear her broken heart in her whisper and it honestly made me more enraged. I hated when anyone hurt Bella in anyway. Knowing that Jacob Black had hurt Bella only fueled the inferno raging millimeters beneath my skin.

"It's for the best." I knew that he had just made his mistake. He made a choice for Bella, and I knew all to well how she handled those situations. She hated it when I did that for her, even if I did know what was best.

"What is that supposed to mean? Do you want Charlie to strangle me? Or did you want him to have a heart attack like Harry? No matter how mad you are at me, how could you do this to him?" I saw Jacob wince at her hard accusations. Her hand was gripping me with what I knew was her death grip, but it felt like nothing to me.

I would never try to hurt Charlie. Especially after what happened to Mr. Clearwater. I don't think Dad could handle that. God my stupid ideas just keep pilling up all I wanted was to get her grounded to keep her away from the satanic parasite. His mind continued on in his self-pity and contempt.

I desperately wanted to roll my eyes when he called me satanic. Yes the boy, whose father for the past ninety years who was the son of a pastor was in fact a Satan worshiper. But instead of countering I did the next best thing and told Bella what he was thinking.

"He didn't want to hurt anyone—he just wanted to you grounded, so that you wouldn't be allowed to spend time with me," I said to her softly explaining what was going on in Jacob Blacks head. His eyes tried to pierce through mine with their hated. But two could play at that game.

"Aw, Jake! I'm already grounded! Why do you think I haven't been down to La Push to kick your butt for avoiding my phone calls?" Was that really all she wants to hate him for? Maybe she loves him more that I thought she did.

"That's why?" Jacob Black asked her breaking the eye contact with me. He quickly locked his body down again. I always thought it was the leech that was holding her captive not Charlie.

"He thought I wouldn't let you, not Charlie." I liked to say his thoughts; it kept me ahead in our little game of masculinity and wits. Normally I hate invading into a person's mind, but I wanted this over and done with so bad and I hated him so much that I didn't care. I was letting Bella have her peace with him now before he and I wrapped up business.

"Stop that," he snapped at me. I could feel his anger rolling off him and when he had one great violent spasm, I carefully stepped further in from of Bella. This was getting bad and fast. He tightened all his muscles even more when I thought it wasn't possible to try and regain his composure. "Bella wasn't exaggerating about your…abilities. So you must already know why I'm here."

"Yes. But before you begin, I need to say something." I answered calmly. I wanted to diffuse the situation, but I had some peace to speak too.

What do you want cretin? He asked.

"Thank you. I will never be able to tell you how grateful I am. I will owe you for the rest of my…existence." He looked at me waiting for me to explain further. I was trying to keep calm and I knew talking about Bella was the key to that. I had to keep her in the front of my thoughts. As if I didn't already. "For keeping Bella alive. When I…didn't." I could hear the passion and emotion in my voice and I hoped that it would help my offence.

"Edward--," she choked out looking up at me with love in her eyes. I held my hand out to stop her for the moment. I need to talk to Jacob. She already knew everything that went through my head.

"I didn't do it for your benefit," he snapped; though you're taking it anyway he finished in his mind.

"I know. But that doesn't erase the gratitude I feel. I thought you should know. If there's ever anything in my power to do for you…"

Leave her then. Fall into a hole that leads straight to Hell and rot there for eternity so she can be with me. He raised a black eyebrow as if that made his offer any more appealing to me.

His demand did not surprise me. "That's not in my power." And it makes me want to break every bone in you body just so you understand that you can't pry us apart.

"Whose, then?" Jacob growled at us. I could feel how badly he wanted me gone but it was nothing compared to how much I loved Bella.

"Hers. I'm a quick learner, Jacob Black, and I don't make the same mistake twice. I'm here until she orders me away." I looked down into the deep pools of brown slowly losing myself in them. All of time could have passed us by and we wouldn't have noticed.

"Never," she said looking directly into my eyes promising my soul that we would never part. Jacob was saying crude things in his mind promising to take her from me. Looking deep into her eyes, it honestly didn't matter what he said to me.

Bella looked away from me and glared at Jacob. "Was there something else you needed, Jacob? You wanted me in trouble—mission accomplished. Charlie might just send me to military school. But that won't keep me away from Edward. There's nothing that can do that. What more do you want?"

I want your heart, he answered. I growled so low that she couldn't hear it but I knew that Jacob Black could.

"I just needed to remind your bloodsucking friends of a few key points in the treaty they agreed to. The treaty that is the only thing stopping me from ripping his throat out right this minute." And I would do it leech, and I would take Bella back after I did.

I rolled my eyes at an instant speed at his over dramatic tendencies. But his words lit a fire in me that hadn't sparked since the Volturi threatened Isabella. But I didn't want to upset her by telling or even hinting at what he said.

"We haven't forgotten." I answered tersely but at the same time Bella asked, "What key points?" She is honestly trying to make it as difficult as possible to protect her. Why must she feed into him even more?"

His mind smirked at me as he answered her, "The treaty is quite specific. If any of them bite a human, the truce is over. Bite, not kill." She can never be with you forever so why don't you just give up now and hand her over.

I frantically wanted to jump away from Isabella and rip him to pieces and burn them even though he isn't a vampire. Isabella Marie Swan is not an item to be bartered.

End. Of. Discussion.

I could feel Bella's face turn hard and emotionless. "That's none of your business."

"The hell it—" Bella's words lit a fire in him and he was screaming in his mind at me, at the world. He curled down on himself and clenched his body together to hold it in. Watching him, I began to feel sorry for him. All this time I hated him for trying to take Bella from me but I never stopped to think how this must physically hurt him. But I knew that he hadn't imprinted on her no matter how hard he tried too. Some part of him had to understand that they just weren't meant to be, no matter how badly he wanted it. The Fates just didn't want it.

"Jacob? You okay?" Bella tried to step towards him and I pulled her back quickly and tucked her behind me.

"Careful! He's not under control." I knew what the war zone in his mind looked like right now and I knew how very, very close he was to losing it and attacking us. I couldn't let him hurt her and I couldn't put her in a dangerous position.

I did the only thing I could, I waited.

"Ugh. I would never hurt her," he said when he got back under control. I knew what he meant and he once again showed what she looked like when Sam Uley found her in the forest where I left her. I couldn't stop the hiss from leaving my body relieving some of the pressure that I was keeping in.

I saw his body clench up again preparing to fight me when Charlie's bellows interrupted us.


"Crap," she said in the silence that followed. Part of me wanted to chuckle at her reaction but I knew how very real Charlie's threats were. He was beyond ready to come out and look for all of us. If he found us in this position, some very uncomfortable half lies would have to come out.

"I am sorry about that. I had to do what I could—I had to try…" he murmured to us.

"Thanks." I could hear her intent at sarcasm that she tried to use so often on me, but I wasn't sure he could. I watched her as she looked up the path waiting for Charlie to barrel down ready to dismember me.

"Just one more thing," I said looking down at her trying to calm her a little bit. She didn't want to upset Charlie and more for threat of his health. "We've found no trace of Victoria on our side of the line—have you?"

"The last time was while Bella was…away. We let her think she was slipping through—we were tightening the circle, getting ready to ambush her—." I could feel Bella tense and falter next to me hearing this. I would have much rather he kept it between him and I. "But then she took off like a bat out of hell. Near as we can tell, she caught your little female's scent and bailed. She hasn't come near our lands since."

I nodded knowing what had to be done to stop her. "When she comes back, she's not your problem anymore. We'll—"

"She killed on our turf. She's ours!" he hissed interrupting me.

"No—" Bella began to plead of us.

"BELLA! I SEE HIS CAR AND I KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE! IF YOU AREN'T INSIDE THIS HOUSE IN ONE MINUTE…!" I knew what the rest of that threat entailed and I was quite glad that he didn't speak it so he didn't follow through. It would be even harder to find time to be with her once he banned her from ever riding with me. I knew how much she detested the police cruiser. Neither the time nor the place to contemplate this, Edward.

"Let's go," I said pulling her back. I didn't want this to get worse.

"Sorry. Bye Bells," he breathed out towards us. I wasn't sure if she could hear it but I could see the pain etched into his features and a part of me felt sorry again. A very, very, very, minuscule part of me that is.

"You promised. Still friends right?" I could hear the shear panic and desperation in her voice and I knew that this was a pain that was caused once again by the hatred that was born long before she was. I hated that the treaty was taking so much away from her again.

Jacob Black calmly shook his head at her. "You know how hard I've tried to keep that promise, but…I can't see how to keep trying. Not now…"

That was the difference between Jacob Black and I. I was always willing to try, and try, and try again until the day I die to make Bella happy and be there for her.

He wasn't.

He was going to let our feud get between them.

That was something that I would and could never suffer.

Even before I had the need to make it up to her, I couldn't separate from her.

"Miss you," Jacob mouthed to her.

"Me, too," she breathed back at him. "Jake…"

She's reaching out for me. All I have to do is grab her arm and run. I can take her away from him and all of this.

I grabbed her before she could take another step towards him. The jealousy and insecurity was consuming me. If I let her go, I might never get her back, and I couldn't survive that.

"It's okay," she said looking up to me with mixed emotions in her eyes.

"No, it's not." I knew that she wanted me to see her, but I just couldn't. I could only see the threat that was before me.

"Let her go! She wants to!" His composure broke and he started walking towards me. I quickly pushed Isabella behind me and stood to face him in a defensive position. There was no force on earth that was going to get through me while I was protecting her.

"No! Edward--!" she screamed at us. I couldn't back down while Jacob Black was still threatening our love, or life together.

"ISABELLA SWAN!" Charlie roared. I heard some birds flee their nests because of the anger in his voice.

"Come on! Charlie's mad! Hurry!" She pulled me back into her and I stepped back with her. I just wanted to leave. I turned around and started walking as fast as a human could toward Charlie. I would rather put up with his mind and his threat's than those of the young Jacob Black. I didn't need jasper's ability to feel his pain when she called out my name instead of his. I still felt sorry for his soul, I still pitied him. And I hoped for all hope that he finds peace someday.

Bella, Jacob Black whispered in his mind.

We cleared the trees and we could see Charlie's raving face standing on the front porch.

"I'm here." I could see her pull her shoulders back and walk head first into whatever was coming. My astounding Isabella was once again proving that she was brave beyond her years. But there is one thing that this whole nightmare has taught me, that she is even more fragile that I thought she was. There are even more things in this world that could break her and I would be damned if I let any of them touch her.

(Stop here if you just want New Moon interpretation. Beyond this is all me.)

I paced outside her house for hours as she talked with Charlie. I knew that he was upset and scared that she had almost killed herself in more ways than he thought. Once upon a time he made her promise to never get a motorcycle and she broke that. But I only blamed myself for it. She had to tell him about all of her stunts and hearing them all nearly crushed both of us. I knew that she never wanted me to hear any of it, that's why I didn't exactly tell her that I would be in hearing distance. I just told her that I would be nearby if she needed me.

It was now twilight, the safest time of the day. Charlie had exhausted himself from talking to her and she was up in her room crying. I knew it wasn't because Charlie had yelled. He was just concerned and was doing what any good father would have done. Bella was crying because of what had happened with Jacob Black. I knew that she loved him as a friend and brother, but it still ripped me to shreds when she cried over him. It was yet more proof that he held a place in her heart that I could never have. Because I left I gave up her heart and she gave that small piece that should have been mine to him. There was no one to blame for that other than me. I wanted to hate him for it, but I couldn't. He was just protecting her and doing what I would have done, even if I would have done a better job at it.

I heard Charlie make himself some dinner and he left some on the stove for Bella. After he ate he went to bed early. He had an early morning the next day and he was just too tired to stay up any longer. Bella's sobs were wracking her body from what I could hear and I nearly tore a tree out of the ground from anger. I turned suddenly when a new scent was behind me.

"I saw what happened with her and Charlie. And I know what you're going to do. Just remember that it will be cold out there. But it will be clear most of the night," Alice said to me as she handed me my wool jacket. I looked at her strangely and she turned to run off. I was so preoccupied by Bella's misery that I didn't hear her until she was right behind me. I'm more distraught than I thought.

There was something that I wanted to do for Bella. Just to give her a little peace from everything that she is dealing with. I wish more than anything that I could take some of the stress off of her but I know that I can't. It is just some cruel joke by fate that she should have to deal with this just after I break her.

I climbed up her house and into her window. I threw my coat down on the rocking chair as I walked towards her. She stood and walked to me and buried her face in my chest. I put my arms tight around her and let her cry it out. She knew the pain it put me in when she cried over Jacob Black but it caused me an even deeper pain when I tried to be away from her when she was hurting.

I carefully picked her up and walked over to the rocking chair. I sat down in it and folded her onto my lap and put my jacket over her. We didn't have to say anything to each other. I rocked her back and forth wiping the tears from her cheeks and brushing my fingers through her silken hair. I just waited for my Bella to come back to me. I knew she wouldn't be gone for long; she just had to slip out for a moment. I prayed that Jacob Black wouldn't give her any more nightmares. She was down to having one only once a week and I couldn't let that number climb back to where it was a month ago.

She slowly calmed down and her breathing had changed to hiccups rather than ragged empty breaths. I felt her lips press against the side of my neck as her arms wrapped around my body. I hugged her back with as much pressure as I dared and kissed her temple.

I would always love and hold Isabella. No matter the circumstance, I would always be there for her. I learned my lesson and I couldn't ever let her face the world alone. We both knew that there would be many hard trial ahead of us, but from twilight to dawn we could just be Edward and Bella, two lovers caught in the whirlwind.

I pulled my jacket over her and set her on the edge of her bed holding one finger up showing her to wait. I ran out of her room and went to the closet with the extra blankets and pulled two wool ones out. Then I ran down to the front door and grabbed her hiking boots. I walked back into her room three seconds later and shut the door softly. I kneeled down before her and pulled her boots on and tucked her pajama pants into them. I looked up at her and kissed her on the forehead. I wiped the remnants of the tears off of her cheeks and offered my hand to her. Her big doe eyes looked up at me as she took my hand. I pulled her up and into my arms and jumped out the window.

It only took a few minutes to get to the meadow. There truly is no feeling in the world like having Bella with me when I run. She gives my body a whole new strength that I never knew existed. The air that I don't need tastes so much sweeter and clings to us so much tighter when she was with me. I love you Isabella Swan.

I gently put her down and laid out one of the wool blankets. I pulled her down on me and tucked the other one around her. She laid her head on my chest and stared up at the stars.

I gave her a lesson on astronomy to keep her mind from other things. "There's the tail end of Ursa Minor with North Star. The Milky Way is the long band with trillions of stars. Hercules is standing valiantly next to it. Like he has for a thousand years." She let me go on and on about the stars above us until my voice drifted into the forest around us. Not once did she tell me that she was bored. I knew my Bella better than anyone and I knew that she just wanted to be. Here in the deep forest we didn't have to be anything. We didn't have to sneak around quietly or lie to protect each other. We could just sit quietly under the blanket of the whole universe and be.

"There was so much light in Phoenix that you would have to travel up into the mountains to get a view this clear," she said quietly. "Was it like this in Denali?"

I wonder if she thinks that I hid there while away from her? "I wouldn't know very well. The last time I was there all I could see was you. Not even the brightest planets or the moon could pierce through the vision of you," I said back just as softly.

We settled back into each other and I stroked her hair as she rubbed my chest. I felt like I was on fire, but in the calmest of ways. We saw the moon pass over us and she never fell asleep. I knew she was on the edge of it but just couldn't bring herself to it. Being here like this reminded me of a poem that I haven't seen in years.

"The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance…
Our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out of time.
When the first stone looked up at the blazing sun
And the first tree struggled up from the forest floor
I had always loved you more.
You freed your braids…
Gave your hair to the breeze.
It hummed like a hive of honeybees.
I reached in the mass for the sweet honeycomb there…
Mmmm… God how I love your hair.
You saw me bludgeoned by circumstance.
Lost, injured, hurt by chance.
I screamed to the heavens… loudly screamed…
Trying to change our nightmares to dreams…
The sun has come.
The mist has gone.
We see in the distance our long way home.
I was always yours to have.
You were always mine.
We have loved each other in and out
In and out
In and out
Of time."

"Maya Angelou sure knows her stuff," Bella said in a sleepy tone. I kissed her on the top of the head.

"Yes she does, now sleep my angel, in and out of time." I don't know where the whirlwind will take us. I don't know what will happen to her because of me, but what I do know is that nothing can stop us from loving each other. And nothing can stop us from being together. We have lived through the worst nightmare so all that is left is our dreams.

"Love you, Edward," she whispered and kissed my chest.

"As I love you, Bella."

Soooo that's the end. No more. I had enough people ask for it. One reviewer Gabriel Wolfe told me that she didn't think the last chapter was up to par. That was why it took FOREVER to get this one out. I wanted to be sure that I was in the right mood and that everything fit. If it's crap let me know and I will, I don't know make a voodoo doll or something. lol

What's on deck J? Well as of the last time I checked the poll my lovely fans want me to write the end of Breaking Dawn. I am pretty freaking ecstatic about that because the scene with Jacob was going to be stupid hard, no lie. I will get onto that soon so if you haven't thrown me onto Author Alert, you might want to invest in that. Right now I have a happy story in the works. You have to understand how much of my very soul went into this. All the agony that I have been going through since January was put into this and frankly I need a break and something happy. That is why I put all our favourite characters in Disneyland and will watch how they play with each other. PLUS I am thinking about some Twilight/Jane Austen. So if there is anyone reading this who knows Pride and Prejudice like the back of their hand like I do and wants to help the effort, please do offer.

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." ~Denis Diderot

Thank you all again a thousand times for taking the time to read my first FIC. I really love you all, even the ones who didn't review and the ones who are reading this months later. You guys make the website work. So leave me some love so I can visit your stories and give some love.

Mad love to everyone who helped with this, you know who you are.
~Jingles for the Storm